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Created July 13, 2018 16:43
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yarn run lint 2>&1 | grep -v -P "(OK|json$)" | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]//g" > yarn-run-lint.log
yarn run v1.5.1
$ node test/lint
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.json:
→ 9 × AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly [api.AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/AudioBufferSourceNode.json:
→ 1 × AudioBufferSourceNode [api.AudioBufferSourceNode]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onended, stop
Found 2 inconsistent feature(s) in api/BaseAudioContext.json:
→ 2 × BaseAudioContext [api.BaseAudioContext]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): audioWorklet, createIIRFilter
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): audioWorklet, createIIRFilter, onstatechange, resume, state
→ 1 × createPeriodicWave [api.BaseAudioContext.createPeriodicWave]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): disableNormalisation_supported
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/BlobEvent.json:
→ 3 × BlobEvent [api.BlobEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): timecode
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): timecode
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): timecode
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Body.json:
→ 2 × Body [api.Body]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): body
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): body
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack.json:
→ 7 × CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack [api.CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
Found 2 inconsistent feature(s) in api/CanvasRenderingContext2D.json:
→ 4 × currentTransform [api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.currentTransform]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ 1 × isPointInStroke [api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInStroke]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Path_parameter
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Console.json:
→ 1 × exception [api.Console.exception]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): substitution_strings
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ConstantSourceNode.json:
→ 3 × ConstantSourceNode [api.ConstantSourceNode]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): offset, onended, start, stop
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onended, start, stop
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onended, start, stop
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Crypto.json:
→ 1 × Crypto [api.Crypto]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getRandomValues
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DOMTokenList.json:
→ 1 × replace [api.DOMTokenList.replace]:
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): boolean_value
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DeviceMotionEvent.json:
→ 1 × DeviceMotionEvent [api.DeviceMotionEvent]:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DeviceMotionEvent
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DeviceOrientationEvent.json:
→ 1 × DeviceOrientationEvent [api.DeviceOrientationEvent]:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DeviceOrientationEvent
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DocumentTimeline.json:
→ 4 × DocumentTimeline [api.DocumentTimeline]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/FetchEvent.json:
→ 3 × FetchEvent [api.FetchEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): navigationPreload, preloadResponse, resultingClientId, targetClientId
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): navigationPreload, preloadResponse, resultingClientId, targetClientId
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): navigationPreload, preloadResponse, request, respondWith, resultingClientId, targetClientId
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/FileSystemDirectoryReader.json:
→ 4 × FileSystemDirectoryReader [api.FileSystemDirectoryReader]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Gamepad.json:
→ 2 × Gamepad [api.Gamepad]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): displayId
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): displayId
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/GamepadButton.json:
→ 5 × GamepadButton [api.GamepadButton]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/GamepadHapticActuator.json:
→ 1 × GamepadHapticActuator [api.GamepadHapticActuator]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): pulse, type
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/GamepadPose.json:
→ 1 × GamepadPose [api.GamepadPose]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): angularAcceleration, angularVelocity, hasOrientation, hasPosition, linearAcceleration, linearVelocity, orientation, position
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/HTMLCanvasElement.json:
→ 1 × toBlob [api.HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Image_quality
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/HTMLOutputElement.json:
→ 1 × HTMLOutputElement [api.HTMLOutputElement]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): labels
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Headers.json:
→ 2 × Headers [api.Headers]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): entries, keys, values
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): entries, keys, values
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ImageBitmap.json:
→ 4 × ImageBitmap [api.ImageBitmap]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, width, close
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, close
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, width
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, width
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/KeyboardEvent.json:
→ 1 × KeyboardEvent [api.KeyboardEvent.KeyboardEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): code_and_key_in_init
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/KeyframeEffect.json:
→ 5 × KeyframeEffect [api.KeyframeEffect]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/KeyframeEffectReadOnly.json:
→ 2 × KeyframeEffectReadOnly [api.KeyframeEffectReadOnly]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getKeyFrames
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getKeyFrames
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaDeviceInfo.json:
→ 3 × MediaDeviceInfo [api.MediaDeviceInfo]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaElementAudioSourceNode.json:
→ 1 × MediaElementAudioSourceNode [api.MediaElementAudioSourceNode]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mediaElement
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaSource.json:
→ 1 × MediaSource [api.MediaSource]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): setLiveSeekableRange, clearLiveSeekableRange
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStream.json:
→ 3 × MediaStream [api.MediaStream]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): MediaStream, active, ended, id, onaddtrack, onremovetrack, addTrack, clone, getAudioTracks, getTrackById, getTracks, getVideoTracks, removeTrack
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): MediaStream, active, ended, id, onaddtrack, onremovetrack, addTrack, clone, getAudioTracks, getTrackById, getTracks, getVideoTracks, removeTrack
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): active, ended, id, onaddtrack, onremovetrack, addTrack, clone, getAudioTracks, getTracks, getVideoTracks, removeTrack
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStreamAudioSourceNode.json:
→ 1 × MediaStreamAudioSourceNode [api.MediaStreamAudioSourceNode]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mediaStream
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStreamTrack.json:
→ 1 × MediaStreamTrack [api.MediaStreamTrack]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): applyConstraints, clone, getCapabilities, getConstraints, getSettings, contentHint, getSources, readonly
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStreamTrackEvent.json:
→ 1 × MediaStreamTrackEvent [api.MediaStreamTrackEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): track
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/OffscreenCanvas.json:
→ 1 × OffscreenCanvas [api.OffscreenCanvas]:
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): OffscreenCanvas
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Path2D.json:
→ 1 × Path2D [api.Path2D]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): addPath
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PaymentRequest.json:
→ 4 × PaymentRequest [api.PaymentRequest]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PaymentResponse.json:
→ 4 × PaymentResponse [api.PaymentResponse]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PictureInPicture.json:
→ 3 × PictureInPicture [api.PictureInPicture]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, onresize, width
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, onresize, width
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, onresize, width
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PresentationConnection.json:
→ 1 × PresentationConnection [api.PresentationConnection]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): binaryType, onmessage, terminate
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PushSubscription.json:
→ 2 × PushSubscription [api.PushSubscription]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON, unsubscribe
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON, unsubscribe
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCDTMFSender.json:
→ 1 × RTCDTMFSender [api.RTCDTMFSender]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): canInsertDTMF
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCDataChannel.json:
→ 2 × RTCDataChannel [api.RTCDataChannel]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): bufferedAmount, bufferedAmountLowThreshold, id, label, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, negotiated, ordered, protocol, readyState, reliable, stream, onbufferedamountlow, onclose, onerror, onmessage, onopen, close, send, priority
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onbufferedamountlow, priority
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCDataChannelEvent.json:
→ 1 × RTCDataChannelEvent [api.RTCDataChannelEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): RTCDataChannelEvent
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCRtpReceiver.json:
→ 2 × RTCRtpReceiver [api.RTCRtpReceiver]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getStats
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getStats
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCRtpSender.json:
→ 1 × RTCRtpSender [api.RTCRtpSender]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getCapabilities, getParameters, replaceTrack, setParameters
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCSctpTransport.json:
→ 3 × RTCSctpTransport [api.RTCSctpTransport]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onstatechange, state
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onstatechange, state
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onstatechange, state
Found 4 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Request.json:
→ 3 × Request [api.Request]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Request, cache, keepalive, signal
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Request, keepalive, signal
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): keepalive, signal
→ 2 × Request [api.Request.Request]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): reponse_body_readablestream, readablestream_request_body
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): reponse_body_readablestream, readablestream_request_body, referrer_init, cross_origin_stripped
→ 1 × cache [api.Request.cache]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): only_if_cached
→ 1 × credentials [api.Request.credentials]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): default_same-origin
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Response.json:
→ 1 × Response [api.Response]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): trailer
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGAnimationElement.json:
→ 2 × SVGAnimationElement [api.SVGAnimationElement]:
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onbegin, onend, onrepeat, targetElement
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onbegin, onend, onrepeat, targetElement
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGClipPathElement.json:
→ 1 × SVGClipPathElement [api.SVGClipPathElement]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): clipPathUnits
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGGraphicsElement.json:
→ 1 × SVGGraphicsElement [api.SVGGraphicsElement]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): transform, getBBox, getCTM, getScreenCTM
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGPatternElement.json:
→ 1 × SVGPatternElement [api.SVGPatternElement]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, patternContentUnits, patternTransform, patternUnits, width, x, y
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ServiceWorkerContainer.json:
→ 3 × ServiceWorkerContainer [api.ServiceWorkerContainer]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onmessageerror, startMessages
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onmessageerror, startMessages
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onmessageerror, startMessages
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.json:
→ 3 × ServiceWorkerGlobalScope [api.ServiceWorkerGlobalScope]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onabortpayment, oncanmakepayment, onmessageerror, onpaymentrequest
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onabortpayment, oncanmakepayment, onmessageerror, onpaymentrequest
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onabortpayment, oncanmakepayment, onmessageerror, onpaymentrequest
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ServiceWorkerRegistration.json:
→ 3 × ServiceWorkerRegistration [api.ServiceWorkerRegistration]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): paymentManager, updateViaCache
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): paymentManager, updateViaCache
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): paymentManager, updateViaCache
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SharedWorkerGlobalScope.json:
→ 1 × SharedWorkerGlobalScope [api.SharedWorkerGlobalScope]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): close
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SourceBuffer.json:
→ 1 × SourceBuffer [api.SourceBuffer]:
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): appendBufferAsync, removeAsync
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/StereoPannerNode.json:
→ 2 × StereoPannerNode [api.StereoPannerNode]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): StereoPannerNode
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): StereoPannerNode
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SyncManager.json:
→ 2 × SyncManager [api.SyncManager]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getTags
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getTags
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/TextMetrics.json:
→ 1 × TextMetrics [api.TextMetrics]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): width, advanced_text_metrics
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/TextTrack.json:
→ 2 × TextTrack [api.TextTrack]:
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): sourceBuffer
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): sourceBuffer
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/TouchList.json:
→ 2 × TouchList [api.TouchList]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): identifiedTouch
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): identifiedTouch
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/URL.json:
→ 1 × URL [api.URL]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): createObjectURL, revokeObjectURL, hash, host, hostname, href, length, name, origin, password, pathname, port, protocol, search, username, toJSON
Found 19 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WebGL2RenderingContext.json:
→ 5 × bufferSubData [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.bufferSubData]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × clearBufferfv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.clearBufferfv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × clearBufferiv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.clearBufferiv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × clearBufferuiv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.clearBufferuiv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × compressedTexImage3D [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.compressedTexImage3D]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × getBufferSubData [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.getBufferSubData]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × texImage3D [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.texImage3D]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × texSubImage3D [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.texSubImage3D]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix2fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix2fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix2x3fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix2x3fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix2x4fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix2x4fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix3fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix3fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix3x2fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix3x2fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix3x4fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix3x4fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix4fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix4fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix4x2fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix4x2fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix4x3fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix4x3fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × vertexAttribI4iv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribI4iv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × vertexAttribI4uiv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribI4uiv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
Found 7 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WebGLRenderingContext.json:
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.compressedTexSubImage2D.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix2fv.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix3fv.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix4fv.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WindowClient.json:
→ 4 × WindowClient [api.WindowClient]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WindowEventHandlers.json:
→ 1 × onbeforeunload [api.WindowEventHandlers.onbeforeunload]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): custom_text_support_removed
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/at-rules/page.json:
→ 1 × page []:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): bleed, marks, size
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/at-rules/viewport.json:
→ 4 × viewport []:
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): orientation, viewport-fit
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): orientation, viewport-fit
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): orientation, viewport-fit, zoom
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): viewport-fit
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/align-self.json:
→ 3 × flex_context []:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): start_end, left_right, baseline, first_last_baseline, stretch
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): start_end, left_right, baseline, first_last_baseline, stretch
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): start_end, left_right, baseline, first_last_baseline, stretch
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/all.json:
→ 2 × all []:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): revert
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): revert
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/clip-path.json:
→ 3 × clip-path []:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): svg
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): svg
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): svg
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/custom-property.json:
→ 1 × custom-property []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): env
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/display.json:
→ 1 × contents []:
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): contents_unusual
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/grid-template-columns.json:
→ 1 × grid-template-columns []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): minmax
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/grid-template-rows.json:
→ 1 × grid-template-rows []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): minmax
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/mask-image.json:
→ 1 × mask-image []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): multiple_mask_images
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/resize.json:
→ 1 × resize []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): block_level_support
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/text-combine-upright.json:
→ 2 × text-combine-upright []:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): digits
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): digits
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/text-underline-position.json:
→ 6 × text-underline-position []:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/touch-action.json:
→ 1 × touch-action []:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): manipulation
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/word-break.json:
→ 1 × word-break []:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): break-word
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/word-spacing.json:
→ 1 × word-spacing []:
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): percentages
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/selectors/fullscreen.json:
→ 2 × fullscreen [css.selectors.fullscreen]:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): all_elements
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): all_elements
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/selectors/placeholder-shown.json:
→ 1 × placeholder-shown [css.selectors.placeholder-shown]:
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): non_text_types
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/selectors/scope.json:
→ 3 × scope [css.selectors.scope]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dom_api
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dom_api
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dom_api
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/types/resolution.json:
→ 1 × resolution [css.types.resolution]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dppx, x
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in html/elements/menu.json:
→ 1 × menu []:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hr_separator
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in html/elements/menuitem.json:
→ 1 × menuitem [html.elements.menuitem]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): disabled
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in http/headers/content-security-policy.json:
→ 1 × script-src [http.headers.csp.script-src]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): external_scripts
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in http/headers/public-key-pins.json:
→ 1 × Public-Key-Pins [http.headers.Public-Key-Pins]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): report-uri
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in http/headers/referrer-policy.json:
→ 2 × Referrer-Policy [http.headers.Referrer-Policy]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animate.json:
→ 1 × animate [svg.elements.animate]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): attributeName, attributeType, to, from, dur, repeatCount
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animateColor.json:
→ 5 × animateColor [svg.elements.animateColor]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animateMotion.json:
→ 1 × animateMotion [svg.elements.animateMotion]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): calcMode, path, keyPoints, rotate, origin
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animateTransform.json:
→ 1 × animateTransform [svg.elements.animateTransform]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to, type
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/color-profile.json:
→ 9 × color-profile [svg.elements.color-profile]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/cursor.json:
→ 4 × cursor [svg.elements.cursor]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/discard.json:
→ 3 × discard [svg.elements.discard]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): begin, href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): begin, href
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): begin, href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/feComposite.json:
→ 3 × feComposite [svg.elements.feComposite]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): k1, k2, k3, k4
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): k1, k2, k3, k4
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): k1, k2, k3, k4
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/hatch.json:
→ 9 × hatch [svg.elements.hatch]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/hatchpath.json:
→ 9 × hatchpath [svg.elements.hatchpath]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/hkern.json:
→ 1 × hkern [svg.elements.hkern]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): g1, g2, k, u1, u2
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/mpath.json:
→ 1 × mpath [svg.elements.mpath]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/tref.json:
→ 4 × tref [svg.elements.tref]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/view.json:
→ 1 × view [svg.elements.view]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): preserveAspectRatio, viewBox, viewTarget, zoomAndPan
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/Atomics.json:
→ 1 × Atomics [javascript.builtins.Atomics]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): add, and, compareExchange, exchange, isLockFree, load, or, store, sub, wait, wake, xor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/Function.json:
→ 1 × name []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): configurable_true, inferred_names
Found 4 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/Intl.json:
→ 1 × Intl [javascript.builtins.Intl]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): NumberFormat, PluralRules
→ 1 × Collator [javascript.builtins.Intl.Collator]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): caseFirst
→ 1 × DateTimeFormat [javascript.builtins.Intl.DateTimeFormat]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): iana_time_zone_names, hourCycle, formatToParts
→ 1 × resolvedOptions [javascript.builtins.Intl.DateTimeFormat.resolvedOptions]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): computed_timezone
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/RegExp.json:
→ 1 × sticky [javascript.builtins.RegExp.sticky]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): prototype_accessor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/SharedArrayBuffer.json:
→ 1 × SharedArrayBuffer [javascript.builtins.SharedArrayBuffer]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): byteLength, slice
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/functions.json:
→ 2 × method_definitions [javascript.functions.method_definitions]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): generator_methods_not_constructable, async_methods, async_generator_methods
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): generator_methods_not_constructable, async_methods, async_generator_methods
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/operators/function_star.json:
→ 1 × function_star [javascript.operators.function_star]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): trailing_comma
Found 2 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/statements.json:
→ 1 × generator_function [javascript.statements.generator_function]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): trailing_comma_in_parameters
→ 3 × import [javascript.statements.import]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dynamic_import
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dynamic_import
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dynamic_import
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/maction.json:
→ 1 × maction [mathml.elements.maction]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): actiontype, href, mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mo.json:
→ 1 × mo []:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): stretchy
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mphantom.json:
→ 1 × mphantom [mathml.elements.mphantom]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mroot.json:
→ 1 × mroot [mathml.elements.mroot]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mrow.json:
→ 1 × mrow [mathml.elements.mrow]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/msqrt.json:
→ 1 × msqrt [mathml.elements.msqrt]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in webextensions/manifest/incognito.json:
→ 1 × incognito [webextensions.manifest.incognito]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): split, not_allowed
Problems in 122 files:
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.json:
→ 9 × AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly [api.AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): delay, direction, duration, easing, endDelay, fill, iterationStart, iterations
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/AudioBufferSourceNode.json:
→ 1 × AudioBufferSourceNode [api.AudioBufferSourceNode]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onended, stop
Found 2 inconsistent feature(s) in api/BaseAudioContext.json:
→ 2 × BaseAudioContext [api.BaseAudioContext]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): audioWorklet, createIIRFilter
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): audioWorklet, createIIRFilter, onstatechange, resume, state
→ 1 × createPeriodicWave [api.BaseAudioContext.createPeriodicWave]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): disableNormalisation_supported
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/BlobEvent.json:
→ 3 × BlobEvent [api.BlobEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): timecode
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): timecode
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): timecode
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Body.json:
→ 2 × Body [api.Body]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): body
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): body
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack.json:
→ 7 × CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack [api.CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): requestFrame
Found 2 inconsistent feature(s) in api/CanvasRenderingContext2D.json:
→ 4 × currentTransform [api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.currentTransform]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DOMMatrix_return_value
→ 1 × isPointInStroke [api.CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInStroke]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Path_parameter
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Console.json:
→ 1 × exception [api.Console.exception]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): substitution_strings
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ConstantSourceNode.json:
→ 3 × ConstantSourceNode [api.ConstantSourceNode]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): offset, onended, start, stop
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onended, start, stop
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onended, start, stop
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Crypto.json:
→ 1 × Crypto [api.Crypto]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getRandomValues
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DOMTokenList.json:
→ 1 × replace [api.DOMTokenList.replace]:
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): boolean_value
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DeviceMotionEvent.json:
→ 1 × DeviceMotionEvent [api.DeviceMotionEvent]:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DeviceMotionEvent
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DeviceOrientationEvent.json:
→ 1 × DeviceOrientationEvent [api.DeviceOrientationEvent]:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DeviceOrientationEvent
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/DocumentTimeline.json:
→ 4 × DocumentTimeline [api.DocumentTimeline]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): DocumentTimeline
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/FetchEvent.json:
→ 3 × FetchEvent [api.FetchEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): navigationPreload, preloadResponse, resultingClientId, targetClientId
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): navigationPreload, preloadResponse, resultingClientId, targetClientId
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): navigationPreload, preloadResponse, request, respondWith, resultingClientId, targetClientId
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/FileSystemDirectoryReader.json:
→ 4 × FileSystemDirectoryReader [api.FileSystemDirectoryReader]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): readEntries
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Gamepad.json:
→ 2 × Gamepad [api.Gamepad]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): displayId
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): displayId
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/GamepadButton.json:
→ 5 × GamepadButton [api.GamepadButton]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): touched
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/GamepadHapticActuator.json:
→ 1 × GamepadHapticActuator [api.GamepadHapticActuator]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): pulse, type
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/GamepadPose.json:
→ 1 × GamepadPose [api.GamepadPose]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): angularAcceleration, angularVelocity, hasOrientation, hasPosition, linearAcceleration, linearVelocity, orientation, position
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/HTMLCanvasElement.json:
→ 1 × toBlob [api.HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Image_quality
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/HTMLOutputElement.json:
→ 1 × HTMLOutputElement [api.HTMLOutputElement]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): labels
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Headers.json:
→ 2 × Headers [api.Headers]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): entries, keys, values
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): entries, keys, values
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ImageBitmap.json:
→ 4 × ImageBitmap [api.ImageBitmap]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, width, close
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, close
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, width
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, width
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/KeyboardEvent.json:
→ 1 × KeyboardEvent [api.KeyboardEvent.KeyboardEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): code_and_key_in_init
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/KeyframeEffect.json:
→ 5 × KeyframeEffect [api.KeyframeEffect]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): composite, iterationComposite, target, getKeyframes
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/KeyframeEffectReadOnly.json:
→ 2 × KeyframeEffectReadOnly [api.KeyframeEffectReadOnly]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getKeyFrames
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getKeyFrames
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaDeviceInfo.json:
→ 3 × MediaDeviceInfo [api.MediaDeviceInfo]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaElementAudioSourceNode.json:
→ 1 × MediaElementAudioSourceNode [api.MediaElementAudioSourceNode]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mediaElement
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaSource.json:
→ 1 × MediaSource [api.MediaSource]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): setLiveSeekableRange, clearLiveSeekableRange
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStream.json:
→ 3 × MediaStream [api.MediaStream]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): MediaStream, active, ended, id, onaddtrack, onremovetrack, addTrack, clone, getAudioTracks, getTrackById, getTracks, getVideoTracks, removeTrack
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): MediaStream, active, ended, id, onaddtrack, onremovetrack, addTrack, clone, getAudioTracks, getTrackById, getTracks, getVideoTracks, removeTrack
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): active, ended, id, onaddtrack, onremovetrack, addTrack, clone, getAudioTracks, getTracks, getVideoTracks, removeTrack
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStreamAudioSourceNode.json:
→ 1 × MediaStreamAudioSourceNode [api.MediaStreamAudioSourceNode]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mediaStream
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStreamTrack.json:
→ 1 × MediaStreamTrack [api.MediaStreamTrack]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): applyConstraints, clone, getCapabilities, getConstraints, getSettings, contentHint, getSources, readonly
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/MediaStreamTrackEvent.json:
→ 1 × MediaStreamTrackEvent [api.MediaStreamTrackEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): track
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/OffscreenCanvas.json:
→ 1 × OffscreenCanvas [api.OffscreenCanvas]:
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): OffscreenCanvas
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Path2D.json:
→ 1 × Path2D [api.Path2D]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): addPath
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PaymentRequest.json:
→ 4 × PaymentRequest [api.PaymentRequest]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): id
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PaymentResponse.json:
→ 4 × PaymentResponse [api.PaymentResponse]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PictureInPicture.json:
→ 3 × PictureInPicture [api.PictureInPicture]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, onresize, width
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, onresize, width
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, onresize, width
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PresentationConnection.json:
→ 1 × PresentationConnection [api.PresentationConnection]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): binaryType, onmessage, terminate
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/PushSubscription.json:
→ 2 × PushSubscription [api.PushSubscription]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON, unsubscribe
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): toJSON, unsubscribe
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCDTMFSender.json:
→ 1 × RTCDTMFSender [api.RTCDTMFSender]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): canInsertDTMF
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCDataChannel.json:
→ 2 × RTCDataChannel [api.RTCDataChannel]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): bufferedAmount, bufferedAmountLowThreshold, id, label, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, negotiated, ordered, protocol, readyState, reliable, stream, onbufferedamountlow, onclose, onerror, onmessage, onopen, close, send, priority
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onbufferedamountlow, priority
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCDataChannelEvent.json:
→ 1 × RTCDataChannelEvent [api.RTCDataChannelEvent]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): RTCDataChannelEvent
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCRtpReceiver.json:
→ 2 × RTCRtpReceiver [api.RTCRtpReceiver]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getStats
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getStats
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCRtpSender.json:
→ 1 × RTCRtpSender [api.RTCRtpSender]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getCapabilities, getParameters, replaceTrack, setParameters
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/RTCSctpTransport.json:
→ 3 × RTCSctpTransport [api.RTCSctpTransport]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onstatechange, state
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onstatechange, state
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onstatechange, state
Found 4 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Request.json:
→ 3 × Request [api.Request]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Request, cache, keepalive, signal
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): Request, keepalive, signal
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): keepalive, signal
→ 2 × Request [api.Request.Request]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): reponse_body_readablestream, readablestream_request_body
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): reponse_body_readablestream, readablestream_request_body, referrer_init, cross_origin_stripped
→ 1 × cache [api.Request.cache]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): only_if_cached
→ 1 × credentials [api.Request.credentials]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): default_same-origin
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/Response.json:
→ 1 × Response [api.Response]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): trailer
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGAnimationElement.json:
→ 2 × SVGAnimationElement [api.SVGAnimationElement]:
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onbegin, onend, onrepeat, targetElement
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onbegin, onend, onrepeat, targetElement
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGClipPathElement.json:
→ 1 × SVGClipPathElement [api.SVGClipPathElement]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): clipPathUnits
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGGraphicsElement.json:
→ 1 × SVGGraphicsElement [api.SVGGraphicsElement]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): transform, getBBox, getCTM, getScreenCTM
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SVGPatternElement.json:
→ 1 × SVGPatternElement [api.SVGPatternElement]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): height, patternContentUnits, patternTransform, patternUnits, width, x, y
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ServiceWorkerContainer.json:
→ 3 × ServiceWorkerContainer [api.ServiceWorkerContainer]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onmessageerror, startMessages
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onmessageerror, startMessages
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onmessageerror, startMessages
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.json:
→ 3 × ServiceWorkerGlobalScope [api.ServiceWorkerGlobalScope]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onabortpayment, oncanmakepayment, onmessageerror, onpaymentrequest
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onabortpayment, oncanmakepayment, onmessageerror, onpaymentrequest
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): onabortpayment, oncanmakepayment, onmessageerror, onpaymentrequest
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/ServiceWorkerRegistration.json:
→ 3 × ServiceWorkerRegistration [api.ServiceWorkerRegistration]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): paymentManager, updateViaCache
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): paymentManager, updateViaCache
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): paymentManager, updateViaCache
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SharedWorkerGlobalScope.json:
→ 1 × SharedWorkerGlobalScope [api.SharedWorkerGlobalScope]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): close
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SourceBuffer.json:
→ 1 × SourceBuffer [api.SourceBuffer]:
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): appendBufferAsync, removeAsync
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/StereoPannerNode.json:
→ 2 × StereoPannerNode [api.StereoPannerNode]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): StereoPannerNode
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): StereoPannerNode
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/SyncManager.json:
→ 2 × SyncManager [api.SyncManager]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getTags
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): getTags
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/TextMetrics.json:
→ 1 × TextMetrics [api.TextMetrics]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): width, advanced_text_metrics
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/TextTrack.json:
→ 2 × TextTrack [api.TextTrack]:
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): sourceBuffer
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): sourceBuffer
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/TouchList.json:
→ 2 × TouchList [api.TouchList]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): identifiedTouch
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): identifiedTouch
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/URL.json:
→ 1 × URL [api.URL]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): createObjectURL, revokeObjectURL, hash, host, hostname, href, length, name, origin, password, pathname, port, protocol, search, username, toJSON
Found 19 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WebGL2RenderingContext.json:
→ 5 × bufferSubData [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.bufferSubData]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × clearBufferfv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.clearBufferfv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × clearBufferiv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.clearBufferiv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × clearBufferuiv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.clearBufferuiv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × compressedTexImage3D [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.compressedTexImage3D]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × getBufferSubData [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.getBufferSubData]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × texImage3D [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.texImage3D]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × texSubImage3D [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.texSubImage3D]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix2fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix2fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix2x3fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix2x3fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix2x4fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix2x4fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix3fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix3fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix3x2fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix3x2fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix3x4fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix3x4fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix4fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix4fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix4x2fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix4x2fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × uniformMatrix4x3fv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix4x3fv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × vertexAttribI4iv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribI4iv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × vertexAttribI4uiv [api.WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribI4uiv]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
Found 7 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WebGLRenderingContext.json:
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.compressedTexSubImage2D.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix2fv.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix3fv.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ 5 × WebGL2 [api.WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix4fv.WebGL2]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): SharedArrayBuffer_as_param
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WindowClient.json:
→ 4 × WindowClient [api.WindowClient]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): ancestorOrigins
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in api/WindowEventHandlers.json:
→ 1 × onbeforeunload [api.WindowEventHandlers.onbeforeunload]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): custom_text_support_removed
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/at-rules/page.json:
→ 1 × page []:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): bleed, marks, size
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/at-rules/viewport.json:
→ 4 × viewport []:
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): orientation, viewport-fit
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): orientation, viewport-fit
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): orientation, viewport-fit, zoom
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): viewport-fit
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/align-self.json:
→ 3 × flex_context []:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): start_end, left_right, baseline, first_last_baseline, stretch
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): start_end, left_right, baseline, first_last_baseline, stretch
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): start_end, left_right, baseline, first_last_baseline, stretch
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/all.json:
→ 2 × all []:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): revert
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): revert
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/clip-path.json:
→ 3 × clip-path []:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): svg
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): svg
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): svg
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/custom-property.json:
→ 1 × custom-property []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): env
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/display.json:
→ 1 × contents []:
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): contents_unusual
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/grid-template-columns.json:
→ 1 × grid-template-columns []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): minmax
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/grid-template-rows.json:
→ 1 × grid-template-rows []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): minmax
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/mask-image.json:
→ 1 × mask-image []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): multiple_mask_images
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/resize.json:
→ 1 × resize []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): block_level_support
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/text-combine-upright.json:
→ 2 × text-combine-upright []:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): digits
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): digits
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/text-underline-position.json:
→ 6 × text-underline-position []:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under, left_right, above_below, auto-pos
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): under
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/touch-action.json:
→ 1 × touch-action []:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): manipulation
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/word-break.json:
→ 1 × word-break []:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): break-word
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/properties/word-spacing.json:
→ 1 × word-spacing []:
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): percentages
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/selectors/fullscreen.json:
→ 2 × fullscreen [css.selectors.fullscreen]:
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): all_elements
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): all_elements
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/selectors/placeholder-shown.json:
→ 1 × placeholder-shown [css.selectors.placeholder-shown]:
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): non_text_types
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/selectors/scope.json:
→ 3 × scope [css.selectors.scope]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dom_api
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dom_api
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dom_api
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in css/types/resolution.json:
→ 1 × resolution [css.types.resolution]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dppx, x
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in html/elements/menu.json:
→ 1 × menu []:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hr_separator
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in html/elements/menuitem.json:
→ 1 × menuitem [html.elements.menuitem]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): disabled
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in http/headers/content-security-policy.json:
→ 1 × script-src [http.headers.csp.script-src]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): external_scripts
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in http/headers/public-key-pins.json:
→ 1 × Public-Key-Pins [http.headers.Public-Key-Pins]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): report-uri
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in http/headers/referrer-policy.json:
→ 2 × Referrer-Policy [http.headers.Referrer-Policy]:
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animate.json:
→ 1 × animate [svg.elements.animate]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): attributeName, attributeType, to, from, dur, repeatCount
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animateColor.json:
→ 5 × animateColor [svg.elements.animateColor]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animateMotion.json:
→ 1 × animateMotion [svg.elements.animateMotion]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): calcMode, path, keyPoints, rotate, origin
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/animateTransform.json:
→ 1 × animateTransform [svg.elements.animateTransform]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): by, from, to, type
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/color-profile.json:
→ 9 × color-profile [svg.elements.color-profile]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): local, name, rendering-intent, xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/cursor.json:
→ 4 × cursor [svg.elements.cursor]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): href, x, y, xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/discard.json:
→ 3 × discard [svg.elements.discard]:
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): begin, href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): begin, href
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): begin, href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/feComposite.json:
→ 3 × feComposite [svg.elements.feComposite]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): k1, k2, k3, k4
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): k1, k2, k3, k4
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): k1, k2, k3, k4
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/hatch.json:
→ 9 × hatch [svg.elements.hatch]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): hatchContentUnits, hatchUnits, href, pitch, rotate, transform, x, y
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/hatchpath.json:
→ 9 × hatchpath [svg.elements.hatchpath]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in edge_mobile, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in opera, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
→ No support in opera_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): d, offset
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/hkern.json:
→ 1 × hkern [svg.elements.hkern]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): g1, g2, k, u1, u2
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/mpath.json:
→ 1 × mpath [svg.elements.mpath]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/tref.json:
→ 4 × tref [svg.elements.tref]:
→ No support in chrome, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
→ No support in chrome_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
→ No support in firefox, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
→ No support in firefox_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): xlink_href
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in svg/elements/view.json:
→ 1 × view [svg.elements.view]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): preserveAspectRatio, viewBox, viewTarget, zoomAndPan
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/Atomics.json:
→ 1 × Atomics [javascript.builtins.Atomics]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): add, and, compareExchange, exchange, isLockFree, load, or, store, sub, wait, wake, xor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/Function.json:
→ 1 × name []:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): configurable_true, inferred_names
Found 4 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/Intl.json:
→ 1 × Intl [javascript.builtins.Intl]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): NumberFormat, PluralRules
→ 1 × Collator [javascript.builtins.Intl.Collator]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): caseFirst
→ 1 × DateTimeFormat [javascript.builtins.Intl.DateTimeFormat]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): iana_time_zone_names, hourCycle, formatToParts
→ 1 × resolvedOptions [javascript.builtins.Intl.DateTimeFormat.resolvedOptions]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): computed_timezone
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/RegExp.json:
→ 1 × sticky [javascript.builtins.RegExp.sticky]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): prototype_accessor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/builtins/SharedArrayBuffer.json:
→ 1 × SharedArrayBuffer [javascript.builtins.SharedArrayBuffer]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): byteLength, slice
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/functions.json:
→ 2 × method_definitions [javascript.functions.method_definitions]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): generator_methods_not_constructable, async_methods, async_generator_methods
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): generator_methods_not_constructable, async_methods, async_generator_methods
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/operators/function_star.json:
→ 1 × function_star [javascript.operators.function_star]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): trailing_comma
Found 2 inconsistent feature(s) in javascript/statements.json:
→ 1 × generator_function [javascript.statements.generator_function]:
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): trailing_comma_in_parameters
→ 3 × import [javascript.statements.import]:
→ No support in webview_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dynamic_import
→ No support in ie, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dynamic_import
→ No support in samsunginternet_android, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): dynamic_import
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/maction.json:
→ 1 × maction [mathml.elements.maction]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): actiontype, href, mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mo.json:
→ 1 × mo []:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): stretchy
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mphantom.json:
→ 1 × mphantom [mathml.elements.mphantom]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mroot.json:
→ 1 × mroot [mathml.elements.mroot]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/mrow.json:
→ 1 × mrow [mathml.elements.mrow]:
→ No support in safari_ios, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in mathml/elements/msqrt.json:
→ 1 × msqrt [mathml.elements.msqrt]:
→ No support in safari, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): mathbackground, mathcolor
Found 1 inconsistent feature(s) in webextensions/manifest/incognito.json:
→ 1 × incognito [webextensions.manifest.incognito]:
→ No support in edge, but this is not declared for sub-feature(s): split, not_allowed
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