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Last active February 18, 2022 13:49
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Explaining default args using javap
import java.time.Instant
object Foo {
case class Timers(
timer1: Long,
timer2: Long =,
timer3: Long
val a = Timers(
timer1 =,
timer3 =
$ javap -c 'Foo$.class'
Compiled from "Foo.scala"
public final class Foo$ {
public static final Foo$ MODULE$;
public static {};
0: new #2 // class Foo$
3: dup
4: invokespecial #22 // Method "<init>":()V
7: putstatic #24 // Field MODULE$:LFoo$;
10: invokestatic #30 // Method java/time/;
13: invokevirtual #34 // Method java/time/Instant.toEpochMilli:()J
16: lstore_0
17: invokestatic #30 // Method java/time/;
20: invokevirtual #34 // Method java/time/Instant.toEpochMilli:()J
23: lstore_2
24: getstatic #37 // Field Foo$Timers$.MODULE$:LFoo$Timers$;
27: invokevirtual #40 // Method Foo$Timers$.apply$default$2:()J
30: lstore 4
32: new #7 // class Foo$Timers
35: dup
36: lload_0
37: lload 4
39: lload_2
40: invokespecial #43 // Method Foo$Timers."<init>":(JJJ)V
43: putstatic #45 // Field a:LFoo$Timers;
46: return
public Foo$Timers a();
0: getstatic #45 // Field a:LFoo$Timers;
3: areturn
$ javap -c 'Foo$Timers$.class'
Compiled from "Foo.scala"
public class Foo$Timers$ extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction3<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, Foo$Timers> implements {
public static final Foo$Timers$ MODULE$;
public long apply$default$2();
0: invokestatic #31 // Method java/time/;
3: invokevirtual #34 // Method java/time/Instant.toEpochMilli:()J
6: lreturn
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cb372 commented Feb 18, 2022

val a is initialized when the Foo$ class is loaded, in the public static {} method. This method does the following:

  1. (invokestatic + invokevirtual) call
  2. (lstore_0) save the resulting long to local variable 0 (it will use it later as the first argument to the Timers constructor)
  3. (invokestatic + invokevirtual) call again
  4. (lstore_2) save the result to local variable 2 (it will use it later as the third argument to the constructor)
  5. (getstatic + invokevirtual) call Foo$Timers$.apply$default$2 (which in turn calls and returns the result)
  6. (lstore 4) save the result to local variable 4 (it will use it later as the second argument to the constructor)
  7. (new + dup) create a new (uninitialized) Timers instance
  8. (lload_0) push local variable 0 onto the stack for use as the first argument to the Timers constructor
  9. (lload 4) push local variable 4 onto the stack for use as the second argument
  10. (lload_2) push local variable 2 onto the stack for use as the third argument
  11. (invokespecial) call the Timers constructor, which pops the 3 args off the stack
  12. (putstatic) save the Timers instance to the field a

So in summary, is called 3 times, once for each constructor arg, so the values could all be different.

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