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Cat Stevens catb0t

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Additional settings for Tokyo Xtreme Racer, HDR, VSM, Streaming, Weather, Time of Day and more

This UE4SS script will allow you to adjust render settings in Tokyo Xtreme Racer.

This allows you to:

  • Enable 10 bit HDR Display Output, requires HDR enabled in Windows settings
  • Enable Virtual Shadow Maps, more crisp and accurate shadows
  • Disable textures streaming. Game will load all texture assets on level load to reduce CPU overhead at a cost of memory usage. Requires 8GB GPU or better.
  • Enable lowest possible settings for a low end hardware, to improve compatbility with old hardware, run game with -dx11 launch argument.
  • Control time of day with key bindings
klange /
Last active February 16, 2025 01:29
12 Years of ToaruOS

12 Years of ToaruOS

This is a repost and update to an imgur album with screenshots of ToaruOS throughout its development, as imgur is no longer a viable platform for maintaining this collection.

Early Development

My first commit in the ToaruOS repository, ecd4fe2bc170b01ad700ff76c16da96993805355, was made on January 15th, 2011. This date has become ToaruOS's "birthday". It would be another six years and two weeks before ToaruOS's first real release, 1.0.

1 - eL4aHBZ - Humble Beginnings

interface val Auth
fun val apply[B: Auth val](): B ? =>
this as B
fun val add(that: Auth): AuthSet =>
AuthSet(this, that)
class val AuthSet is Auth
let _a: Auth
let _b: Auth
jemc /
Last active January 17, 2022 18:42
An informal glossary of formal notation commonly used in academic papers relevant to computer science


Laypersons who are not trained in the relevant formal notation may sometimes feel lost when trying to read academic papers on computer science.

This gist is intended to be a short introductory "cheat sheet" for some of the symbols we may encounter in such papers, to help make the work more accessible to a broader audience, particularly those working in the software industry looking to gain a deeper understanding into formal computer science.

In addition to this introductory glossary of symbols, it may also be helpful to reference this glossary of terms so that the formal usage of certain words can be known to the reader.

One can also read a great bit more detail on this topic in The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages, a text introducing a lot of details in formal notation.

kuasha420 /
Last active February 13, 2025 08:22
Update `brew` command

Steam Client on APFS Case Sensitive Mac OS Drive

If you are using APFS Case Sensitive File system and trying to use Steam, it will flicker & silently fail or show the following error message:

steam requires that '~/library/application support/steam/steam.appbundle/steam/contents/macos' be on a case-insensitive filesystem.

To fix the issue, follow the instruction here.

Run from your user account, NOT ROOT!

BenTheHokie / wordmap.csv
Created May 29, 2019 22:35
Phonetically correct word scrambler
cwalston / lint-using
Last active February 9, 2018 02:23
Linter for Factor USING: ... ; forms
! Copyright (C) Charles Alston
! See for BSD license
USING: accessors arrays fry io io.backend
io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.pathnames kernel parser regexp
sequences tools.crossref vocabs vocabs.refresh wrap.strings ;
IN: lint-using
! gist title: Linter for Factor USING: ... ; forms
! gist URL:
bigos /
Last active November 29, 2022 03:34
My way of installing Haskell on Windows so that I can build gi-gtk based stack projects

Simplified installation

already I have

choco msys2 emacs

Install GHC

open cmd as administrator

Press Windows button, in ‘Type to search’ type cmd, right-click on Command Promp Desktop app and select Run as administrator.

lines to paste in cmd

dschep /
Last active September 10, 2024 00:15
Python Comprehensions to JS

Python list & dict comprehensions translated to JavasScript

Comprehensions are a really useful feature of Python that aren't available in JavaScript (or many languages). These concepts of course can be tranlsated into using map instead. But especially the dictionaries are a bit trickier.

Lists / Arrays

>>> foobar = range(5)
>>> [x + 1 for x in foobar]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
itod /
Last active February 14, 2025 16:12
Every "split" mechanical keyboard currently being sold that I know of