I hereby claim:
- I am ceejayoz on github.
- I am ceejayoz (https://keybase.io/ceejayoz) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9BCC 91D8 275F 3B05 C759 CEFC 9716 E2DD 96B4 2FE6
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
{"job":"Illuminate\\Events\\CallQueuedHandler@call","data":{"class":"Multibrain\\Handlers\\Events\\FacebookPageConnectedHandler","method":"handle","data":"a:1:{i:0;O:39:\"Multibrain\\Events\\FacebookPageConnected\":1:{s:12:\"facebookPage\";O:45:\"Illuminate\\Contracts\\Database\\ModelIdentifier\":2:{s:5:\"class\";s:23:\"Multibrain\\FacebookPage\";s:2:\"id\";s:1:\"2\";}}}"}} | |
{"job":"Multibrain\\Analytics\\JobHandler@update","data":{"months":4,"key":"analytics:registar:6ae4e30a60db6dfedbf576b806f92f59","account_type":"Multibrain\\FacebookPage","account_id":"2"}} | |
{"job":"Multibrain\\Analytics\\JobHandler@update","data":{"months":4,"key":"analytics:registar:6ae4e30a60db6dfedbf576b806f92f59","account_type":"Multibrain\\FacebookPage","account_id":"2"}} | |
{"job":"Illuminate\\Events\\CallQueuedHandler@call","data":{"class":"Multibrain\\Handlers\\Events\\FacebookPageConnectedHandler","method":"handle","data":"a:1:{i:0;O:39:\"Multibrain\\Events\\FacebookPageConnected\":1:{s:12:\"facebookPage\";O:45:\"Illuminate\\Contr |
tail -f app/storage/logs/laravel.log | while read line ; do echo $line | say ; done |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
INSERT INTO `checklist` (`id`, `type_id`, `setting_key`, `not_empty`, `should_configure`, `must_configure`) | |
(1, 1, 'form', '', 'Most users opt to customize the entry form to some extent.', ''), | |
(2, 1, 'rules', 'You must provide rules governing your promotion.', '', 'You must provide rules governing your promotion.'), | |
(3, 1, 'abbreviated_rules', 'You must provide abbreviated rules.', '', ''); |
[**Please, don't use `mysql_*` functions in new code**](http://bit.ly/phpmsql). They are no longer maintained [and are officially deprecated](http://j.mp/XqV7Lp). See the [**red box**](http://j.mp/Te9zIL)? Learn about [*prepared statements*](http://j.mp/T9hLWi) instead, and use [PDO](http://php.net/pdo) or [MySQLi](http://php.net/mysqli) - [this article](http://j.mp/QEx8IB) will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, [here is a good tutorial](http://j.mp/PoWehJ).
Please, don't use mysql_*
functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://fast.fonts.com/cssapi/b3de3c2a-3625-4aa0-9c59-be2c40df6073.css"/> | |
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font-family:'HelveticaNeueW01-66Medi'; (MediumItalic) | |
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font-family:'HelveticaNeueW01-67MdCn 692713'; | |
font-family:'HelveticaNeueW01-75Bold'; |
$view = new view; | |
$view->name = 'admin_users'; | |
$view->description = ''; | |
$view->tag = ''; | |
$view->view_php = ''; | |
$view->base_table = 'users'; | |
$view->is_cacheable = FALSE; | |
$view->api_version = 2; | |
$view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */ | |
$handler = $view->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default'); |
<?php | |
function classifieds_menu() { | |
$items = array(); | |
$items['admin/classifieds'] = array( | |
'title' => 'Classifieds system', | |
'description' => 'Administer the classifieds system.', | |
'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'), | |
'position' => 'left', |
<?php | |
function google_analytics() { | |
print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; | |
print "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");\n"; | |
print "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src='\" + gaJsHost + \"google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));\n"; | |
print "</script>\n"; | |
print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; | |
print "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-2899761-10\");\n"; | |
print "pageTracker._initData();\n"; |