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Dmitriy Pavlukhin cdiamon

  • Bolt
  • Tallinn, Estonia
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aphyr /
Created October 12, 2020 22:10
Minikanren in Lisp in Prolog
:- use_module(library(pairs)).
:- use_module(library(reif)).
not_in_list(K, L) :-
if_((L = []),
([X | More] = L,
dif(K, X),
not_in_list(K, More))).
zmwangx / No longer able to make public gists
Last active January 8, 2025 23:18
No longer able to make public gists private — message to GitHub

We've been able to toggle visibility of gists since 2014 (, but I just noticed that I can no longer make public gists private. That is, when I edit private gists I still see the "Make Public" button, but not the other way round — there's only a "Delete" button when I edit public gists; the "Make Secret" which should be next to it (as shown in the screencast in the linked blog post) is nowhere to be found. I made a screenshot and a screencast demonstrating the issue, both of which are attached. Could you please confirm this issue? Was this an intentional change, and why? Thank you for your attention.

