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Created May 7, 2018 23:04
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map_flat usage examples

This document presents some usage of map_flap family functions. You need to get the feature branch associated to run this code

Get purrr with map_flat functions

Installating from GITHUB

Use can use dev mode to isolate your installed dev version of package

dev_mode(on = TRUE)

Install from PR 502


you can load purrr then


Cloning repo and loading package with devtools::load_all()

If you don’t have a dev purrr clone folder already, you can just clone for this script using a temporary directory.

temp_purrr <- fs::dir_create(fs::file_temp("purrr"))
# feature branch is in cderv's repo not tidyverse's
git2r::clone("", local_path = temp_purrr, branch = "fix-405-map_flat_type")

Use devtools::load_all() to load the dev version of the package

#> Loading purrr
#> Re-compiling purrr

At the end use fs::dir_delete(temp_purrr) to delete. Note that the temp folder will be deleted automaticaly too. Once you have the dev version, you can try the different use cases.

First use case

Let’s say I want to compare the list of GH users that currently have issues still open in some of the repos of different organisations for comparaison.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

Select some repository like tidyr and purrr in the tidyverse or httr, xml2 and usethis in r-lib

repos <- tibble(
  org = c("tidyverse", "r-lib"),
  repo = list(c("tidyr", "purrr"), c("httr", "xml2", "usethis"))

Use gh 📦 to retrieve all open issues

repos <- repos %>%
  unnest() %>%
  # .limit = "Inf" to get all opened issues
  mutate(issues = map2(org, repo, ~ gh("/repos/:org/:repo/issues", org = .x, repo = .y, .limit = "Inf")))
#> Warning: le package 'bindrcpp' a été compilé avec la version R 3.4.4

All the repos do not have the same number of issues open, and there is no reason to.

repos <- repos %>%
  mutate(nb_issues = map_int(issues, length))

This is where map_flat variants can be useful. If we want a result with one vector of GH login by organisation, map_chr() won’t work because of length difference, we need to map then flatten as character (map() %>% flatten())

open_issues_by_org <- repos %>%
  nest(-org) %>%
  mutate(users = map(data,
                     # extract GH login from nested list we obtained by gh package response
                     ~ map_flat_chr(.x$issues, ~ map_chr(.x, c("user", "login"))) %>% unique()))
#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#>   org       data             users     
#>   <chr>     <list>           <list>    
#> 1 tidyverse <tibble [2 x 3]> <chr [50]>
#> 2 r-lib     <tibble [3 x 3]> <chr [67]>

We can continue analysis by unnesting and if users open issues in the two organisation

open_issues_by_org %>%
  unnest(users, .drop = TRUE) %>%
  count(users, sort = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 109 x 2
#>    users              n
#>    <chr>          <int>
#>  1 batpigandme        2
#>  2 cderv              2
#>  3 hadley             2
#>  4 jennybc            2
#>  5 krlmlr             2
#>  6 lorenzwalthert     2
#>  7 romainfrancois     2
#>  8 the-knife          2
#>  9 aaronwolen         1
#> 10 AhuPersonal        1
#> # ... with 99 more rows

A second use case

If we have some text column we want to split and results with a vector of word, it can be useful as sentences may have diffent number of word.

  document_id = c(1, 2),
  text = list(
      "some text with a few word",
      "some text with not a few but word",
      "some text"
      "some other text with a few word",
      "some other text with not a few but word",
      "some other text"
) %>%
  mutate(words = map(text, ~ map_flat_chr(.x, ~ strsplit(.x, " ")[[1]]))) %>%
#> # A tibble: 35 x 2
#>    document_id words
#>          <dbl> <chr>
#>  1           1 some 
#>  2           1 text 
#>  3           1 with 
#>  4           1 a    
#>  5           1 few  
#>  6           1 word 
#>  7           1 some 
#>  8           1 text 
#>  9           1 with 
#> 10           1 not  
#> # ... with 25 more rows

However, for this use case there is tidytext…

Third use case

When scrapping some data to rectangle a website, this can be useful. For example, we want to know which are the categories of coming movies for next week.

#> Le chargement a nécessité le package : xml2
#> Attachement du package : 'xml2'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
#>     as_list
#> Attachement du package : 'rvest'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
#>     pluck

url <- ""

# get list of film coming soon
coming_soon <- url %>%
  read_html() %>%

# create a list that contains information about all coming movies
about_all_coming_movies <- list(
  nb_film = length(coming_soon),
  genre = map_flat_chr(coming_soon, ~ html_nodes(.x, ".cert-runtime-genre span[itemprop='genre']") %>%
                         html_text()) %>% unique(),
  director = coming_soon %>%
    map_flat_chr(~ html_nodes(.x, ".txt-block span[itemprop='director'] span[itemprop='name'] a") %>%
                   html_text()) %>% unique(),
  stars = coming_soon %>%
    map_flat_chr(~ html_nodes(.x, ".txt-block span[itemprop='actors'] span[itemprop='name'] a") %>%
                   html_text() %>% unique())
#> $nb_film
#> [1] 9
#> $genre
#>  [1] "Action"      "Adventure"   "Comedy"      "Sci-Fi"      "Crime"      
#>  [6] "Family"      "Documentary" "Biography"   "Drama"       "Romance"    
#> [11] "Thriller"    "Fantasy"     "Music"      
#> $director
#> [1] "David Leitch"          "Bill Holderman"        "Raja Gosnell"         
#> [4] "Wim Wenders"           "Dominic Cooke"         "Paul Schrader"        
#> [7] "Ron Howard"            "John Cameron Mitchell" "Carla Simón"          
#> $stars
#>  [1] "Josh Brolin"            "Morena Baccarin"       
#>  [3] "Zazie Beetz"            "Brianna Hildebrand"    
#>  [5] "Diane Keaton"           "Jane Fonda"            
#>  [7] "Candice Bergen"         "Mary Steenburgen"      
#>  [9] "Alan Cumming"           "Stanley Tucci"         
#> [11] "Natasha Lyonne"         "Will Arnett"           
#> [13] "Pope Francis"           "Recep Tayyip Erdogan"  
#> [15] "John Kerry"             "Angela Merkel"         
#> [17] "Saoirse Ronan"          "Emily Watson"          
#> [19] "Anne-Marie Duff"        "Samuel West"           
#> [21] "Amanda Seyfried"        "Ethan Hawke"           
#> [23] "Cedric the Entertainer" "Michael Gaston"        
#> [25] "Thandie Newton"         "Emilia Clarke"         
#> [27] "Paul Bettany"           "Alden Ehrenreich"      
#> [29] "Elle Fanning"           "Nicole Kidman"         
#> [31] "Ruth Wilson"            "Joanna Scanlan"        
#> [33] "Laia Artigas"           "Paula Robles"          
#> [35] "Bruna Cusí"             "David Verdaguer"

Fourth use case

Some untidy file to clean. like this one whith one id per line that passes through several nodes. I want the vector or all nodes id.

") %>%
  pull(path) %>%
  map_flat_int(~ strsplit(.x, "-")[[1]] %>% as.integer()) %>%
#> [1] 1 2 6 3 5 7 9
#' ---
#' output:
#' md_document:
#' pandoc_args: [
#' '-f', 'markdown-implicit_figures',
#' '-t', 'commonmark',
#' --wrap=preserve
#' ]
#' ---
#+ setup, include = FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", error = TRUE)
#' This document presents some usage of `map_flap` family functions.
#' You need to get the feature branch associated to run this code
#' # Get purrr with `map_flat` functions
#' ## Installating from GITHUB
#' Use can use dev mode to isolate your installed dev version of package
#+ eval = FALSE
dev_mode(on = TRUE)
#' Install from PR 502
#+ eval = FALSE
#' you can load purrr then
#+ eval = FALSE
#' ## Cloning repo and loading package with devtools::load_all()
#' If you don't have a dev purrr clone folder already, you can just clone for this script
#' using a temporary directory.
temp_purrr <- fs::dir_create(fs::file_temp("purrr"))
# feature branch is in cderv's repo not tidyverse's
#+ results = 'hide'
git2r::clone("", local_path = temp_purrr, branch = "fix-405-map_flat_type")
#' Use `devtools::load_all()` to load the dev version of the package
#+ results = 'hide'
#' At the end use `fs::dir_delete(temp_purrr)` to delete. Note that the temp
#' folder will be deleted automaticaly too.
#' Once you have the dev version, you can try the different use cases.
#' # First use case
#' Let's say I want to compare the list of GH users that currently have issues still
#' open in some of the repos of different organisations for comparaison.
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' Select some repository like tidyr and purrr in the tidyverse or httr, xml2 and usethis in r-lib
repos <- tibble(
org = c("tidyverse", "r-lib"),
repo = list(c("tidyr", "purrr"), c("httr", "xml2", "usethis"))
#' Use gh :package: to retrieve all open issues
repos <- repos %>%
unnest() %>%
# .limit = "Inf" to get all opened issues
mutate(issues = map2(org, repo, ~ gh("/repos/:org/:repo/issues", org = .x, repo = .y, .limit = "Inf")))
#' All the repos do not have the same number of issues open, and there is no reason to.
repos <- repos %>%
mutate(nb_issues = map_int(issues, length))
#' This is where `map_flat` variants can be useful. If we want a result with one
#' vector of GH login by organisation, `map_chr()` won't work because of length difference,
#' we need to map then flatten as character (`map() %>% flatten()`)
open_issues_by_org <- repos %>%
nest(-org) %>%
mutate(users = map(data,
# extract GH login from nested list we obtained by gh package response
~ map_flat_chr(.x$issues, ~ map_chr(.x, c("user", "login"))) %>% unique()))
#' We can continue analysis by unnesting and if users open issues in the two organisation
open_issues_by_org %>%
unnest(users, .drop = TRUE) %>%
count(users, sort = TRUE)
#' # A second use case
#' If we have some text column we want to split and results with a vector of
#' word, it can be useful as sentences may have diffent number of word.
document_id = c(1, 2),
text = list(
"some text with a few word",
"some text with not a few but word",
"some text"
"some other text with a few word",
"some other text with not a few but word",
"some other text"
) %>%
mutate(words = map(text, ~ map_flat_chr(.x, ~ strsplit(.x, " ")[[1]]))) %>%
#' However, for this use case there is tidytext...
#' # Third use case
#' When scrapping some data to _rectangle_ a website, this can be useful. For example,
#' we want to know which are the categories of coming movies for next week.
url <- ""
# get list of film coming soon
coming_soon <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
# create a list that contains information about all coming movies
about_all_coming_movies <- list(
nb_film = length(coming_soon),
genre = map_flat_chr(coming_soon, ~ html_nodes(.x, ".cert-runtime-genre span[itemprop='genre']") %>%
html_text()) %>% unique(),
director = coming_soon %>%
map_flat_chr(~ html_nodes(.x, ".txt-block span[itemprop='director'] span[itemprop='name'] a") %>%
html_text()) %>% unique(),
stars = coming_soon %>%
map_flat_chr(~ html_nodes(.x, ".txt-block span[itemprop='actors'] span[itemprop='name'] a") %>%
html_text() %>% unique())
#' # Fourth use case
#' Some untidy file to clean. like this one whith one id per line
#' that passes through several nodes. I want the vector or all nodes id.
") %>%
pull(path) %>%
map_flat_int(~ strsplit(.x, "-")[[1]] %>% as.integer()) %>%
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