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Created July 6, 2017 15:44
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This is a list of bugs in the alpha 0.3 release of Cube World.
Pressing hotkeys while the chat is open does that key's action as well as type it
When standing over an item, skill menu items have glitchy descriptions
Hitting multiple enemies at once can register as just one hit.
Character models in the character selection screen don't show item customisations
Damage and heal numbers are drawn over the map
Chairs and beds allow teleportation through thin walls
Overlapping normal resource cubes on spirit cubes can destroy the spirit cubes permanently
Dying on a chair can revive the player on the same chair
The multiplayer button obstructs the last world file from being deleted
Appears to peg multiple CPU threads on start menu [after launcher, prior to loading a world]. Occurs on desktop or laptop.
Using a customizable item and then swapping the slots with a non-customizable item (i.e. Ring) will cause the item to be customized without any effects.You can customize a non-cuztomizable item on purpose by performing a very simple item-swap in your inventory. The following video describes it in detail.
Clicking craft and running away from the resource allows crafting using the resource even though it is not within range
Multiple clients from the same computer can connect to the same server with the same character, allowing for item duplication
Viewing sold items in one shop and exiting causes a glitchy menu with other shops
Players pushed by special attacks while sleeping, can keep sleeping far from the bedroll, and still have to press R to get up
Earning more XP than needed to level up causes the message to say you've earned only the left over XP
Earning enough XP at once to skip levels causes you to skip learning recipies for the skipped levels too
Server.exe crashes for apparently no reason
Sometimes, regardless of its type, the last item you picked up can be customised (
Sapphire Nugget is spelled as "Saphhire Nugget".
Cinnamon Roll is spelled as "Cinnamon Role".
Spamming "R" on chairs causes teleportation glitches
Quest bosses killed outside their area don't give the quest's rewards
Moving the mouse too quickly in fullscreen can cause the game to lose focus
Sometimes, stunning a boss during a special or secondary attack won't stop the attack from dealing damage
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