- laptop
- Python3 development environment with Jupyter (see here for instructions)
Python is a general-purpose, interpreted, high-level programming language. The syntax of the language has been optimized to emphasize code readability, as well as brevity.
Any character surrounded by quotes. Quotes must be balanced.
For example
a = 'test'
a = "test"
but not
a = 'test
In order to declare a variable as a string, one has to use quotes.
a = test
Python allows for numerous manipulations to strings. Returning to the first example
a = 'test'
One can perform various operations with a
to get information regarding the string 'test'.
For example
In [4]: len(a)
Out[4]: 4
In [5]: type(a)
Out[5]: str
is short for string, by the way.
Return a part of the string (referred to as "string slicing") with the following
In [6]: a[:3]
Out[6]: 'tes'
One can see what other operations are possible with a
by typing a.[TAB]
From this list, one can type out any of the functions followed by a ?
to see a brief description of what it does.
Convert the string, contained in the variable a
, to a capitalized version of itself
In [8]: a.upper()
Out[8]: 'TEST'
To permanently change a
In [10]: a = a.upper()
In [11]: a
Out[11]: 'TEST'
There are two basic types of numbers: integers and floating point numbers (floats for short). Integers are any whole number (positive or negative), floats are any number with a decimal point.
For example
In [12]: a = 5
In [13]: type(a)
Out[13]: int
In [14]: a = 4.0
In [15]: type(a)
Out[15]: float
shows what other methods a
(the variable that now stores a floating point number [4.0]) has.
In Python, =
has a unique meaning. The previous example
In [16]: a = 4.0
means “assign 4.0” to the variable named a
. The following returns an error
In [17]: 5 = 6
File "<ipython-input-17-6d9c0c29354b>", line 1
5 = 6
SyntaxError: can't assign to literal
A 6 can never be assigned (or put inside) to a 5, so the previous line of code will always throw an error.
Variables must be assigned prior to their use, otherwise Python throws an error because it does not understand what you want it to do.
For example
In [18]: x
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-401b30e3b8b5> in <module>()
----> 1 x
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
Nonetheless, variables, once assigned (and therefore established as a particular type), can be converted to other data types.
For example
In [21]: a = 5
In [22]: float(a)
Out[22]: 5.0
In [23]: a = 4.9
In [24]: int(a)
Out[24]: 4
A compound data type used to group together other values. A list
is written as a series of comma-separated values (or items) between square brackets. They do not need to be of uniform type.
For example
In [25]: a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
In [26]: a
Out[26]: ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
Individual items in a list
are referenced by their index
, or location in the list
. We can reference individual items by entering the variable and the position (counting from 0).
For example
In [27]: a[0]
Out[27]: 'spam'
In [28]: a[3]
Out[28]: 1234
In [29]: a[:2]
Out[29]: ['spam', 'eggs']
Individual items/elements in a string can be modified (or updated) as follows
In [30]: a[1] = 2
In [31]: a
Out[31]: ['spam', 2, 100, 1234]
One can make Python determine the length (or size) of list
by calling len()
on it.
For example
In [32]: len(a)
Out[32]: 4
and insert
are the two most common ways to add an element to a list
In [20]: h = [ 'this', 'is', 'a', 'list' ]
In [21]: h
Out[21]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'list']
In [22]: h.insert(3, 'great')
In [23]: h
Out[23]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list']
In [30]: h.append('certainly')
In [31]: h
Out[31]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly']
adds an element to a list
at index, append
simply adds an element to the end of a list
concatenates two lists and returns a new one.
For Example
In [31]: h
Out[31]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly']
In [32]: i = [ 'the', 'best', 'list']
In [33]: h.extend(i)
In [34]: h
Out[34]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly', 'the', 'best', 'list']
allows one to search a list
by value
For Example
In [36]: h.index('certainly')
Out[36]: 5
There are two basic ways to remove an element from a list
: pop
and remove
In [8]: h = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly', 'the', 'best', 'list']
In [9]: h
Out[9]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly', 'the', 'best', 'list']
In [10]: h.pop()
Out[10]: 'list'
In [11]: h
Out[11]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly', 'the', 'best']
removes and returns an item from a list
at index. If no index is specified pop
removes and returns the last item of a list
In [37]: h
Out[37]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly', 'the', 'best', 'list']
In [38]: h.insert(2, 'is')
In [39]: h
Out[39]: ['this', 'is', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly', 'the', 'best', 'list']
In [40]: h.remove('is')
In [41]: h
Out[41]: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'great', 'list', 'certainly', 'the', 'best', 'list']
gets rid of the first occurrence of value. In the above example, the value 'is'
was removed at index 1. In order to remove the second occurrence of 'is'
one would have to run h.remove('is')
x = int(input('please enter an integer: ') )
if x < 0:
x = 0
print( 'negative changed to zero')
elif x == 0:
print( 'Zero')
elif x == 1:
Quite a bit to talk about here. Let's break it down line by line:
- We called a statement that takes any input at the command line, converts it to an
, and assigns it to the variablex
. - After that, we start our test. If
is less than 0, setx
to 0 andprint
the statement 'negative changed to zero'. Elif
(means else if)x
RETURNS 0,print
zero. Else ifx
returns 1,print
single. If none of those things are the case (the finalelse
), print the string more.
Before you try to type this in, notice the whitespace. Python groups statements together (in functions like this one, or otherwise) via whitespace. The normal Python protocol is to use four spaces to denote the first line belonging to a previous one (the line under the first if statement).
Try to enter this into your interpreter with a different input value (not 42).
words = ['cat', 'widow', 'defenestrate']
for w in words:
print(w, len(w))
Python's for
statement iterates over the items of any sequence (a list
or a string
), in the order that they appear in the sequence. The above function declares a list called words
with three items: cat, widow, and defenestrate (all strings). Then, it says for w
(used as an index here) in the list words
(the item at that position and the length of that particular item). This is why we get the sequence of words with their string length returned. Upon completion of the for
loop (when the loop has iterated over each item in the list) the loop terminates.