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WolfgangSenff / gist:168cb0cbd486c8c9cd507f232165b976
Last active February 15, 2025 13:44
Godot 4.0 Migration/Upgrade guide
## For a beginner-friendly version of the following (more advanced users likely will get better use of the below,
## if you're just starting out...), see this new gist:
This document represents the beginning of an upgrade or migration document for GDScript 2.0 and Godot 4.0. I'm focusing on 2D
at the moment as I'm upgrading a 2D game, but will hopefully have more to add for 3D afterward.
## If you want more content like this, please help fund my cat's medical bills at - thank you very much! On to the migration guide.
CodeZombie / gridmap_godot
Created October 3, 2020 21:05
How to: Create a 3d Gridmap in Godot 3.2
Section A: Preparing your models in Blender.
1. In blender, open up one of your 3d tiles.
2. Center it in the scene and have it sit directly above y=0
3. Export it as a .obj file
Repeat these steps for every tile in the tileset.
Section B: Setup in Godot
1. Create a new scene with a spatial node.
2. Create a new folder called "Models" and drag your .obj files in there.
3. Drag all your models into the scene as children of Spatial. They should all be of type MeshInstance.