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Created July 12, 2023 19:55
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FDR Hunt - Debug Port
index=your_index event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2
(CommandLine="*remote-debugging-port*" OR CommandLine="*remote-debug-port*" )
```Use "NOT ParentBaseFileName=foo" instead of "ParentBaseFileName!=foo" here because ParentBaseFileName may not be recorded in every event and those would get thrown out using !=```
NOT ParentBaseFileName IN ("tuning","goes","here")
| fillnull ParentBaseFileName value="na"
~ identity enrichment here ~
~ asset enrichment here ~
```Rex magic to pull the flags from the CommandLine argument field. We then can count the number of flags and do additional filtering```
| rex field=CommandLine max_match=0 "\-\-(?<Params>.*?)(\s+|(\-\-))"
``` Stats to find individual instances of this occurring ```
| stats values(user) AS user values(email) AS email values(dest_host) AS dest_host values(dest_ip) AS dest_ip dc(CommandLine) AS uniqcmd values(CommandLine) AS CommandLine values(Params) AS values_params dc(Params) as uniqparams by _time dest ParentBaseFileName ImageFileName index
```Tune this for your org. If you see the debug flag being passed with a small number of other parameters, its likely suspect.```
| where uniqparams < 10
``` Stats to roll those instances up by dest ParentBaseFileName ImageFileName so this only fires once for each combination instead of for each CommandLine```
| stats earliest(_time) AS _time values(user) AS user values(email) AS email values(dest_host) AS dest_host values(dest_ip) AS dest_ip dc(CommandLine) AS uniqcmd values(CommandLine) AS CommandLine values(values_params) AS values_params dc(values_params) as uniqparams by dest ParentBaseFileName ImageFileName index
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