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DummyMIDI { | |
var dummy = 0; | |
*new { | |
^super.newCopyArgs(); | |
} | |
noteOn {} | |
noteOff {} | |
control {} | |
sysex {} | |
cc { ^127 } | |
channel {^16} | |
latency_{ | |
dummy = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
PropertyAnimator { | |
classvar fps, animators, finished, routine; | |
var obj, prop, fps; | |
var getter, setter, start, end, dur, fps, currentTime, endTime; | |
var routine; | |
*new { | |
|obj, prop, fps=15| | |
^this.newCopyArgs(obj, prop, fps).init; | |
} | |
init { | |
getter = prop.asSymbol; | |
setter = prop.asSymbol.asSetter; | |
currentTime = 0; | |
} | |
set { | |
|value, inDur=0| | |
dur = inDur; | |
if (dur == 0) { | |
this.stop(); | |
this.prSet(value); | |
} { | |
if (value.isArray) { | |
#start, end = value; | |
} { | |
start = obj.perform(getter); | |
end = value; | |
}; | |
this.start(); | |
} | |
} | |
prSet { | |
|value| | |
obj.perform(setter, value); | |
} | |
start { | |
routine.stop(); | |
routine = Routine({ | |
| startTime | | |
currentTime = startTime; | |
endTime = startTime + dur; | |
while { currentTime < endTime } { | |
obj.perform(setter, currentTime.linlin(startTime, endTime, start, end)); | |
currentTime = fps.reciprocal.wait; | |
}; | |
obj.perform(setter, end); | |
}); | |
routine.play(AppClock); | |
} | |
stop { | |
routine.stop(); | |
routine = nil; | |
} | |
} | |
Twister { | |
var <device; | |
var <knobs; | |
var <deviceConnections; | |
*new { | |
|device| | |
^super.new.init.connect(device); | |
} | |
init { | |
knobs = 16.collect { | |
TwisterKnob() | |
} | |
} | |
rows { | |
|x, y| | |
var result = knobs.clump(4); | |
if (x.notNil) { | |
result = result[x]; | |
if (y.notNil) { | |
result = result[y]; | |
} | |
}; | |
^result; | |
} | |
cols { | |
|y, x| | |
var result = knobs.clump(4); | |
if (y.notNil) { | |
result = result[y]; | |
if (x.notNil) { | |
result = result[x]; | |
} | |
}; | |
^result; | |
} | |
connect { | |
|inDevice| | |
if (inDevice.isKindOf(Symbol)) { | |
inDevice = TwisterDevice(inDevice); | |
}; | |
if (inDevice != device) { | |
if (device.notNil) { | |
this.disconnect(); | |
}; | |
device = inDevice; | |
if (device.notNil) { | |
device.changed(\modelConnected, this); | |
"Connecting TwisterDevice(%) to Twister(%)".format(device.identityHash, this.identityHash).postln; | |
knobs.do({ | |
|knob, i| | |
knob.connect(device.knobs[i]) | |
}); | |
deviceConnections = ConnectionList [ | |
device.signal(\deviceConnected).connectTo(this.methodSlot(\onDeviceConnected)), | |
device.signal(\modelConnected).connectTo(this.methodSlot("onModelConnected(value)")), | |
]; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
disconnect { | |
if (device.notNil) { | |
"Disconnecting TwisterDevice(%) from Twister(%)".format(device.identityHash, this.identityHash).postln; | |
device = nil; | |
knobs.do(_.disconnect()); | |
}; | |
deviceConnections.free.clear; | |
} | |
updateDevice { | |
knobs.do(_.updateDevice()) | |
} | |
onDeviceConnected { | |
this.updateDevice(); | |
} | |
onModelConnected { | |
|twisterObj| | |
if (twisterObj != this) { | |
this.disconnect(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
TwisterKnob { | |
classvar <>animator; | |
classvar <>animations, <>pausedAnimations; | |
var <device; | |
var <knobConnections, <buttonConnections; | |
var <ledColor, <buttonState=\up, enabled=false; | |
var <hueAnimator, <brightnessAnimator, dimAmt = 0.5, fadeoutCollapse; | |
var deviceConnections, knobConnections, buttonConnections; | |
var <>toggle = false; | |
var <knobCV, <buttonCV; | |
var knobInputOverflow = 0; | |
var <>knobScale = 0.005; | |
var animTarget, animRate, resumeAnim; | |
*new { | |
|device| | |
^super.new.init().connect(device) | |
} | |
init { | |
animations = animations ?? { IdentitySet() }; | |
pausedAnimations = animations ?? { IdentitySet() }; | |
ledColor = Color.blue(0.9); | |
this.buttonCV = OnOffControlValue(\off); | |
resumeAnim = Collapse({ | |
this.class.pausedAnimations.remove(this); | |
this.class.animations.add(this); | |
}, 2); | |
} | |
connect { | |
|inDevice| | |
if (inDevice.isKindOf(Symbol)) { | |
inDevice = TwisterDevice(inDevice); | |
}; | |
if (inDevice != device) { | |
if (device.notNil) { | |
this.disconnect(); | |
}; | |
device = inDevice; | |
if (inDevice.notNil) { | |
// "Connecting device(%) to knob(%)".format(device.identityHash, this.identityHash).postln; | |
device = inDevice; | |
hueAnimator = PropertyAnimator(device, \ledHue); | |
brightnessAnimator = PropertyAnimator(device, \ledBrightness); | |
deviceConnections = ConnectionList [ | |
device.signal(\knobRelative).connectTo(this.methodSlot("onKnobRelative(value)")), | |
device.signal(\button).connectTo(this.methodSlot("onButton(value)")), | |
]; | |
this.updateDevice(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
disconnect { | |
device.ledBrightness = 0; | |
device.value = 0; | |
deviceConnections.free; | |
hueAnimator = brightnessAnimator = deviceConnections = device = nil; | |
} | |
onKnob { | |
|value| | |
knobCV !? { knobCV.input = value }; | |
if (animTarget.notNil) { | |
this.class.animations.remove(this); | |
this.class.pausedAnimations.add(this); | |
resumeAnim.value(); | |
} | |
} | |
onKnobRelative { | |
|value| | |
var input; | |
knobCV !? { | |
input = (knobCV.input + knobInputOverflow + (value * knobScale)).clip(0, 1); | |
knobCV.input = input; | |
knobInputOverflow = input - knobCV.input; | |
}; | |
if (animTarget.notNil) { | |
this.class.animations.remove(this); | |
this.class.pausedAnimations.add(this); | |
resumeAnim.value(); | |
} | |
} | |
onButton { | |
|value| | |
buttonCV !? { | |
if (toggle) { | |
if (value == \on) { | |
buttonCV.toggle; | |
} | |
} { | |
buttonCV.value = value | |
} | |
}; | |
} | |
knobCV_{ | |
|cv| | |
knobCV = cv; | |
knobInputOverflow = 0; | |
knobConnections.free.clear; | |
if (knobCV.notNil) { | |
knobConnections.add( | |
knobCV.signal(\value).connectTo(this.methodSlot("updateValue")) | |
); | |
this.enable(); | |
} { | |
this.disable(); | |
} | |
} | |
buttonCV_{ | |
|cv| | |
buttonCV = cv; | |
buttonConnections.free.clear; | |
if (buttonCV.notNil) { | |
buttonConnections.add( | |
buttonCV.signal(\value).connectTo(this.methodSlot("updateLed")) | |
) | |
} | |
} | |
mapTo { | |
|target, cvClass=(BusControlValue)| | |
var def, spec; | |
if (target.isKindOf(SynthArgSlot).not) { | |
Error("'target' must be a SynthArgSlot.").throw | |
}; | |
spec = target.spec ?? ControlSpec(0, 1, default:target.synth.defArgAt); | |
if (knobCV.isNil) { | |
knobCV = BusControlValue(spec:spec); | |
} { | |
knobCV.spec = spec; | |
}; | |
target.synth.map(target.argName, knobCV.asMap); | |
} | |
enable { | |
enabled = true; | |
this.updateDevice(); | |
} | |
disable { | |
enabled = false; | |
this.updateDevice(); | |
} | |
ledColor_{ | |
|inColor| | |
ledColor = inColor; | |
this.updateDevice(); | |
} | |
brightenLed { | |
brightnessAnimator.set(ledColor.asHSV[2], 0); | |
} | |
dimLed { | |
brightnessAnimator.set(ledColor.asHSV[2] * dimAmt, 0.2); | |
} | |
updateDevice { | |
this.updateValue(); | |
this.updateLed(); | |
} | |
updateValue { | |
if (device.notNil) { | |
if (knobCV.notNil) { | |
device.value = knobCV.input; | |
device.ringBrightness = knobCV.input.linlin(0, 1, 0.3, 0.8); | |
} { | |
device.value = 0; | |
device.ringBrightness = 0; | |
}; | |
} | |
} | |
updateLed { | |
var hsv = ledColor.asHSV; | |
if (device.notNil) { | |
if (buttonCV.value == \on) { | |
hueAnimator.set(hsv[0], 0.0); | |
brightnessAnimator.set(hsv[2], 0.0); | |
} { | |
if (enabled) { | |
hueAnimator.set(hsv[0], 0.2); | |
brightnessAnimator.set(hsv[2] * dimAmt, 0.2); | |
} { | |
hueAnimator.set(hsv[0], 0.2); | |
brightnessAnimator.set(0, 0.2); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
slew { | |
|target, duration| | |
animTarget = target; | |
animRate = (knobCV.input - knobCV.spec.unmap(target)).abs / duration; | |
this.class.animations = this.class.animations.add(this); | |
this.class.animator ?? { | |
this.class.animator = Routine({ | |
while { (this.class.animations.size + this.class.pausedAnimations.size) > 0 } { | |
this.class.slewAnimate(); | |
0.05.wait; | |
}; | |
this.class.animator = nil; | |
}); | |
this.class.animator.play; | |
}; | |
} | |
*slewAnimate { | |
animations.copy.do({ |k| k.slewAnimate(0.05) }); | |
} | |
slewAnimate { | |
|delta| | |
var maxChange = animRate * delta; | |
var deltaAmt; | |
knobCV !? { | |
if (knobCV.input < animTarget) { | |
knobCV.input = (knobCV.input + min(maxChange, animTarget - knobCV.input)); | |
} { | |
knobCV.input = (knobCV.input - min(maxChange, (animTarget - knobCV.input).abs)); | |
}; | |
if ((knobCV.input - animTarget).abs < 0.001) { | |
knobCV.input = animTarget; | |
this.class.animations.remove(this); | |
animTarget = nil; animRate = nil; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
TwisterDevice : Singleton { | |
classvar <endpointDevice="Midi Fighter Twister %", <endpointName="Midi Fighter Twister"; | |
classvar <deviceChangedConnection; | |
classvar registeredDevices; | |
var <knobs; | |
var <endpoint; | |
*initClass { | |
Class.initClassTree(MIDIWatcher); | |
registeredDevices = (); | |
deviceChangedConnection = ConnectionList(); | |
this.registerDevice(\default, endpointDevice.format(1), endpointName); | |
this.registerDevice(\secondary, endpointDevice.format(2), endpointName) | |
} | |
*registerDevice { | |
|name, endpointDevice, endpointName| | |
if (registeredDevices[name].isNil) { | |
registeredDevices[name] = [endpointDevice, endpointName]; | |
deviceChangedConnection.add( | |
MIDIWatcher.deviceSignal(endpointDevice, endpointName).connectTo( | |
this.methodSlot("deviceChanged(%, changed, value)".format("\\" ++ name)) | |
) | |
) | |
} { | |
"TwisterDevice % is already registered.".format(name).error; | |
} | |
} | |
*deviceChanged { | |
|deviceName, changeType, endpoint| | |
if (changeType == \sourceAdded) { | |
"Added % MIDI Fighter Twister [%]".format(deviceName, endpoint.uid).postln; | |
TwisterDevice(deviceName, endpoint); | |
{ TwisterDevice(deviceName).connectAnimation(); }.defer(0.5) | |
}; | |
if (changeType == \sourceRemoved) { | |
"Removed MIDI Fighter Twister [%]".format(endpoint.uid).postln; | |
} | |
} | |
init { | |
knobs = 16.collect { | |
|i| | |
TwisterDeviceKnob(-1, DummyMIDI(), i) | |
}; | |
} | |
connectAnimation { | |
var k = this.knobs.collect(TwisterDeviceKnob(_)); | |
fork { | |
var dur = 1.5; | |
(0,0.02..dur).do { | |
|seconds| | |
k.do { | |
|knob, i| | |
var hue, brightness; | |
i = (i / 3).floor * 3; | |
hue = (seconds / dur).pow(1.1 + (i / k.size)) * 1.5; | |
brightness = (seconds / dur).pow(2.4 - (i / k.size * 2.2)); | |
knob.ledColor = Color.hsv(hue % 1, 1, brightness % 1); | |
}; | |
0.02.wait; | |
}; | |
0.1.wait; | |
(0,0.02..0.5).do { | |
|n| | |
k.do({|k| k.ledBrightness = (0.5 - n) * 2 }); | |
0.02.wait; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
set { | |
|inEndpoint| | |
var midiInUid, midiOut; | |
endpoint = inEndpoint; | |
if (endpoint.isNil) { | |
midiInUid = 0; | |
midiOut = DummyMIDI(); | |
} { | |
MIDIIn.connectAll(); | |
midiInUid = endpoint.uid; | |
midiOut = MIDIOut.newByName(endpoint.device, endpoint.name).latency_(0); | |
knobs.do { | |
|knob| | |
knob.setMidiDevices(midiInUid, midiOut); | |
}; | |
knobs.do(_.off()); | |
}; | |
this.changed(\deviceConnected); | |
} | |
rows { | |
|x, y| | |
var result = knobs.clump(4); | |
if (x.notNil) { | |
result = result[x]; | |
if (y.notNil) { | |
result = result[y]; | |
} | |
}; | |
^result; | |
} | |
cols { | |
|y, x| | |
var result = knobs.clump(4); | |
if (y.notNil) { | |
result = result[y]; | |
if (x.notNil) { | |
result = result[x]; | |
} | |
}; | |
^result; | |
} | |
knob { | |
|x, y| | |
^this.knobRows(x, y) | |
} | |
} | |
TwisterDeviceKnob { | |
classvar brightnessChan=2, brightnessScale=#[17, 47], | |
ringBrightnessChan=2, ringBrightnessScale=#[65, 95], | |
hueChan=1, hueScale=#[1, 126], | |
knobChan=0, buttonChan=1; | |
var <cc, <midiInUid, <midiOut, | |
<isOn = false, buttonFunc, knobFunc; | |
var <ledHue=0, <ledBrightness=0, <ringBrightness=1; | |
*new { | |
arg midiInUid, midiOut, cc; | |
var obj = super.newCopyArgs(cc).setMidiDevices(midiInUid, midiOut); | |
CmdPeriod.add(obj); | |
^obj; | |
} | |
*from { | |
arg otherDevice; | |
^this.new(otherDevice.midiInUid, otherDevice.midiOut, otherDevice.cc); | |
} | |
setMidiDevices { | |
|uid, inMidiOut| | |
if (midiInUid != uid) { | |
midiInUid = uid; | |
}; | |
this.makeMIDIFuncs(); | |
midiOut = inMidiOut ?? midiOut; | |
} | |
doOnCmdPeriod { | |
this.makeMIDIFuncs(); | |
} | |
makeMIDIFuncs { | |
buttonFunc.free; knobFunc.free; | |
buttonFunc = MIDIFunc.cc({ | |
|val| | |
this.changed(\button, (val == 0).if(\off, \on)); | |
}, cc, buttonChan, srcID:midiInUid); | |
knobFunc = MIDIFunc.cc({ | |
|value| | |
this.changed(\knobRelative, value - 64); | |
}, cc, knobChan, srcID:midiInUid); | |
} | |
ledBrightness_{ | |
|brightness| | |
ledBrightness = brightness; | |
midiOut !? { midiOut.control(brightnessChan, cc, brightness.linlin(0, 1, *brightnessScale)) }; | |
} | |
ledHue_{ | |
|hue, offset=0.33333| | |
ledHue = hue; | |
hue = (1.0 - hue - offset) % 1.0; | |
midiOut !? { midiOut.control(hueChan, cc, hue.linlin(0, 1, *hueScale)) }; | |
} | |
ledColor_{ | |
|color| | |
var hsv = color.asHSV; | |
this.ledHue = hsv[0].min(1).max(0); | |
this.ledBrightness = hsv[2].min(1).max(0); | |
} | |
ringBrightness_{ | |
|brightness| | |
ringBrightness = brightness; | |
midiOut !? { midiOut.noteOn(ringBrightnessChan, cc, ringBrightness.linlin(0, 1, *ringBrightnessScale)) }; | |
} | |
value_{ | |
|value| | |
midiOut !? { midiOut.control(0, cc, (value * 127.0).round(1)); } | |
} | |
off { | |
this.value = 0; | |
this.ledBrightness = 0; | |
} | |
} |
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