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Created July 27, 2023 14:25
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Sort Text file content in Typescript
import { readLines } from "[email protected]/io/read_lines.ts";
const f= await'tests/timing-for-ci.txt');
let counter = 0
const timedTests = [];
const timed = [];
let test: string;
let time: string;
for await (let line of readLines(f)) {
if (counter === 0) {
test = line
counter = 1
} else if (counter === 1) {
time = line
counter = 2
if (counter === 2) {
test: test,
time: time
counter = 0
timedTests.sort((a, b) => {
const A = a.test;
const B = b.test;
return A.localeCompare(B);
const f= await;
for (let test of timedTests) {
Deno.writeTextFileSync('tests/timing-for-ci.txt', `${test.test}\n`, { append: true})
Deno.writeTextFileSync('tests/timing-for-ci.txt', `${test.time}\n`, { append: true})
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