Thanks to @Helco's pbw_api_info we can make a list of supported/unsupported APIs in RebbleOS.
Download the SQLite database (thanks to @jwise for making the original database). Unfortunately, the list of supported APIs is incomplete, but will be improved over time.
To figure out which top Pebble APIs are already implemented, you can run:
FROM apirefs
JOIN apis ON
LEFT OUTER JOIN rebbleapis ON =
GROUP BY apirefs.api
You can see a more updated version (and contribute to this list) here
You should get a table that looks like this:
Anything blank (NULL) hasn't been implemented (or isn't in the table 😯)
name | name | COUNT(*) |
window_stack_push | window_stack_push | 25675 |
window_create | window_create | 25674 |
app_event_loop | app_event_loop | 25544 |
window_get_root_layer | window_get_root_layer | 25511 |
layer_add_child | layer_add_child | 25418 |
window_destroy | window_destroy | 25072 |
tick_timer_service_subscribe | tick_timer_service_subscribe | 22655 |
gbitmap_create_with_resource | 18708 | |
gbitmap_destroy | gbitmap_destroy | 18231 |
memset | memset | 18120 |
layer_mark_dirty | layer_mark_dirty | 17549 |
tick_timer_service_unsubscribe | 16423 | |
bitmap_layer_create | bitmap_layer_create | 15338 |
strftime | 15289 | |
bitmap_layer_set_bitmap | bitmap_layer_set_bitmap | 15195 |
bitmap_layer_get_layer | bitmap_layer_get_layer | 15110 |
window_set_window_handlers | window_set_window_handlers | 15059 |
clock_is_24h_style | 14948 | |
bitmap_layer_destroy | bitmap_layer_destroy | 14760 |
time | 12970 | |
layer_set_update_proc | layer_set_update_proc | 12490 |
localtime | 12391 | |
layer_get_bounds | layer_get_bounds | 12232 |
resource_get_handle | 12057 | |
layer_destroy | 11708 | |
fonts_load_custom_font | 11695 | |
fonts_get_system_font | fonts_get_system_font | 11435 |
layer_create | layer_create | 11134 |
window_set_background_color | 10702 | |
app_message_open | 10473 | |
layer_get_frame | layer_get_frame | 10314 |
fonts_unload_custom_font | 9799 | |
time__deprecated | 9587 | |
app_message_register_inbox_received | 9434 | |
localtime__deprecated | 9360 | |
text_layer_create | text_layer_create | 9357 |
battery_state_service_peek | 9321 | |
text_layer_set_text | text_layer_set_text | 9315 |
app_timer_register | app_timer_register | 9278 |
text_layer_set_font | text_layer_set_font | 9114 |
text_layer_destroy | text_layer_destroy | 8961 |
text_layer_set_text_alignment | text_layer_set_text_alignment | 8928 |
text_layer_get_layer | text_layer_get_layer | 8919 |
text_layer_set_background_color | text_layer_set_background_color | 8773 |
bitmap_layer_set_compositing_mode | 8675 | |
text_layer_set_text_color | text_layer_set_text_color | 8543 |
window_set_background_color_2bit | 8539 | |
snprintf | snprintf | 8535 |
battery_state_service_subscribe | 8325 | |
layer_set_hidden | layer_set_hidden | 8208 |
graphics_context_set_fill_color | graphics_context_set_fill_color | 7959 |
graphics_fill_rect | 7931 | |
bitmap_layer_set_alignment | 7416 | |
app_log | 7393 | |
vibes_short_pulse | 7088 | |
dict_find | 6883 | |
text_layer_legacy2_create | 6829 | |
text_layer_legacy2_set_text | 6815 | |
app_message_outbox_send | 6758 | |
text_layer_legacy2_set_font | 6718 | |
app_message_outbox_begin | 6715 | |
bluetooth_connection_service_subscribe | 6668 | |
text_layer_legacy2_destroy | 6608 | |
text_layer_legacy2_get_layer | 6561 | |
bluetooth_connection_service_peek | 6525 | |
text_layer_legacy2_set_text_alignment | 6478 | |
battery_state_service_unsubscribe | 6373 | |
text_layer_legacy2_set_background_color_2bit | 6349 | |
app_message_register_outbox_failed | 6325 | |
text_layer_legacy2_set_text_color_2bit | 6235 | |
app_message_register_inbox_dropped | 6234 | |
vibes_long_pulse | 6082 | |
graphics_context_set_stroke_color | graphics_context_set_stroke_color | 6072 |
app_message_register_outbox_sent | 5865 | |
graphics_fill_circle | 5675 | |
bluetooth_connection_service_unsubscribe | 5559 | |
persist_exists | persist_exists | 5429 |
graphics_draw_line | 5360 | |
window_single_click_subscribe | window_single_click_subscribe | 5227 |
persist_write_int | 5118 | |
persist_read_int | 5052 | |
inverter_layer_create | 4945 | |
inverter_layer_destroy | 4905 | |
inverter_layer_get_layer | 4859 | |
light_enable_interaction | 4858 | |
strcpy | strcpy | 4825 |
vibes_double_pulse | 4771 | |
malloc | 4681 | |
graphics_draw_text | 4676 | |
free | 4630 | |
layer_set_frame | layer_set_frame | 4443 |
app_timer_cancel | app_timer_cancel | 4364 |
strlen | 4314 | |
strcat | strcat | 4268 |
accel_tap_service_subscribe | 4249 | |
sin_lookup | sin_lookup | 4141 |
cos_lookup | cos_lookup | 4109 |
gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap | gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap | 3964 |
graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect | 3897 | |
app_message_deregister_callbacks | 3865 | |
gpath_create | 3844 | |
memmove | 3782 | |
graphics_context_set_text_color | graphics_context_set_text_color | 3662 |
accel_tap_service_unsubscribe | 3584 | |
strncpy | 3547 | |
gpath_destroy | 3525 | |
grect_center_point | 3521 | |
gpath_move_to | 3414 | |
window_set_click_config_provider | 3363 | |
gpath_draw_outline | 3225 | |
graphics_context_set_compositing_mode | 3207 | |
app_message_inbox_size_maximum | 3189 | |
window_stack_remove | 3164 | |
graphics_context_set_fill_color_2bit | 3132 | |
graphics_context_set_stroke_width | graphics_context_set_stroke_width | 3071 |
dict_read_first | 3045 | |
gpath_rotate_to | 3013 | |
layer_remove_from_parent | 2998 | |
graphics_draw_circle | 2992 | |
memcpy | 2955 | |
gbitmap_get_bounds | gbitmap_get_bounds | 2941 |
menu_layer_set_click_config_onto_window | 2892 | |
menu_layer_destroy | 2883 | |
app_message_outbox_size_maximum | 2877 | |
menu_layer_get_layer | 2857 | |
animation_schedule | animation_schedule | 2838 |
dict_read_next | 2832 | |
strcmp | strcmp | 2825 |
window_long_click_subscribe | window_long_click_subscribe | 2790 |
persist_read_data | 2765 | |
persist_write_data | 2736 | |
menu_cell_basic_draw | 2735 | |
graphics_context_set_stroke_color_2bit | 2727 | |
animation_set_duration | animation_set_duration | 2717 |
window_stack_pop | 2689 | |
window_stack_pop_all | 2632 | |
layer_get_data | 2486 | |
layer_create_with_data | 2482 | |
dict_write_end | 2451 | |
animation_set_handlers | 2375 | |
menu_layer_reload_data | 2348 | |
animation_set_curve | 2302 | |
menu_layer_create | 2276 | |
menu_layer_set_callbacks | 2276 | |
persist_read_bool | 2224 | |
persist_write_bool | 2196 | |
dict_write_uint8 | 2170 | |
rand | rand | 2153 |
accel_data_service_subscribe | 2145 | |
accel_data_service_unsubscribe | 2122 | |
status_bar_layer_create | 2108 | |
scroll_layer_add_child | 2101 | |
scroll_layer_create | 2101 | |
scroll_layer_set_content_size | 2099 | |
status_bar_layer_get_layer | 2085 | |
scroll_layer_get_layer | 2075 | |
gbitmap_get_format | 2068 | |
gpath_draw_filled | 2067 | |
menu_layer_set_selected_index | 2066 | |
scroll_layer_destroy | 2063 | |
graphics_context_set_antialiased | 2037 | |
vibes_enqueue_custom_pattern | 2033 | |
graphics_draw_round_rect | 2024 | |
scroll_layer_set_click_config_onto_window | 2023 | |
status_bar_layer_destroy | 1986 | |
accel_service_set_sampling_rate | 1980 | |
light_enable | 1909 | |
dict_write_tuplet | 1890 | |
window_stack_get_top_window | 1878 | |
menu_layer_get_selected_index | 1869 | |
accel_service_peek | 1868 | |
launch_reason | 1827 | |
connection_service_subscribe | 1818 | |
action_bar_layer_add_to_window | 1816 | |
action_bar_layer_create | 1814 | |
atoi | 1803 | |
window_get_user_data | 1780 | |
window_set_user_data | 1778 | |
srand | srand | 1775 |
action_bar_layer_set_click_config_provider | 1775 | |
app_message_set_context | 1767 | |
action_bar_layer_destroy | 1758 | |
click_recognizer_get_button_id | 1755 | |
scroll_layer_set_content_offset | 1749 | |
window_set_click_config_provider_with_context | 1738 | |
gbitmap_get_palette | 1737 | |
connection_service_peek_pebble_app_connection | 1730 | |
persist_read_string | 1725 | |
persist_write_string | 1724 | |
wakeup_schedule | 1702 | |
dict_write_data | 1681 | |
window_set_click_context | window_set_click_context | 1655 |
action_bar_layer_set_icon | 1653 | |
layer_get_window | 1639 | |
grect_inset | 1631 | |
animation_unschedule | 1626 | |
wakeup_cancel_all | 1623 | |
menu_layer_set_highlight_colors | 1623 | |
window_get_click_config_provider | 1613 | |
graphics_text_layout_get_content_size | 1595 | |
scroll_layer_set_context | 1592 | |
wakeup_service_subscribe | 1589 | |
scroll_layer_get_content_offset | 1579 | |
wakeup_get_launch_event | 1572 | |
wakeup_cancel | 1516 | |
gpath_draw_filled_legacy | 1515 | |
clock_is_timezone_set | 1509 | |
scroll_layer_set_shadow_hidden | 1493 | |
menu_layer_set_normal_colors | 1474 | |
graphics_fill_radial | 1466 | |
action_bar_layer_set_background_color | 1444 | |
time_ms | 1441 | |
animation_destroy | animation_destroy | 1404 |
status_bar_layer_set_colors | 1404 | |
graphics_release_frame_buffer | 1316 | |
property_animation_create | 1308 | |
layer_set_bounds | 1280 | |
graphics_draw_rect | 1278 | |
menu_cell_layer_is_highlighted | 1274 | |
health_service_sum_today | 1274 | |
launch_get_args | 1255 | |
action_bar_layer_remove_from_window | 1248 | |
graphics_capture_frame_buffer | 1247 | |
property_animation_from | 1229 | |
property_animation_to | 1229 | |
action_bar_layer_clear_icon | 1225 | |
gbitmap_set_palette | 1213 | |
action_bar_layer_set_context | 1205 | |
gbitmap_get_data | gbitmap_get_data | 1175 |
property_animation_update_grect | 1173 | |
grect_standardize | 1165 | |
gpoint_from_polar | 1157 | |
menu_cell_basic_header_draw | 1154 | |
window_set_fullscreen | 1149 | |
gbitmap_create_from_png_data | 1147 | |
layer_get_unobstructed_bounds | layer_get_unobstructed_bounds | 1145 |
property_animation_destroy | 1130 | |
gbitmap_get_bytes_per_row | gbitmap_get_bytes_per_row | 1107 |
dict_write_cstring | 1096 | |
time_start_of_today | 1060 | |
property_animation_create_layer_frame | 1014 | |
app_sync_init | 943 | |
setlocale | 941 | |
animation_set_delay | 933 | |
scroll_layer_set_frame | 932 | |
graphics_draw_arc | 927 | |
bitmap_layer_set_background_color | 926 | |
health_service_metric_accessible | 921 | |
health_service_events_subscribe | 865 | |
connection_service_unsubscribe | 863 | |
animation_legacy2_schedule | 855 | |
dictation_session_create | 833 | |
dictation_session_start | 832 | |
app_timer_reschedule | app_timer_reschedule | 827 |
app_sync_deinit | 816 | |
graphics_context_set_text_color_2bit | 809 | |
animation_legacy2_set_duration | 799 | |
status_bar_layer_set_separator_mode | 793 | |
dict_write_int | 779 | |
graphics_text_attributes_create | 776 | |
scroll_layer_set_paging | 740 | |
animation_legacy2_set_handlers | 731 | |
text_layer_enable_screen_text_flow_and_paging | 729 | |
action_bar_layer_get_layer | 728 | |
graphics_text_attributes_destroy | 722 | |
graphics_text_layout_get_content_size_with_attributes | 714 | |
text_layer_set_overflow_mode | text_layer_set_overflow_mode | 696 |
calloc | 690 | |
animation_legacy2_set_curve | 689 | |
window_single_repeating_click_subscribe | window_single_repeating_click_subscribe | 687 |
layer_set_clips | 682 | |
dict_calc_buffer_size | 676 | |
dictation_session_enable_confirmation | 670 | |
graphics_draw_pixel | 667 | |
menu_layer_legacy2_create | 658 | |
scroll_layer_get_content_size | 644 | |
gbitmap_create_blank | 644 | |
window_stack_contains_window | 632 | |
gsize_equal | 619 | |
dictation_session_stop | 612 | |
menu_layer_legacy2_set_callbacks | 608 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_create | 600 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_add_to_window | 599 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_set_icon | 595 | |
persist_delete | 590 | |
animation_set_implementation | animation_set_implementation | 586 |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_set_click_config_provider | 584 | |
unobstructed_area_service_subscribe | 580 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_destroy | 566 | |
text_layer_get_content_size | text_layer_get_content_size | 556 |
animation_create | animation_create | 553 |
health_service_events_unsubscribe | 547 | |
animation_legacy2_unschedule | 523 | |
gcolor_equal | 504 | |
property_animation_get_animation | 480 | |
quiet_time_is_active | 480 | |
gmtime | 473 | |
strncmp | 469 | |
mktime | 455 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_set_background_color_2bit | 442 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_remove_from_window | 426 | |
property_animation_legacy2_create_layer_frame | 412 | |
gbitmap_get_data_row_info | 410 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_clear_icon | 407 | |
property_animation_legacy2_create | 397 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_set_context | 396 | |
grect_equal | grect_equal | 395 |
app_comm_set_sniff_interval | 391 | |
property_animation_legacy2_update_grect | 390 | |
dict_write_int8 | 386 | |
atan2_lookup | 383 | |
i18n_get_system_locale | 376 | |
app_focus_service_subscribe_handlers | 376 | |
dict_write_begin | 370 | |
app_focus_service_unsubscribe | 367 | |
resource_load | 366 | |
resource_size | 357 | |
simple_menu_layer_create | 348 | |
dict_write_int32 | 346 | |
health_service_sum_averaged | 346 | |
unobstructed_area_service_unsubscribe | 344 | |
clock_copy_time_string | 341 | |
strncat | 335 | |
property_animation_legacy2_destroy | 330 | |
simple_menu_layer_destroy | 329 | |
simple_menu_layer_get_layer | 324 | |
health_service_peek_current_value | 324 | |
dict_size | 311 | |
gbitmap_create_blank_2bit | 293 | |
vibes_cancel | 290 | |
layer_get_hidden | 286 | |
animation_legacy2_destroy | 283 | |
heap_bytes_free | 281 | |
animation_is_scheduled | 275 | |
text_layer_set_size | text_layer_set_size | 272 |
dict_read_begin_from_buffer | 268 | |
menu_layer_is_index_selected | 268 | |
window_multi_click_subscribe | window_multi_click_subscribe | 263 |
dict_calc_buffer_size_from_tuplets | 259 | |
animation_unschedule_all | 259 | |
dict_merge | 257 | |
bitmap_layer_set_background_color_2bit | 244 | |
dict_write_uint32 | 243 | |
scroll_layer_set_callbacks | 234 | |
time_ms_deprecated | 231 | |
text_layer_legacy2_set_overflow_mode | 229 | |
graphics_text_attributes_enable_screen_text_flow | 229 | |
gbitmap_set_data | 224 | |
psleep | 223 | |
app_focus_service_subscribe | 219 | |
menu_layer_get_scroll_layer | 214 | |
window_raw_click_subscribe | window_raw_click_subscribe | 209 |
health_service_sum | 208 | |
app_glance_add_slice | 206 | |
app_glance_reload | 206 | |
health_service_metric_averaged_accessible | 203 | |
layer_convert_point_to_screen | 201 | |
health_service_get_measurement_system_for_display | 201 | |
gcolor_legible_over | 197 | |
animation_legacy2_set_delay | 196 | |
compass_service_subscribe | 196 | |
graphics_text_attributes_enable_paging | 181 | |
dictation_session_destroy | 177 | |
layer_convert_rect_to_screen | 176 | |
compass_service_unsubscribe | 172 | |
resource_load_byte_range | 169 | |
realloc | 163 | |
watch_info_get_model | 157 | |
text_layer_legacy2_get_content_size | 156 | |
rot_bitmap_layer_create | 154 | |
layer_remove_child_layers | 153 | |
action_bar_layer_set_icon_animated | 152 | |
health_service_peek_current_activities | 152 | |
text_layer_get_text | text_layer_get_text | 149 |
rot_bitmap_layer_set_angle | 148 | |
app_sync_set | 147 | |
compass_service_set_heading_filter | 143 | |
layer_insert_below_sibling | 141 | |
window_is_loaded | 135 | |
grect_centered_from_polar | 134 | |
rocky_event_loop_with_resource | 133 | |
click_number_of_clicks_counted | 129 | |
rot_bitmap_layer_destroy | 126 | |
rot_bitmap_set_compositing_mode | 123 | |
gpath_draw_outline_open | 122 | |
action_menu_level_add_action | 119 | |
action_menu_level_create | 119 | |
action_menu_open | 119 | |
animation_legacy2_is_scheduled | 118 | |
app_worker_launch | 118 | |
gbitmap_sequence_create_with_resource | 117 | |
gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_next_frame | 117 | |
menu_layer_set_center_focused | 116 | |
animation_spawn_create | 115 | |
dict_write_uint16 | 113 | |
persist_get_size | 112 | |
gbitmap_sequence_destroy | 112 | |
gbitmap_sequence_get_bitmap_size | 112 | |
gdraw_command_image_create_with_resource | 111 | |
gdraw_command_image_destroy | 109 | |
gdraw_command_image_draw | 107 | |
wakeup_query | 106 | |
animation_sequence_create | 105 | |
grect_crop | 101 | |
gcolor_equal__deprecated | 101 | |
animation_get_context | 100 | |
text_layer_legacy2_set_size | 99 | |
difftime | 96 | |
heap_bytes_used | 95 | |
app_worker_is_running | 91 | |
menu_layer_set_selected_next | 84 | |
menu_layer_pad_bottom_enable | 84 | |
action_menu_item_get_action_data | 83 | |
grect_align | 82 | |
app_worker_message_subscribe | 81 | |
simple_menu_layer_get_menu_layer | 78 | |
action_menu_hierarchy_destroy | 78 | |
gbitmap_sequence_restart | 73 | |
layer_insert_above_sibling | 72 | |
gdraw_command_frame_draw | 70 | |
click_recognizer_is_repeating | 67 | |
animation_set_play_count | 67 | |
gdraw_command_sequence_get_frame_by_index | 66 | |
gdraw_command_sequence_get_num_frames | 66 | |
simple_menu_layer_set_selected_index | 65 | |
gdraw_command_sequence_destroy | 65 | |
animation_legacy2_unschedule_all | 64 | |
menu_cell_title_draw | 64 | |
scroll_layer_scroll_down_click_handler | 64 | |
scroll_layer_scroll_up_click_handler | 64 | |
rot_bitmap_set_src_ic | 63 | |
watch_info_get_color | 63 | |
animation_legacy2_create | 62 | |
health_service_get_minute_history | 62 | |
animation_legacy2_set_implementation | 61 | |
action_bar_layer_set_icon_press_animation | 60 | |
graphics_draw_rotated_bitmap | 59 | |
content_indicator_configure_direction | 58 | |
action_menu_level_add_child | 57 | |
text_layer_legacy2_get_text | 56 | |
exit_reason_set | 56 | |
number_window_create | 55 | |
app_worker_message_unsubscribe | 55 | |
property_animation_create_bounds_origin | 55 | |
number_window_set_min | 54 | |
bitmap_layer_get_bitmap | 54 | |
clock_to_timestamp | 54 | |
health_service_set_heart_rate_sample_period | 54 | |
accel_service_set_samples_per_update | 53 | |
gpoint_equal | 53 | |
menu_layer_legacy2_set_callbacks__deprecated | 53 | |
app_worker_kill | 53 | |
scroll_layer_get_content_indicator | 52 | |
number_window_get_value | 51 | |
gdraw_command_image_get_bounds_size | 51 | |
number_window_set_max | 50 | |
app_message_get_context | 50 | |
number_window_destroy | 49 | |
app_worker_send_message | 49 | |
gdraw_command_sequence_create_with_resource | 49 | |
atol | 48 | |
gbitmap_create_with_data | gbitmap_create_with_data | 47 |
number_window_set_value | 46 | |
graphics_capture_frame_buffer_2bit | 43 | |
connection_service_peek_pebblekit_connection | 42 | |
dictation_session_enable_error_dialogs | 40 | |
dict_write_int16 | 39 | |
animation_spawn_create_from_array | 39 | |
gdraw_command_image_get_command_list | 39 | |
gdraw_command_list_iterate | 39 | |
data_logging_create | 37 | |
data_logging_finish | 37 | |
number_window_set_step_size | 34 | |
grect_contains_point | 32 | |
number_window_get_window | 32 | |
health_service_metric_aggregate_averaged_accessible | 32 | |
gdraw_command_sequence_get_bounds_size | 31 | |
gbitmap_sequence_set_play_count | 30 | |
gdraw_command_set_fill_color | 30 | |
animation_set_custom_curve | 29 | |
gdraw_command_set_stroke_color | 29 | |
animation_clone | 28 | |
animation_set_reverse | 28 | |
compass_service_peek | 27 | |
graphics_capture_frame_buffer_format | 27 | |
property_animation_subject | 27 | |
property_animation_update_int16 | 27 | |
gbitmap_set_bounds | 26 | |
property_animation_update_uint32 | 25 | |
watch_info_get_firmware_version | 24 | |
gbitmap_create_blank_with_palette | 24 | |
preferred_content_size | 24 | |
app_sync_get | 23 | |
clock_get_timezone | 23 | |
window_set_status_bar_icon | 22 | |
health_service_activities_iterate | 22 | |
data_logging_log | 20 | |
animation_get_implementation | 20 | |
smartstrap_attribute_destroy | 20 | |
action_bar_layer_legacy2_get_layer | 18 | |
gdraw_command_get_num_points | 18 | |
gdraw_command_get_point | 18 | |
gdraw_command_set_point | 18 | |
content_indicator_destroy | 17 | |
smartstrap_attribute_begin_write | 16 | |
smartstrap_attribute_create | 16 | |
smartstrap_attribute_end_write | 16 | |
smartstrap_attribute_read | 16 | |
smartstrap_service_is_available | 16 | |
smartstrap_subscribe | 16 | |
number_window_set_label | 15 | |
content_indicator_create | 15 | |
content_indicator_set_content_available | 15 | |
gdraw_command_list_draw | 14 | |
smartstrap_unsubscribe | 13 | |
health_service_any_activity_accessible | 13 | |
gdraw_command_get_type | 12 | |
gdraw_command_image_clone | 12 | |
gdraw_command_set_stroke_width | 12 | |
animation_sequence_create_from_array | 11 | |
action_menu_get_root_level | 11 | |
app_comm_get_sniff_interval | 8 | |
grect_clip | 8 | |
menu_index_compare | 8 | |
property_animation_legacy2_update_int16 | 8 | |
simple_menu_layer_get_selected_index | 8 | |
action_menu_close | 8 | |
preferred_result_display_duration | 8 | |
memory_cache_flush | 8 | |
animation_legacy2_get_context | 7 | |
grect_is_empty | 7 | |
accel_raw_data_service_subscribe | 7 | |
animation_get_reverse | 7 | |
graphics_frame_buffer_is_captured | 6 | |
gdraw_command_sequence_get_frame_by_elapsed | 6 | |
gdraw_command_sequence_get_total_duration | 6 | |
content_indicator_get_content_available | 6 | |
text_layer_restore_default_text_flow_and_paging | 6 | |
rot_bitmap_layer_increment_angle | 5 | |
property_animation_update_gpoint | 5 | |
gbitmap_sequence_get_total_num_frames | 5 | |
animation_get_elapsed | 5 | |
action_menu_level_set_display_mode | 5 | |
health_service_aggregate_averaged | 5 | |
rot_bitmap_layer_set_corner_clip_color | 4 | |
gbitmap_sequence_get_current_frame_idx | 4 | |
animation_get_duration | 4 | |
gdraw_command_frame_get_duration | 4 | |
gdraw_command_get_stroke_width | 4 | |
action_menu_item_get_label | 4 | |
accel_data_service_subscribe__deprecated | 3 | |
window_get_fullscreen | 3 | |
action_menu_set_result_window | 3 | |
smartstrap_attribute_get_attribute_id | 3 | |
smartstrap_set_timeout | 3 | |
layer_get_clips | 2 | |
dict_serialize_tuplets_to_buffer | 2 | |
action_menu_get_context | 2 | |
smartstrap_attribute_get_service_id | 2 | |
graphics_text_layout_get_max_used_size | 1 | |
rot_bitmap_layer_set_corner_clip_color_2bit | 1 | |
animation_get_play_count | 1 | |
animation_set_elapsed | 1 | |
gbitmap_create_palettized_from_1bit | 1 | |
gdraw_command_image_set_bounds_size | 1 | |
... |