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Open to new work opportunities

Joe Eli McIlvain jemc

Open to new work opportunities
  • Movable Ink
  • Cascadia
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jemc /
Created November 14, 2024 02:58
Export BMFont definitions from Aseprite slices
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Given an Aseprite file containing pixel art font characters, with an
# Aseprite slice marking each character, export it as a .png file alongside an
# output BMFont .fnt file defining a font composed of those characters.
# Use environment variables to specify options, and pass the input Aseprite
# file itself as the only CLI argument.
jemc / calvin-sleep.cow
Last active September 15, 2024 20:01
ASCII calvin created for my kids' use with cowsay
$the_cow = <<"EOC";
$thoughts \\\\ |\\ /|
$thoughts <=____ ^
$thoughts / `- =>
$thoughts | _ _ ` /
$thoughts c| C b
$thoughts \\------- /
cd ~/
mkdir ~/framework
journalctl > ~/framework/journal.log
cp ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log ~/framework/Xorg.0.log 2> /dev/null
sudo dmidecode > ~/framework/demidecode
sudo lspci -vv > ~/framework/lscpi.log
sudo lsusb -vv > ~/framework/lsusb.log
uname -a > ~/framework/uname.log
cp /etc/os-release ~/framework/os-release
lsblk -f > ~/framework/lsblk.log
jemc /
Created October 20, 2023 15:14
Use GitHub CLI to enable all workflows that were disabled due to repository inactivity - either for all repos in a given org that you manage, or (by default) your personal repos.
function gh-enable-all-inactivity-disabled-workflows
set org $argv[1]
gh repo list $org | cut -f 1 | xargs -I REPO sh -c 'gh workflow list --all -R REPO | grep disabled_inactivity | cut -f 3 | xargs -I WORKFLOW sh -xc "gh workflow enable WORKFLOW -R REPO"'
interface val Auth
fun val apply[B: Auth val](): B ? =>
this as B
fun val add(that: Auth): AuthSet =>
AuthSet(this, that)
class val AuthSet is Auth
let _a: Auth
let _b: Auth
jemc /
Last active January 17, 2022 18:42
An informal glossary of formal notation commonly used in academic papers relevant to computer science


Laypersons who are not trained in the relevant formal notation may sometimes feel lost when trying to read academic papers on computer science.

This gist is intended to be a short introductory "cheat sheet" for some of the symbols we may encounter in such papers, to help make the work more accessible to a broader audience, particularly those working in the software industry looking to gain a deeper understanding into formal computer science.

In addition to this introductory glossary of symbols, it may also be helpful to reference this glossary of terms so that the formal usage of certain words can be known to the reader.

One can also read a great bit more detail on this topic in The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages, a text introducing a lot of details in formal notation.

jemc / .gitignore
Last active September 5, 2021 02:03
jemc /
Created February 13, 2021 13:19
Docker on M1

Follow instructions here to get qemu setup working

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jemc on github.
  • I am jemc ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 5055 37F5 8770 7D46 5A22 5D35 1858 AD28 B2A9 65CC

To claim this, I am signing this object:

sudo dd if=/dev/sdb2 bs=512 count=1953523711 conv=sync,noerror | pv -s 931G | sudo dd of=/run/media/liveuser/f09ad2eb-b80a-4bae-ac9a-33c71b6aa191/disk-image-2020-01-02.dd