import hail as hl |
import pickle |
import time |
import argparse |
def flip_text(base): |
""" |
:param StringExpression base: Expression of a single base |
:return: StringExpression of flipped base |
:rtype: StringExpression |
""" |
return (hl.switch(base) |
.when('A', 'T') |
.when('T', 'A') |
.when('C', 'G') |
.when('G', 'C') |
.default(base)) |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument("--phenotype", help="name of the sumstat phenotype") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
######################################################################## |
### initialize |
generate_sumstats_table = True |
sumstats_table_location = 'gs://ukbb_prs/sumstats/keytables/ukb-'+phenotype+'-ldpred-sumstats-locus-allele-keyed.kt' |
generate_contig_row_dict = True |
contig_row_dict_location = 'gs://ukbb_prs/sumstats/keytables/contig_row_dict-'+phenotype |
output_location = 'gs://ukbb_prs/prs/UKB_'+phenotype+'_PRS.txt' |
contigs = {'0{}'.format(x):str(x) for x in range(1, 10)} |
bgen_files = 'gs://fc-7d5088b4-7673-45b5-95c2-17ae00a04183/imputed/ukb_imp_chr{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22}_v3.bgen' |
# large block size because we read very little data (due to filtering & ignoring genotypes) |
hl.init(branching_factor=10, min_block_size=2000) |
######################################################################## |
### set up the sumstats table |
if (generate_sumstats_table): |
ss = hl.import_table('gs://ukbb_prs/sumstats/UKB_'+phenotype+'_LDPred.txt', delimiter='\s+', impute=True) |
ss = (ss.annotate(locus=hl.parse_locus(ss.chrom[6:] + ":" + hl.str(ss.pos)), |
alleles=[ss.nt1,ss.nt2]) |
.key_by('locus')) |
ss.write(sumstats_table_location, overwrite=True) |
ss = hl.read_table(sumstats_table_location) |
######################################################################## |
### determine the file locations of the prs variants |
if (generate_contig_row_dict): |
mt = hl.methods.import_bgen(bgen_files, |
[], |
contig_recoding=contigs, |
_row_fields=['file_row_idx']) |
prs_rows = mt.filter_rows(hl.is_defined(ss[mt.locus])).rows() |
print('about to collect') |
# remove all unnecessary data, dropping keys and other irrelevant fields |
prs_rows = prs_rows.key_by() |
prs_rows = prs_rows.select(prs_rows.locus.contig, prs_rows.file_row_idx) |
contig_row_list = prs_rows.collect() |
print('finished collecting') |
contig_reformed = [(x['contig'], x['file_row_idx']) for x in contig_row_list] |
print('reformed') |
from collections import defaultdict |
contig_row_dict = defaultdict(list) |
for k, v in contig_reformed: |
contig_row_dict[k].append(v) |
print('dictionary created') |
with hl.hadoop_open(contig_row_dict_location, 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump(contig_row_dict, f) |
else: |
with hl.hadoop_open(contig_row_dict_location, 'rb') as f: |
contig_row_dict = pickle.load(f) |
######################################################################## |
### Run the PRS |
contig_row_dict2 = {'gs://fc-7d5088b4-7673-45b5-95c2-17ae00a04183/imputed/ukb_imp_chr{contig}_v3.bgen'.format(contig=k): v for k, v in contig_row_dict.items()} |
mt = hl.methods.import_bgen(bgen_files, |
['dosage'], |
sample_file='gs://phenotype_31063/ukb31063.autosomes.sample', |
contig_recoding=contigs, |
_variants_per_file=contig_row_dict2, |
_row_fields=[]) |
sampleids = hl.import_table('gs://ukb31063-mega-gwas/qc/ukb31063.gwas_samples.txt', delimiter='\s+').key_by('s') |
mt = mt.filter_cols(hl.is_defined(sampleids[mt.s])) |
mt = mt.annotate_rows(ss=ss[mt.locus]) |
mt = mt.annotate_rows( |
beta = (hl.case() |
.when(((mt.alleles[0] == mt.ss.nt1) & |
(mt.alleles[1] == mt.ss.nt2)) | |
((flip_text(mt.alleles[0]) == mt.ss.nt1) & |
(flip_text(mt.alleles[1]) == mt.ss.nt2)), |
(-1*mt.ss.ldpred_inf_beta)) |
.when(((mt.alleles[0] == mt.ss.nt2) & |
(mt.alleles[1] == mt.ss.nt1)) | |
((flip_text(mt.alleles[0]) == mt.ss.nt2) & |
(flip_text(mt.alleles[1]) == mt.ss.nt1)), |
mt.ss.ldpred_inf_beta) |
.or_missing())) |
mt = mt.filter_rows(hl.is_defined(mt.beta)) |
mt = mt.annotate_cols(prs=hl.agg.sum(mt.beta * mt.dosage)) |
mt.cols().export(output_location) |