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Canbey Bilgili cbilgili

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cbilgili / iconExample.js
Created February 24, 2017 10:15 — forked from flunder/iconExample.js
An example gist trying to show how to implement an icon within a tcomb form in react-native
const Form = t.form.Form;
const postOptions = t.struct({
publication: t.String,
tags: t.String,
more: t.String,
facebook: t.Boolean
const options = {
cbilgili / crud-saga.js
Created December 27, 2016 08:59
Redux CRUD Saga (redux-saga)
import { takeLatest } from 'redux-saga'
import { call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'
import * as actions from './modules/grid'
import * as api from '../lib/api'
export function* fetchGrids(action) {
try {
const grids = yield call(api.GET, 'grids')
yield put(actions.fetchGridsSuccess(grids))
cbilgili /
Created June 2, 2016 11:56 — forked from jhilden/
Setup for using i18n-js together with react-rails i18n-js for server side prerendering

When using react-rails for an internationalized app it makes a lot of sense to use i18n-js for translations, so that you can reuse the the strings from your rails app's .yml files (and all the tooling & services that exist around that).

When you use the prerender feature of react-rails you face 2 problems:

  • The first is that translation.js & i18n.js from i18n-js need to be loaded inside the server-side JS prerendering processes, which is achieved by loading them inside the components.js.
  • The second problem is the server processes need to be aware of the current locale of each HTTP request. This is done by adding a custom renderer and using the before_render hook to configure i18n-js accordingly for each render call.
# Filter payment methods in Spree depending on the shipping name,
# use the following snippet within your activation method to
# make it work:
# CheckoutsController.class_eval { include FilterPaymentMethods }
# The magic happens within the InstanceMethods module, change the
# regexp to fit your needs.
# Kai Krakow,