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Created December 10, 2021 22:04
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ClassId SignName
0 Speed limit (20km/h)
1 Speed limit (30km/h)
2 Speed limit (50km/h)
3 Speed limit (60km/h)
4 Speed limit (70km/h)
5 Speed limit (80km/h)
6 End of speed limit (80km/h)
7 Speed limit (100km/h)
8 Speed limit (120km/h)
9 No passing
10 No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons
11 Right-of-way at the next intersection
12 Priority road
13 Yield
14 Stop
15 No vehicles
16 Vehicles over 3.5 metric tons prohibited
17 No entry
18 General caution
19 Dangerous curve to the left
20 Dangerous curve to the right
21 Double curve
22 Bumpy road
23 Slippery road
24 Road narrows on the right
25 Road work
26 Traffic signals
27 Pedestrians
28 Children crossing
29 Bicycles crossing
30 Beware of ice/snow
31 Wild animals crossing
32 End of all speed and passing limits
33 Turn right ahead
34 Turn left ahead
35 Ahead only
36 Go straight or right
37 Go straight or left
38 Keep right
39 Keep left
40 Roundabout mandatory
41 End of no passing
42 End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tons
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