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Created June 5, 2014 17:16
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Snakes and Ladders
from Queue import Queue
# Convert a list of prev nodes into a forward path
def backtrace( prev ):
current = 100
path = []
while current > 0:
path.insert( 0, current )
current = prev[ current ]
return path
# BFS can be used to find shortest path on unweighted graph
def BFS( graph, v1, v2 ):
queue = Queue()
queue.put( v1 )
prev = [ -1 for i in xrange( 0, 100 + 1 ) ]
while queue.qsize() > 0:
v = queue.get()
for i in xrange( 1, 100 + 1 ):
if graph[ v ][ i ] == 1 and v < i: # forward edge
if prev[ i ] == -1:
prev[ i ] = v
if i == v2:
return backtrace( prev )
queue.put( i )
print "no path"
# Handle input
test_cases = int( raw_input() )
for case in xrange( 0, test_cases ):
( num_ladders, num_snakes ) = [ int( i ) for i in raw_input().split( "," ) ]
ladders = [ [ int( j ) for j in i.split( "," ) ] for i in raw_input().split( " ") ]
snakes = [ [ int( j ) for j in i.split( "," ) ] for i in raw_input().split() ]
# initialize and populatate graph
graph = [ [ 0 for j in xrange( 0, 100 + 1 ) ] for i in xrange( 0, 100 + 1 ) ]
# normal path
for i in xrange( 1, 100 ):
for j in xrange( 1, 6 + 1 ):
if i + j <= 100:
graph[ i ][ i + j ] = 1
# shortcuts
for pair in ladders:
graph[ pair[ 0 ] ][ pair[ 1 ] ] = 1 # because the graph is directed, we implicitly capture whether an edge is a snake or ladder
for pair in snakes:
graph[ pair[ 0 ] ][ pair[ 1 ] ] = 1
# calculate shortest path between node 1 and 100
path = BFS( graph, 1, 100 )
print len( path ) - 2
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