- laptop
- internet access
- Raspberry Pi
- USB cable
- microSD card
- SD card reader
- Download the Raspberry Pi Imager from the Raspberry Pi Foundation's website. Install and run the Imager
- Click on Choose OS. Identify and select your desired image. For example: click Raspberry Pi OS (other) and select Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)
- Click on Choose Storage. Identify and select your microSD card
- Click on the gear icon
- Click the button labeled Set hostname. Enter a unique hostname for your RPi, for example: videolooper
- Click the button labeled Enable SSH. Beneath Enable SSH make sure to select Use password authentication
- Click the button labeled Set username and password, set a username and password for your RPi and write it down somewhere
- Click the button labeled Configure wireless LAN, add the SSID (Network Name) and Password (Network password)
- Set Wireless LAN country to US
- Click the button labeled Set locale settings, set Time zone to wherever you are (for example: America/Los_Angeles) and Keyboard layout to US
- Double check your settings and then click Save
- Click Write
- Put microSD card into the RPi
- Give the RPi power
- Note the ACT light, it should be flashing green
- Connect to USERNAME via
:ssh [email protected]
(Note: sometimes this shortcut fails on institutional WIFI networks like the ones at ArtCenter College of Design. If you cannot connect viaHOSTNAME.local
try connecting a conventional monitor and keyboard to the RPi and continue or try this) - Enter the PASSWORD for USERNAME when prompted
- Get actual IP address of
:hostname -I
- Write down output from the previous step somewhere
- Exit the
- Log in once more with the real
- Shut down your RPi:
sudo shutdown now
- Remove the microSD card from the RPi, insert it into an SD card adapter, plug the microSD into your laptop
- MAC Get the formatted microSD card's address:
diskutil list
the disk:diskutil unmountDisk /dev/rdisk2
with whatever number you got in step 3.) - MAC Pipe the output of
, archiving and compressing the image in one line, with the following:sudo dd bs=10m if=/dev/rdisk[DISK# FROM DISKUTIL] | gzip > rasbian.img.gz
(this takes a VERY LONG TIME, so go get a cup of coffee or take a walk or something)
- Insert the microSD card into an SD card adapter, plug the adapter into your laptop
- Get the microSD card's address (identified by size):
diskutil list
the microSD card so we can write our .img to it:diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
with whatever number you got in step 3.)- The following will extract and restore a backup .img to another microSD card:
gunzip --stdout rasbian.img.gz | sudo dd bs=4m of=/dev/rdisk2
with whatever number you got in step 3. of microSD prep) (this takes a VERY LONG TIME, so go get a cup of coffee or take a walk or something) - Remove microSD from laptop, insert into RPi, confirm successful startup