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index=your_index event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2
(CommandLine="*remote-debugging-port*" OR CommandLine="*remote-debug-port*" )
```Use "NOT ParentBaseFileName=foo" instead of "ParentBaseFileName!=foo" here because ParentBaseFileName may not be recorded in every event and those would get thrown out using !=```
NOT ParentBaseFileName IN ("tuning","goes","here")
| fillnull ParentBaseFileName value="na"
~ identity enrichment here ~
~ asset enrichment here ~
```Rex magic to pull the flags from the CommandLine argument field. We then can count the number of flags and do additional filtering```
cbecks2 / gist:19f2c8a773e78f2b757ca203173ae823
Created July 10, 2023 17:03
Crowdstrike Browser Downloaded Archive Executions
```This search looks at an archive embedded .lnk file being launched directly from the Browser Tray. This happens if a user opens something from a drive by or HTML Smuggle```
```Create a similar search for other common initial access filetypes like js, cmd, bat, vbs, msi, exe, scr, xll, etc. You will need to remove LinkName below.```
index=your_fdr_index event_platform=Win (event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2)
(LinkName="*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Temp1_*.zip\\*.lnk" OR
LinkName="*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Temp1_*.rar\\*.lnk" OR
LinkName="*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rar$*\\*.lnk" OR
LinkName="*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Temp1_*.iso\\*.lnk" OR
LinkName="*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Temp1_*.vhd\\*.lnk" OR
LinkName="*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Temp1_*.vhdx\\*.lnk" OR
cbecks2 / gist:0fb02238829b5ea21f51a1e71b90b990
Last active December 8, 2023 17:35
MyApps and Excessive App Access
index=app_mso365_index sourcetype="o365:management:activity" ApplicationId=*
```Export of Apps in your tenant(s)```
| lookup EnterpriseAppsList.csv appId AS ApplicationId OUTPUT displayName applicationType assignmentRequired
```The following apps appear to be common amongst most all of our user base. Therefore we are removing them to not inflate counts```
| search NOT displayName IN ("app1", "app2")
```Put your potentailly sensitive apps here. Onboarding system, EDR, service desk related, confluence, etc.```
| eval sensitiveApps=if(match(displayName,"(?i)app3|app4"),"True", "False")
cbecks2 / gist:d92f3ec093d90d40edf973ceb332d9dd
Created July 7, 2023 14:18
Crowdstrike - Hunting ProcessRollup2 Events Initiated by a LNK File
index=your_index event_platform=Win event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 LinkName=*
```Begin binary inclusion list```
(ImageFileName="*\\cmd.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\wscript.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\cscript.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\powershell.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\pwsh.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\rundll32.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\regsvr32.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\msiexec.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\certutil.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\bitsadmin.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\curl.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\msdt.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\odbcconf.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\WindowsTerminal.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\wt.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\expand.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\mshta.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\forfiles.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\xcopy.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\attrib.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\explorer.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\msbuild.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\scriptrunner.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\java.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\javaw.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\python.exe" OR ImageFileName="*\\pythonw.exe" O
cbecks2 / gist:94f4bfc52e519923888027b89eca0445
Created July 3, 2023 19:53
Subsearch for detect_patterns table
This search is designed to work with Crowdstrike FDR data ingested into Splunk. I will leave the exercise to you to translate this into your own SIEM.
``` Identied PatternIds via | inputlookup detect_patterns.csv where description="mything ```
```Join AssociateIndicator events to the process and command that did them. We sub-search for our suspect aid + TargetProcessId combination and use them to look for the associated ProcessRollup2 events.```
``` Process rollup events ```
( `Your FDR Index`
event_simpleName IN (ProcessRollup2,SyntheticProcessRollup2)
CS_Installer, VT Similarity
CS_Installer. Main Icon Hash