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Last active January 28, 2021 15:12
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create or replace function uuid_to_muid(id varchar)
returns varchar as
substring(hex_decode_binary(replace(id, '-', '')), 9, 8) ||
substring(hex_decode_binary(replace(id, '-', '')), 1, 8),
'-_ '
create or replace function muid_to_uuid(id varchar(22))
returns varchar(36) as
with uuids as (select
hex_encode(substring(base64_decode_binary(id || ' ', '-_ '), 9, 9), 0) ||
hex_encode(substring(base64_decode_binary(id || ' ', '-_ '), 0, 9), 0) as uuid
select concat(substring(uuid, 0, 8), '-', substring(uuid, 9, 4), '-', substring(uuid, 13, 4), '-', substring(uuid, 17, 4), '-', substring(uuid, 21, 12)) from uuids
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