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carltesta / estuary_mini_pieces.tidal
Last active December 1, 2023 01:48
Collection of MiniTidal mini-pieces written in Estuary
-- licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
-- Carl Testa
stack [
slow 4 $ note "0 -2 ~ ~" # s "flbass" # speed 0.8 # gain 0.8,
off 0.25 (+ speed "<0.5 1 2 4>") $ s "glitch*16?" # n (irand 9) # pan perlin # speed (range "<0.6 0.8>" "<1 1.2>" square),
slow 1 $ s "[drum*4, [~ hh]*4]",
slow 4 $ degradeBy 0.5 $ ply 4 $ scramble 6 $ note (scale "minor" ("7 6 5 2 1 0" + "<0 -2 -2 -2>")) # speed 0.8 # s "gtr"
carltesta / sensel14bit.lua
Created March 26, 2021 23:31
Sensel Morph Test Script
-- Sensel Morph Test Script
-- displays up to 4 touches
-- setup Sensel Morph for 14bit MIDI on CCs x=72, y=74, z=76
local xmsb = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
local xlsb = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
local xvalue = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
local ymsb = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
carltesta /
Last active February 24, 2025 20:48
MiniTidal Cheat Sheet for Estuary

//Use Estuary here:

//playing sounds (samples)

//play bass drum sample
sound "bd"

//same as above but shorter to write
s "bd"

//Run Aalto in SuperCollider
//with VSTPlugin
SynthDef(\aalto, { arg bus;,, 2, id: \aalto));
carltesta / hydra_commands.js
Last active November 14, 2020 18:12
Hydra Command Cheat Sheet
//List of Hydra Commands
//osc(frequency, sync, offset)
//noise(density, sync)
carltesta /
Last active February 5, 2024 21:13
Creating a JackTrip Hub Virtual Server with Ubuntu Desktop environment

Creating a JackTrip HUB Virtual Server with Ubuntu Desktop environment and RDP access

This short guide explains how to create a JackTrip Virtual Machine using DigitalOcean, an easy to use cloud server platform. The goal here is to create a server with a desktop interface that you can login to and start JACK and QJackTrip for rehearsals, performances, etc. You can also install audio processing software like SuperCollider but I will save that for another tutorial. The benefit of creating this on a virtual machine is that using DigitalOcean's snapshot feature you can save this configuration and spin it up as needed and save money. You don't need this running 24/7 if you're only using it for rehearsals and performances. This configuration costs about $0.35/month to store on DigitalOcean as a snapshot. The minimal configuration described at the very bottom (without the desktop interface) is about $0.11/month to store on DigitalOcean using their snapshot feature.

Create your

carltesta / sonic_pi_commands.rb
Last active August 27, 2024 06:18
Sonic Pi Cheat Sheet (Command List)
#Sonic Pi Command List
#Copy and Paste from this command list into your sonic pi file
#Use the command play to play a note using the default synth
#play note (symbol_or_number)
play 60 #midinote 60 or middle c
play :c4 #create a symbol by typing colon then the note name and an octave designation
play :e5, release: 2, amp: 0.5 #you can add parameters as well
carltesta / M1_MNTR_CTRL_headtracker.scd
Created September 28, 2020 04:19
Using the Mach 1 MNTR CTRL app with SuperCollider
//Carl Testa
//requries SuperCollider Ambisonic ToolKit:
//requires Mach1 M1 MNTR CTRL App:
//Using M1 MNTR CTRL App on iPhone, place the iphone on top of your headphones if you can (or use AirPods Pro)
~ht = Bus.control(s, 1);
carltesta /
Last active November 16, 2018 20:31
Sway for monome norns
Engine_Sway : CroneEngine {
*new { arg context, doneCallback;
^, doneCallback);
alloc {
NornsSway(\sway).input.set(\chan, context.in_b[0].index);
NornsSway(\sway).analysis_input.set(\chan, context.in_b[0].index);
carltesta /
Last active September 19, 2018 18:29
Gist Markdown Cheatsheet

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