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Created January 13, 2014 21:08
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Infinite scrolling or LongListSelector
<phone:LongListSelector Name="ItemList"
ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
ItemRealized="ItemList_ItemRealized"> <!-- this is the important listener for the scrolling -->
<!-- your items -->
// the offset knob defines after how many "fresh" loaded items (which get visible while scrolling)
// the list should load new items
private int _offsetKnob = 2;
// this is the current page number
public int PageNumber { get; set; }
public YourListControl()
// set page number to first page
PageNumber = 0;
// this listener listens to the event, which is triggered when new items are realized.
// While scrolling new items are shown in the viewport -> so they are realized
// just play with the offsetKnob property to get the correct behavior
private async void ItemList_ItemRealized(object sender, Microsoft.Phone.Controls.ItemRealizationEventArgs e)
// in case the items are not null
// and the items are more than the offset knob
// and they are actual items (could be a list footer too)
if (ItemList.ItemsSource != null && ItemList.ItemsSource.Count >= _offsetKnob && e.ItemKind == LongListSelectorItemKind.Item)
// check if you hit the last item, after which you want to trigger the loading of new items
// that's where you need the offsetKnob
if ((e.Container.Content as Item).Equals(ItemList.ItemsSource[ItemList.ItemsSource.Count - _offsetKnob]))
// load new items and increment PageNumber afterwards
await (DataContext as MainViewModel).UpdateLists(++PageNumber);
// your items
public ObservableCollection<Item> Items { get; set; }
// your items per page
private int _bufferSize = 15;
// populate the Items member
public async Task UpdateLists(int page = 0)
ObservableCollection<Item> items = await GetAllItems(); // or however you want to get your items
// skip page * bufferSize items and take bufferSize items
List<Item> newItems = items.Skip(page * _bufferSize).Take(_bufferSize)).ToList();
if (page > 0)
// append the new items to the end of the list
newItems.ForEach(item =>
// replace all items in case it is the first page
Items = newItems;
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