If you are being barraged by automated recruiter trash, consider using the list below when setting up your email filters.
- thecroxgroup.com
- idctechnologies.com
- dice.com
- cy-tec.com
- panzersolutions.com
- vbeyond.com
- list:(<100023988.xt.local>)
- addisongroup.com
- cynetsystems.com
- quantumworld.us
- thecroxgroup.com
- talentyo.com
- glocalrecruitment.co.uk
- arrowsgroup.com
- codeminded.nl
- sentimus.nl
- upwork.com
- grouponlatam.com
- wavsys.com
- globant.com
- bairesdev.com
Import this within your Gmail -> Settings -> Filters and Blocked Addresses
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'
<title>Mail Filters</title>
<category term='filter'></category>
<title>Mail Filter</title>
<apps:property name='hasTheWord' value='idctechnologies.com OR dice.com OR cy-tec.com OR panzersolutions.com OR vbeyond.com OR addisongroup.com OR cynetsystems.com OR quantumworld.us OR thecroxgroup.com OR talentyo.com OR glocalrecruitment.co.uk OR arrowsgroup.com OR codeminded.nl OR sentimus.nl OR upwork.com OR grouponlatam.com OR wavsys.com OR globant.com OR bairesdev.com'/>
<apps:property name='shouldTrash' value='true'/>
<apps:property name='sizeOperator' value='s_sl'/>
<apps:property name='sizeUnit' value='s_smb'/>