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Created September 26, 2011 06:04
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Get currency from web
(ns cataska
(:use clojure.contrib.str-utils)
(:import ( URL)
( BufferedReader InputStreamReader)))
(def coin
["TWD" "CNY" "JPY" "KRW"
(def calias {"NTD" "TWD", "RMB" "CNY"})
(def coins (str (str-join "|" coin) "|" (str-join "|" (keys calias))))
(defn incase-pattern [s]
(. java.util.regex.Pattern (compile s java.util.regex.Pattern/CASE_INSENSITIVE)))
(defn expand-alias [alias]
(if (calias alias)
(calias alias)
(defn make-url [money from to]
(str "" money
"&from=" from
"&to=" to))
(defn fetch-url [address]
(with-open [stream (.openStream (URL. address))]
(let [buf (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. stream))]
(apply str (line-seq buf)))))
(defn extract-input2 [input]
(let [r (incase-pattern (format "^([\\d\\.\\+\\-\\*\\/]+)\\s*(%s)\\s+to\\s+(%s)$" coins coins))
matcher (re-matcher r input)]
(if (.matches matcher)
{:money (. matcher group 1)
:from (expand-alias (.. matcher (group 2) toUpperCase))
:to (expand-alias (.. matcher (group 3) toUpperCase))})))
(defn extract-input [input]
(let [r (incase-pattern (format "^([\\d\\.\\+\\-\\*\\/]+)\\s*(%s)$" coins))
matcher (re-matcher r input)]
(if (.matches matcher)
{:money (. matcher group 1)
:from (expand-alias (.. matcher (group 2) toUpperCase))
:to "TWD"}
(extract-input2 input))))
(defn get-currency [s]
(let [res (fetch-url (make-url (:money s) (:from s) (:to s)))
r (re-pattern "經過計算後, (.+?)<div")
matcher (re-matcher r res)]
(if (.find matcher)
(re-gsub #"</?em>" "" (. matcher group 1))
(defn currency
"Get currency from web"
(let [m (extract-input text)]
(if m
(get-currency m)
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