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Created November 17, 2020 09:06
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Builder Pattern in TypeScript
// 假期建造者 - Builder
export interface VocationBuilder {
* 設定開始日期
* @param {Date} date?
* @returns VocationBuilder
setBeginDate(date?: Date): VocationBuilder;
* 設定結束日期
* @param {Date} date?
* @returns VocationBuilder
setEndDate(date?: Date): VocationBuilder;
* 設定住哪間旅館
* @param {Hotel} hotel?
* @returns VocationBuilder
setHotel(hotel?: Hotel): VocationBuilder;
* 設定吃哪間餐廳
* @param {Restaurant} restaurant?
* @returns VocationBuilder
setRestaurant(restaurant?: Restaurant): VocationBuilder;
* 讓使用者能取得假期物件
* @returns Vocation
create(): Vocation;
// 七天假期建造者 - ConcreteBuilder
export class SevenDaysVocationBuilder implements VocationBuilder {
// 每天經過毫秒數
private PER_DAY_MILLISECONDS: number = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
private beginDate?: Date;
private endDate?: Date;
private hotel?: Hotel;
private restaurant?: Restaurant;
setBeginDate(date?: Date): VocationBuilder {
this.beginDate = date;
return this;
setEndDate(date?: Date): VocationBuilder {
// ... 需滿足假期 7 天相關計算邏輯 ...
if(this.beginDate !== undefined && date !== undefined) {
if(this.diffDays(this.beginDate, date) === 7) {
// 日期剛好差 7 天
this.endDate = date;
} else {
// 日期可能小於或大於 7 天,則依據開始日期 + 7 天
this.endDate = new Date(this.beginDate.getTime() + (7 * this.PER_DAY_MILLISECONDS))
// ...
return this;
setHotel(hotel?: Hotel): VocationBuilder {
this.hotel = hotel;
return this;
setRestaurant(restaurant?: Restaurant): VocationBuilder { = restaurant;
return this;
create(): Vocation {
// 若無設定結束日期,則依據開始日期 + 7 天
if(this.beginDate !== undefined && this.endDate === undefined)
this.endDate = new Date(this.beginDate.getTime() + (7 * this.PER_DAY_MILLISECONDS));
return new Vocation(this.beginDate, this.endDate, this.hotel,;
* 計算差異天數
* @param {Date} date1
* @param {Date} date2
* @returns number
private diffDays(date1: Date, date2: Date): number {
return Math.abs(date1.getTime() - date2.getTime()) / this.PER_DAY_MILLISECONDS;
// 旅館
export class Hotel {
private name: string;
constructor(name: string) { = name;
* 取得名稱
* @returns string
getName(): string {
// ...
// 餐廳
export class Restaurant {
private name: string;
constructor(name: string) { = name;
* 取得名稱
* @returns string
getName(): string {
// ...
// 旅行社 - Director
export class TravelAgency {
private vocationBuilder: VocationBuilder;
constructor(vocationBuilder: VocationBuilder) {
this.vocationBuilder = vocationBuilder;
* 創造假期
* @param {Date} beginDate?
* @param {Date} endDate?
* @param {Hotel} hotel?
* @param {Restaurant} restaurant?
* @returns Vocation
createVocation(beginDate?: Date, endDate?: Date, hotel?: Hotel, restaurant?: Restaurant): Vocation {
return this.vocationBuilder
.setBeginDate(beginDate) // 設定開始日期
.setEndDate(endDate) // 設定結束日期
.setHotel(hotel) // 設定旅館
.setRestaurant(restaurant) // 設定餐廳
// 假期 - Product
export class Vocation {
private beginDate?: Date;
private endDate?: Date;
private hotel?: Hotel;
private restaurant?: Restaurant;
constructor(beginDate?: Date, endDate?: Date, hotel?: Hotel, restaurant?: Restaurant) {
this.beginDate = beginDate;
this.endDate = endDate;
this.hotel = hotel; = restaurant;
* 取得開始日期
* @returns Date
getBeginDate(): Date | undefined {
return this.beginDate;
* 取得結束日期
* @returns Date
getEndDate(): Date | undefined {
return this.endDate;
* 取得旅館
* @returns Hotel
getHotel(): Hotel | undefined {
return this.hotel;
* 取得餐廳
* @returns Restaurant
getRestaurant(): Restaurant | undefined {
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