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## Poker.R | |
## Evaluate poker hands | |
## | |
## by: Christopher Bare | |
############################################################ | |
## define suits and ranks | |
suits <- c('c','d','h','s') | |
ranks <- c(2:10,"J","K","Q","A") | |
suit_names <- c(c="clubs", d="diamonds", h="hearts", s="spades") | |
rank_names <- c(2:10, "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace") | |
new.deck <- function() { | |
deck <- list() | |
i <- 1 | |
for (r in 2:14) { | |
for (s in suits) { | |
deck[[i]] <- list(rank=r, suit=s) | |
class(deck[[i]]) <- 'card' | |
i <- i + 1 | |
} | |
} | |
class(deck) <- 'cardList' | |
return(deck) | |
} | |
deal <- function(deck,n) { | |
hand <- sample(deck,n) | |
hand <- hand[order(rank(hand),suit(hand), decreasing=TRUE)] | |
class(hand) <- "cardList" | |
return(hand) | |
} | |
is.card <- function(x) { | |
return(class(x)=='card') | |
} | |
suit <- function(c) { | |
if (is.card(c)) | |
c$suit | |
else if (is.list(c)) | |
sapply(c, suit) | |
} | |
rank <- function(c) { | |
if (is.card(c)) | |
c$rank | |
else if (is.list(c)) | |
sapply(c, rank) | |
} | |
toString.rank <- function(rank, short=TRUE, plural=FALSE) { | |
if (short) | |
result <- ranks[rank-1] | |
else | |
result <- rank_names[rank-1] | |
if (plural) | |
result <- paste(result,"s",sep="") | |
return(result) | |
} | |
as.rank <- function(s) { | |
sapply(s, function(x) which(ranks==toupper(x))) + 1 | |
} | |
parse_card <- function(string) { | |
card_strings <- strsplit(string,"\\s+")[[1]] | |
# extract rank and suit from each card into parallel vectors | |
card_ranks <- as.rank(sub( | |
pattern="(\\d+|[AKQJ])[cdhs]", | |
replacement="\\1", | |
card_strings, ignore.case=TRUE)) | |
card_suits <- sub( | |
pattern="(\\d+|[AKQJ])([cdhs])", | |
replacement="\\2", | |
card_strings, ignore.case=TRUE) | |
# zip together ranks and suits into cards | |
cards <- mapply(function(r,s) { | |
card <- list(rank=r,suit=s) | |
class(card) <- "card" | |
card | |
}, card_ranks, card_suits, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) | |
class(cards) <- "cardList" | |
return(cards) | |
} | |
toString.card <- function(card) { | |
paste(toString.rank(rank(card)), suit(card), sep="") | |
} | |
toString.cardList <- function(cards) { | |
paste(toString.card(cards), collapse=" ") | |
} | |
toString.pokerHandEvaluation <- function(ev) { | |
ev$string | |
} | |
print.cardList <- function(cards) { | |
cat("cards:\n") | |
print(toString.cardList(cards)) | |
} | |
print.card <- function(card) { | |
print(toString.card(card)) | |
} | |
print.pokerHandEvaluation <- function(ev) { | |
print(ev$string) | |
} | |
evaluate.hand <- function(hand) { | |
runs <- table(rank(hand)) | |
runs <- runs[order(runs, names(runs), decreasing=TRUE)] | |
run.ranks <- as.numeric(names(runs)) | |
flush.suit <- unique(suit(hand)) | |
is.flush <- (length(flush.suit) == 1) | |
highest.rank <- max(rank(hand)) | |
lowest.rank <- min(rank(hand)) | |
is.straight <- all(sort(rank(hand))==seq(lowest.rank, lowest.rank+4, 1)) | |
ev <-list(runs=runs, | |
run.ranks=run.ranks, | |
flush.suit=flush.suit, | |
is.flush=is.flush, | |
highest.rank=highest.rank, | |
lowest.rank=lowest.rank, | |
is.straight=is.straight) | |
class(ev) <- "pokerHandEvaluation" | |
## straight flush | |
if (is.straight && is.flush) { | |
ev$type <- "Straight flush" | |
if (lowest.rank==10) | |
ev$string <- paste("Royal flush in", suit_names[flush.suit]) | |
else | |
ev$string <- paste("Straight flush", | |
toString.rank(highest.rank), "high", | |
"in", suit_names[flush.suit]) | |
} | |
## four of a kind | |
else if (length(runs)==2 && all(runs==c(4,1))) { | |
ev$type <- "Four of a kind" | |
ev$string <- paste("4", toString.rank(run.ranks[1], plural=T)) | |
} | |
## full house | |
else if (length(runs)==2 && all(runs==c(3,2))) { | |
ev$type <- "Full house" | |
ev$string <- paste("Full house", | |
toString.rank(run.ranks[1], plural=T), "and", | |
toString.rank(run.ranks[2], plural=T)) | |
} | |
## flush | |
else if (is.flush) { | |
ev$type <- "Flush" | |
ev$string <- paste("Flush in", suit_names[flush.suit]) | |
} | |
## straight | |
else if (is.straight) { | |
ev$type <- "Straight" | |
ev$string <- paste("Straight", toString.rank(highest.rank), "high") | |
} | |
## three of a kind | |
else if (length(runs)==3 && all(runs==c(3,1,1))) { | |
ev$type <- "Three of a kind" | |
ev$string <- paste("3", toString.rank(run.ranks[1], plural=T)) | |
} | |
## two pairs | |
else if (length(runs)==3 && all(runs==c(2,2,1))) { | |
ev$type <- "Two pairs" | |
ev$string <- paste("two pairs", | |
toString.rank(run.ranks[1], plural=T), "and", | |
toString.rank(run.ranks[2], plural=T)) | |
} | |
## pair | |
else if (length(runs)==4 && all(runs==c(2,1,1,1))) { | |
ev$type <- "Pair" | |
ev$string <- paste("pair of", toString.rank(run.ranks[1], plural=T)) | |
} | |
else { | |
ev$type <- "Nothing" | |
ev$string <- paste("Nothing:", toString(hand)) | |
} | |
return(ev) | |
} | |
## deal a bunch of hands and evaluate them | |
count.hands <- function(n=10) { | |
d <- new.deck() | |
counts <- c(`Straight flush`=0, | |
`Four of a kind`=0, | |
`Full house`=0, | |
`Flush`=0, | |
`Straight`=0, | |
`Three of a kind`=0, | |
`Two pairs`=0, | |
`Pair`=0, | |
`Nothing`=0) | |
for (i in 1:n) { | |
hand <- deal(d,5) | |
ev <- evaluate.hand(hand) | |
counts[[ev$type]] <- counts[[ev$type]] + 1 | |
#print(paste(toString(hand), " - ", ev$string)) | |
} | |
return(counts) | |
} |
## different types of poker hands | |
hand_rf <- parse_card("Ks As 10s Qs Js") | |
hand_sf <- parse_card("4h 5h 6h 7h 8h") | |
hand_4 <- parse_card("4h 4d 7s 4s 4c") | |
hand_fh <- parse_card("Kh Js Ks Kd Jc") | |
hand_s <- parse_card("5h 7d 9s 6c 8") | |
hand_f <- parse_card("Kd 9d 8d 3d 6d") | |
hand_3 <- parse_card("Kd 7s 6s Kh Ks") | |
hand_2p <- parse_card("8h 9c 8d Kc 9h") | |
hand_2 <- parse_card("8h 3d 9c Qs 9h") | |
hand_nothing <- parse_card("3c 7d 10h Js Qh") | |
evaluate.hand(hand_nothing) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_2) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_2p) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_3) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_s) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_f) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_fh) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_4) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_sf) | |
evaluate.hand(hand_rf) | |
count.hands(1000) |
Thanks for posting this! R newb here. I'm struggling to figure out how to apply the parse card function on a data frame of thousands of hands. I'm importing aggregate report full hand/board data from Pio. But I can only seem to use parse_card and evaluate.hand on the first row in the list or dataframe.
hand_list <- read_csv("C:/R/report_OOP_Full_SB_RFI.csv") df_hand_list <- data.frame(hand_list) lst1=list() for(i in 1:ncol(df_hand_list)) { lst1[[i]] <- df_hand_list[ , i] } names(lst1)=colnames(df_hand_list) df_list1 <- data.frame(lst1) lapply_df_list1_parsecard <- (lapply(df_list1, parse_card)) evaluate.hand(lapply_df_list1_parsecard)
This correctly categorizes hand strength for this one flop/hand, but any thoughts on how apply this over many hands?
It looks like you're trying to apply the parse_card and evaluate.hand functions to all rows of a data frame containing thousands of hands from a Pio report. To do this effectively, you can iterate over each row of your data frame, apply the parsing and evaluation functions, and store the results in a new column. Here's a more streamlined approach using dplyr and purrr:
I'm also in development now, and it inspires me a bit. I decided to create this project because there are few resources where you can play poker, and it would be fair and interesting. I've seen such projects here https://qbetscasino.nl/, but there are quite a few of them, and I think this niche is now free, so it's worth creating your own product.
Thanks for posting this! R newb here. I'm struggling to figure out how to apply the parse card function on a data frame of thousands of hands. I'm importing aggregate report full hand/board data from Pio. But I can only seem to use parse_card and evaluate.hand on the first row in the list or dataframe.
This correctly categorizes hand strength for this one flop/hand, but any thoughts on how apply this over many hands?