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Created January 16, 2025 14:55
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Blender to Godot - Add all NLA Tracks and strips
import bpy
## Sometimes you add a LOT of NLA aniamtions to your blend file and want to add them to your model fast.
## OR you hate your animations being out of order, just remove them and re-add them for some quick
## alphabatising.
# Get the current object with an animation
obj = bpy.context.object
# Ensure the object has animation data
if obj.animation_data is None:
# Loop through all actions in the blend file
for action in
# Create a new NLA track
nla_track =
# Set the name of the NLA track to match the action name =
# Convert frame range to integers
start_frame = int(action.frame_range[0])
end_frame = int(action.frame_range[1])
# Create a new NLA strip in the track and assign the action to it
nla_strip =, start_frame, action)
# Adjust the strip to fit the action's frame range
nla_strip.frame_end = end_frame
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