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Created February 5, 2017 13:10
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#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
if path to windows installation is provided then only use that
if a path to scan is provided, test all the subfolders for windows installations
if a path selected as a windows installation is determined to have the patch applied,
// name of Command Prompt
#define WH_WIN_CMD_EXE_FNAME "cmd.exe"
#define WH_WIN_CMD_EXE_FQPN "/Windows/System32/cmd.exe"
// name of Sticky Keys helper
#define WH_WIN_SETHC_EXE_FNAME "sethc.exe"
#define WH_WIN_SETHC_EXE_FQPN "/Windows/System32/sethc.exe"
// name of the backup location of the Sticky Keys helper
// move a file
bool wh_fmove (const char* const path);
// remove a file
bool wh_fremove (const char* const path);
// perform the setch patch on a Windows installation directory
bool wh_do_patch (const char* const win_path);
// revert the sethc patch
bool wh_undo_patch (const char* const win_path);
// perform the setch patch on each Windows installation in the list
bool wh_do_patch_each (const char* const * const paths);
// revert the patch on each given Windows installation directory
bool wh_undo_patch_each (const char* const * const paths);
// is path a Windows installation root directory?
bool wh_is_win_root (const char* const path);
// attempt to automagically patch any Windows installations in /media and /mnt
bool wh_try_autopatch (void);
// attempt to automagically unpatch Windows roots in /media, /mnt
bool wh_try_autounpatch (void);
int main(void) {
// to do:
// rename Windows/System32/sethc.exe -> sethc.exe.old
// copy Windows/System32/cmd.exe -> sethc.exe
// to undo:
// delete Windows/System32/sethc.exe
// rename Windows/System32/sethc.exe.old -> sethc.exe
return 0;
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