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castano /
Last active February 24, 2025 09:48
Writing to block compressed textures across different graphics APIs

Writing to Compressed Textures

In general it's not possible to use a block-compressed texture as a render target or as a compute shader output. Instead you have to either: Alias the block compressed texture with an uncompressed texture where each texel corresponds to a block, or to output the compressed blocks to an uncompressed texture buffer, and then copy the compressed blocks from that intermediate memory location to the final compressed texture.

Each of the graphics APIs expose this functionality in a different way. This document explains the options available under the following APIs:

// Returns p bit that results in the lowest RGB quantization error.
inline int quantize_rgb_bc7_mode6(float r, float g, float b, float * out_qr, float * out_qg, float * out_qb) {
float qr = 2 * trunc(r * 127.5f);
float qg = 2 * trunc(g * 127.5f);
float qb = 2 * trunc(b * 127.5f);
float dr = 255 * r - qr;
float dg = 255 * g - qg;
float db = 255 * b - qb;
castano / qsort.inl
Last active January 2, 2023 11:13
Using qsort with lambdas
template <typename T>
struct Compare {
T lambda;
#if _MSC_VER || __APPLE__
static int compare(void * cmp, const void * a, const void * b)
static int compare(const void * a, const void * b, void * cmp)
castano / Sphere.cpp
Last active November 29, 2023 07:37
Welz algorithm and EPOS approximations.
// This code is in the public domain -- Ignacio Castaño <[email protected]>
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Vector.inl"
#include "Box.inl"
#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX
const float radiusEpsilon = 1e-4f;
// Emulating gathers using loads and permutevar8. This made the entire compressor about 15% faster. Both methods require AVX2.
// Load 4 uint8 per lane.
__m256i packedClusterIndex = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i *)&s_fourCluster[i]);
if (count <= 8) {
// Load r_sat in one register:
Wide8 r07 = load8(r_sat);
Wide8 g07 = load8(g_sat);
Wide8 b07 = load8(b_sat);
Wide8 besterror8 = broadcast8(FLT_MAX);
Vector3_Wide8 beststart8;
Vector3_Wide8 bestend8;
// check all possible clusters for this total order
for (int i = 0; i < s_fourClusterTotal[count - 1]; i += 8)
//uint c0 = s_fourCluster[i].c0;
//uint c1 = s_fourCluster[i].c1;
//uint c2 = s_fourCluster[i].c2;
rgbcx v1.12
icbc v1.0
Kodak/Waterloo Image Set:
rgbcx-0 8.128142 29.930977 0.163412
rgbcx-1 8.041399 30.024172 0.182219
rgbcx-2 8.198924 29.855667 0.213994
rgbcx-3 8.005721 30.062794 0.242393
Perfect Quantization of DXT endpoints
One of the issues that affect the quality of most DXT compressors is the way floating point colors are rounded.
For example, stb_dxt does:
max16 = (unsigned short)(stb__sclamp((At1_r*yy - At2_r*xy)*frb+0.5f,0,31) << 11);
max16 |= (unsigned short)(stb__sclamp((At1_g*yy - At2_g*xy)*fg +0.5f,0,63) << 5);
max16 |= (unsigned short)(stb__sclamp((At1_b*yy - At2_b*xy)*frb+0.5f,0,31) << 0);
Kodak/Waterloo Image Set:
stb 8.202766 29.851597 0.258041
stb-hq 8.009301 30.058910 0.284019
nvtt-fast 8.089954 29.971882 0.445670
nvtt 7.616215 30.496019 6.806233
nvtt-hq 7.562366 30.557650 13.081200
// This code is in the public domain -- Ignacio Castaño <[email protected]>
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Vector.inl"
#include "Box.inl"
#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX
using namespace nv;