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Created August 22, 2024 22:48
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list packages that were in CentOS 9 that are not in CentOS 10
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
def get_pkgs(compose_url):
rpms_url = compose_url + 'compose/metadata/rpms.json'
with urlopen(rpms_url) as response:
data = json.loads(
return {
# convert name-epoch:version-release.arch key to just the name
nevra.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1)[0].rsplit('-', maxsplit=2)[0]
# only packages from these repos are forbidden in epel
for repo in ['BaseOS', 'AppStream', 'CRB']
for arch in data['payload']['rpms'][repo].keys()
for nevra in data['payload']['rpms'][repo][arch].keys()
pkgs_c9 = get_pkgs('')
pkgs_c10 = get_pkgs('')
# packages that were in CentOS 9 but not are not in CentOS 10
results = sorted(pkgs_c9 - pkgs_c10)
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