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Forked from jbaruch/osoPush.groovy
Created October 8, 2011 09:00
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OSO push plugin for Artifactory
* Copyright (C) 2011 JFrog Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@Grab(group = 'org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module = 'http-builder', version = '0.5.1', root = ''),
@Grab(group = 'org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup', module = 'tagsoup', version = '1.2.1', root = '')
]) import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
import org.apache.http.HttpRequestInterceptor
import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity
import org.artifactory.checksum.ChecksumsInfo
import org.artifactory.resource.ResourceStreamHandle
import static*
import static*
import static org.artifactory.repo.RepoPathFactory.create
import static org.artifactory.util.PathUtils.getExtension
executions {
* Artifactory User Execution Plugin for pushing artifacts to Staging Repository (OSO).
* 1. Setup:
* 1.1. Place this script under ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/etc/plugins.
* 1.2. Place profile file under ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/etc/stage.
* Profile file should be a Java properties file and contain 3 parameters: stagingUrl, stagingUsername and stagingPassword
* Example for local Nexus install with default credentials:
* stagingUrl=http://localhost:8081/nexus
* stagingUsername=admin
* stagingPassword=admin123
* 2. Execute POST request authenticated with Artifactory admin user with the following parameters separated by pipe (|):
* 2.1. 'stagingProfile': name of the profile file (without the 'properties' extension).
* E.g. for profile saved in ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/etc/stage/ the parameter will be profile=localOsoDefaultCreds
* 2.2. Query parameters can be one of the two:
* 2.2.1. By directory: defined by parameter 'dir'. The format of the parameter is repo-key/relative-path.
* It's the desired directory URL just without the base Artifactory URL.
* E.g. dir=lib-release-local/org/spacecrafts/spaceship-new-rel/1.0
* 2.2.2. By build properties: any number of 'property=value1,value2,valueN' pairs are allowed, applying "AND" clause both on properties and on property values,
* where the 'property' is the full name of Artifactory property (inc. set name).
* All artifacts with combination of those properties will be pushed.
* E.g.|build.number=143
* 2.3. 'close': whether the staging repository should be closed or not.
* Boolean expression, true by default - the repository will be closed.
* 3. Examples of the request using CURL:
* 3.1. Query by directory, upload only (without closing):
* curl -X POST -v -u admin:password "http://localhost:8090/artifactory/api/plugins/execute/osoPush?params=stagingProfile=localOsoDefaultCreds|close=false|dir=lib-release-local%2Forg%spacecrafts%2Fspaceship-new-rel%2F1.0"
* 3.2. Query by properties:
* curl -X POST -v -u admin:password "http://localhost:8090/artifactory/api/plugins/execute/osoPush?params=stagingProfile=localOsoDefaultCreds||build.number=143"
* */
osoPush() { params ->
try {
//Defaults for success
status = 200
message = 'Artifact successfully staged at OSO'
binding.warnings = []
binding.knownParams = ['stagingProfile': params.stagingProfile, 'async': params.async, 'close': params.close]
binding.stagingProps = validate params
searchResults = findArtifactsBy params
lookupRepoPath = uploadToStagingRepo searchResults
if (!params.close || params.close[0] != 'false') {
//staging repo can be found only if some file was deployed.
if (lookupRepoPath) {
closeStagingRepoWith lookupRepoPath
} else {
handleWarning('No upload occurred. Please check the query parameters.')
if (warnings) {
message = warnings
status = 500
} else {
message = 'Artifact uploaded to OSO, but according to \'close\' parameter the staging repo wasn\'t closed.'
} catch (OsoPushException e) { //aborts during execution
status = e.status
message = e.message
def validate(params) throws OsoPushException {
if (!params) handleError 400, 'Profile and query parameters are mandatory. Please supply them.'
if (!params.stagingProfile) handleError 400, 'Profile name is mandatory. Please supply it.'
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
File propertiesFile = new File(ctx.artifactoryHome.etcDir, "stage/${params.stagingProfile[0]}.properties")
if (!propertiesFile.isFile()) handleError 400, "No profile properties file was found at ${propertiesFile.absolutePath}"
Properties stagingProps = new Properties()
stagingProps.load(new FileReader(propertiesFile))
if (!stagingProps) handleError 400, "Failed to load properties file at ${propertiesFile.absolutePath}. Are the permissions right and is it properly formatted?"
if (!stagingProps.stagingUrl) handleError 400, "Staging Server url is missing from profile properties file. Please add 'stagingUrl' property to ${propertiesFile.absolutePath}"
if (!stagingProps.stagingUsername) handleError 400, "Staging Server username is missing from profile properties file. Please add 'stagingUsername' property to ${propertiesFile.absolutePath}"
if (!stagingProps.stagingPassword) handleError 400, "Staging Server password is missing from profile properties file. Please add 'stagingPassword' property to ${propertiesFile.absolutePath}"
def queryParams = params - knownParams
if (!queryParams) handleError 400, 'Query string is missing from parameters. Please supply \'dir\' or one or more properties.'
def findArtifactsBy(Map params) {
assert params
def queryParams = params - knownParams
assert queryParams //at least one param expected being it 'dir' or some property
def searchResults
if (queryParams.dir) {
String dir = queryParams.dir[0]
def parts = dir.tokenize('/') //first part is repoKey
if (parts.size() < 2) {
handleError 400, "'${dir}' is invalid directory format. Should be 'repoKey/relativePath'."
def path = dir - parts[0]
collectFiles(repositories.getItemInfo(create(parts[0], path)), []).collect {it.repoPath}
} else { //we now only have properties in params
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
searches.itemsByProperties(queryParams.inject(HashMultimap.create()) {query, entry ->
query.putAll entry.key, entry.value //convert [:[]] parameters to SetMulimap acepted by searches
}).grep {repoPath -> //filter files only
//get only files, not directories
def collectFiles(item, files) {
children = repositories.getChildren(item.repoPath)
if (children) {
children.each {child ->
collectFiles(child, files)
} else {
files << item
def uploadToStagingRepo(searchResults) {
assert searchResults != null
def referenceFileRepoPath = null
def backupFileRepoPath = null
searchResults.each {repoPath ->
def artifactUrl = "${stagingProps.stagingUrl}/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/${repoPath.path}"
ResourceStreamHandle content = repositories.getContent(repoPath)
def http = new HTTPBuilder(artifactUrl)
//we don't want to send big jar only to get auth challenge back, so we need preemptive authentication
http.client.addRequestInterceptor({def httpRequest, def httpContext ->
httpRequest.addHeader('Authorization', "Basic ${"${stagingProps.stagingUsername}:${stagingProps.stagingPassword}".getBytes().encodeBase64()}") //strange stuff! bytes won't work! only getBytes()
} as HttpRequestInterceptor)
//as opposite to ordinary input stream we do know the size, so we override regular binary encoder in the encoder registry.
//TODO since we already messing with entity, configure it further to be repeatable org.apache.http.HttpEntity (as it is actually repeatable) for IO errors retries
http.encoder.putAt(BINARY) {ResourceStreamHandle resourceStreamHandle ->
new InputStreamEntity(resourceStreamHandle.inputStream, resourceStreamHandle.size)
try {
http.request(PUT, BINARY) {
body = content
response.success = { resp ->
log.debug "Artifact ${} was successfully put in Staging Server"
backupFileRepoPath = repoPath
if (getExtension(repoPath.path).equalsIgnoreCase('pom')) { //we'd better go with pom
referenceFileRepoPath = repoPath
response.failure = { resp ->
handleError(resp, "Unexpected error while putting ${}")
} finally {
ChecksumsInfo checksumsInfo = repositories.getFileInfo(repoPath).checksumsInfo
putChecksums("${artifactUrl}.md5", checksumsInfo.md5)
putChecksums("${artifactUrl}.sha1", checksumsInfo.sha1)
referenceFileRepoPath = referenceFileRepoPath ?: backupFileRepoPath //if no pom, let's go with some other file
log.debug "The following file will be used for closing stage repository: ${referenceFileRepoPath}"
def putChecksums(url, checksum) {
def http = new HTTPBuilder(url)
http.auth.basic stagingProps.stagingUsername, stagingProps.stagingPassword
http.request(PUT, TEXT) {
body = checksum
response.success = { resp ->
log.debug "$checksum uploaded successfully"
response.failure = { resp ->
handleWarning resp, "Unexpected error while uploading checksum ${checksum}. This might cause staging validation failures, and resulting in unclosed staging repo. Please validate closing manually. Error is"
def closeStagingRepoWith(lookupRepoPath) {
assert lookupRepoPath
//Staging server voodoo. Watch my fingers:
//1. Find all the possible open staging repos and their staging profiles
def stages = getOpenStages()
//2. In those, find staging repo containing RepoPath in question
def stage = findStageByRepoPath(stages, lookupRepoPath)
if (!stage) {
handleWarning "Can't find stage repository matching ${lookupRepoPath} to close. Please close it manually."
//3. Prepare XML instruction for closing the found repo & submit it to appropriate staging profile
def getOpenStages() {
def stages = []
def http = new HTTPBuilder("${stagingProps.stagingUrl}/service/local/staging/profiles")
http.auth.basic stagingProps.stagingUsername, stagingProps.stagingPassword
http.request(GET, XML) {
response.success = { resp, stagingProfiles -> {profile ->
def profileId =
log.debug "Found stage profile $profileId"
profile.stagingRepositoryIds.string.each { stagingRepositoryId ->
def stageId = stagingRepositoryId.text()
log.debug "\tFound open stage $stageId"
stages << [profileId: profileId, stageId: stageId]
response.failure = { resp ->
handleWarning resp, 'Error while getting open stage repositories. This might cause unclosed staging repo. Please validate closing manually. Error is'
def findStageByRepoPath(stages, repoPath) {
assert stages != null //empty list is fine with us, but false by Groovy Truth
assert repoPath
stages.find {stage ->
String stageRepoUrl = "${stagingProps.stagingUrl}/service/local/repositories/${stage.stageId}/content/${repoPath.path}?isLocal"
def http = new HTTPBuilder(stageRepoUrl)
http.auth.basic stagingProps.stagingUsername, stagingProps.stagingPassword
def found = false
http.request(HEAD) {
response.success = {
log.debug "${repoPath} found in ${stage}"
found = true
response.'404' = {
//fine with us, the the repoPath is not there
log.debug "${repoPath} not found in ${stage}"
// handler for any failure status code except of 404:
response.failure = { resp ->
handleWarning resp, "Error while checking ${stage.stageId} repository for presence of ${repoPath}. This might cause unclosed staging repo. Please validate closing manually. Error is"
def closeRepo(stage) {
assert stage
assert stage.stageId
assert stage.profileId
//Build stage repository closing XML
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.promoteRequest {
data {
stagedRepositoryId stage.stageId
description 'Staging completed'
def http = new HTTPBuilder("${stagingProps.stagingUrl}/service/local/staging/profiles/${stage.profileId}/finish")
http.auth.basic stagingProps.stagingUsername, stagingProps.stagingPassword
http.request(POST, TEXT) {
requestContentType = XML
body = writer.toString()
response.success = { resp ->
log.debug 'Staging repo closed succussfully'
response.'400' = {resp, reader ->
slurper = new XmlSlurper(new org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser())
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
def html = slurper.parse reader
handleError(400, html.toString().replaceAll('\u00A0', ' ')) //replace nbsp with regular ones
response.failure = { resp ->
handleWarning resp, "Unexpected error while closing staging repo ${stage.stageId} for profile ${stage.profileId}. This might cause unclosed staging repo. Please validate closing manually. Error is"
def handleError(int status, message) throws OsoPushException {
log.error message
throw new OsoPushException(message: message, status: status)
def handleError(resp, message) throws OsoPushException {
message += ": ${resp.statusLine.reasonPhrase}"
handleError(((int) resp.statusLine.statusCode), message)
def handleWarning(message) {
log.warn message
warnings << message
def handleWarning(resp, message) {
message += ": ${resp.statusLine.reasonPhrase}"
handleWarning message
class OsoPushException extends Exception {
def status
def message
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