#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <assert.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
/* A sudoku solver. */ |
/* |
Copyright (c) 2020 Jason Pepas |
Released under the terms of the MIT license. |
See https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT |
*/ |
/* |
Board file format: plain text, 9 lines of 9 numbers (zero for empty box). |
Example: |
530070000 |
600195000 |
098000060 |
800060003 |
400803001 |
700020006 |
060000280 |
000419005 |
000080079 |
*/ |
/* |
Data structures: |
- A 'box' is a set of the remaining possible solutions for a spot in the grid. |
This set is represented as a uint16_t bitvector, with the sudoke numbers 1-9 |
represented as the first 9 bits in the bitvector. |
- A solved box has only one bit set. |
- A 'board' is a 2-dimensional array (9x9) of boxes (bitvectors). |
- A solved board is a 9x9 grid of bitvectors which each have only one item. |
*/ |
/* |
The general approach is to iterate over the board and use logic to reduce |
the number of possible solutions in each box until the board is solved. |
Algorithm: |
- For each row, build a set of the solved numbers in that row, then |
remove those solutions from the remaining possibilities in each of the |
unsolved boxes in that row. |
- Do the same for each column. |
- Do the same for each 3x3 grid. |
- Repeat the above process until either the board is solved, or until |
deadlock is detected (i.e. the board state remains unchanged after an |
iteration). |
*/ |
/* the board. */ |
uint16_t g_board[9][9]; |
/* set all 9 bits in this box. */ |
void board_set_all(int row, int col) { |
uint16_t all_nums = /* 0b0000000111111111 */ 0x1FF; |
g_board[row][col] = all_nums; |
} |
/* convert a number to a bitvector. */ |
uint16_t num_to_bitvec(int num) { |
return 1 << (num-1); |
} |
/* add num to the box's bitvector. */ |
void board_set_num(int row, int col, int num) { |
g_board[row][col] |= num_to_bitvec(num); |
} |
/* count the number of bits which are set in the bitvector. */ |
int count_set_bits(uint16_t box) { |
int set_bits_count = 0; |
int i = 0; |
while (i < 16) { |
if (box & /* 0b1 */ 0x1) { |
set_bits_count++; |
} |
box = (box >> 1); |
i++; |
continue; |
} |
return set_bits_count; |
} |
/* is the box solved? */ |
bool box_is_solved(int row, int col) { |
uint16_t box = g_board[row][col]; |
int bitcount = count_set_bits(box); |
return bitcount == 1; |
} |
/* is the board solved? */ |
bool board_is_solved() { |
int row = 0; |
while (row < 9) { |
/* thanks to @btpnlsl for spotting this bug! */ |
/* see https://gist.github.com/cellularmitosis/5f9b941ba54e56168ae2d667150873b3?permalink_comment_id=5370637#gistcomment-5370637 */ |
int col = 0; |
while (col < 9) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
return false; |
} |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
return true; |
} |
/* return the character representation of the box. */ |
char board_get_ch(int row, int col) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
return '0'; |
} |
uint16_t box = g_board[row][col]; |
uint8_t num = 1; |
while (num < 10) { |
if (box & /* 0b1 */ 0x1) { |
return (char)(num + '0'); |
} |
box = (box >> 1); |
num++; |
continue; |
} |
assert(false); |
exit(2); |
} |
/* print the board state. prints '0' for unsolved boxes. */ |
void print_board() { |
int row = 0; |
while (row < 9) { |
int col = 0; |
while (col < 9) { |
char ch = board_get_ch(row, col); |
putchar(ch); |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
putchar('\n'); |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
} |
/* return the total count of all remaining possibliities in every box. |
a solved board has a possibilities count of 81. */ |
int possibilities_count() { |
int pcount = 0; |
int row = 0; |
while (row < 9) { |
int col = 0; |
while (col < 9) { |
uint16_t box = g_board[row][col]; |
int bitcount = count_set_bits(box); |
pcount += bitcount; |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
return pcount; |
} |
/* read the board in from a file. */ |
void load_board(char* fname) { |
FILE* f = fopen(fname, "r"); |
assert(f != NULL); |
const int bufsize = 110; /* 9+2 per line * 9 lines + 1 null */ |
char buf[bufsize]; |
size_t count = fread(buf, 1, bufsize, f); |
assert(count >= 90); |
fclose(f); |
int i = 0; |
int row = 0; |
while (row < 9) { |
int col = 0; |
while (col < 9) { |
assert (i < bufsize); |
char ch = buf[i]; |
if (ch == '0') { |
board_set_all(row, col); |
} else { |
int num = ch - '0'; |
board_set_num(row, col, num); |
} |
i++; |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
/* skip over the newline. */ |
char ch = buf[i]; |
while (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { |
i++; |
ch = buf[i]; |
continue; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
} |
/* return the combined bitmask of all solved boxes in the row. */ |
uint16_t get_row_solved_bitmask(int row) { |
uint16_t bitmask = 0; |
int col = 0; |
while (col < 9) { |
if (box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
bitmask |= g_board[row][col]; |
} |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
return bitmask; |
} |
/* iterate over the rows, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_rows() { |
int row = 0; |
while (row < 9) { |
uint16_t solved = get_row_solved_bitmask(row); |
int col = 0; |
while (col < 9) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
/* subtract the solved bits from this box. */ |
uint16_t box = g_board[row][col]; |
box &= ~(solved); |
g_board[row][col] = box; |
} |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
} |
/* return the combined bitmask of all solved boxes in the column. */ |
uint16_t get_col_solved_bitmask(int col) { |
uint16_t bitmask = 0; |
int row = 0; |
while (row < 9) { |
if (box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
bitmask |= g_board[row][col]; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
return bitmask; |
} |
/* iterate over the columns, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_columns() { |
int col = 0; |
while (col < 9) { |
uint16_t solved = get_col_solved_bitmask(col); |
int row = 0; |
while (row < 9) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
/* subtract the solved bits from this box. */ |
uint16_t box = g_board[row][col]; |
box &= ~(solved); |
g_board[row][col] = box; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
} |
/* return the combined bitmask of all solved boxes in the grid. */ |
uint16_t get_grid_solved_bitmask(int grid) { |
uint16_t bitmask = 0; |
int first_row = (grid / 3) * 3; |
int first_col = (grid % 3) * 3; |
int row = first_row; |
while (row < (first_row + 3)) { |
int col = first_col; |
while (col < (first_col + 3)) { |
if (box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
bitmask |= g_board[row][col]; |
} |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
return bitmask; |
} |
/* iterate over the grids, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_grids() { |
int grid = 0; |
while (grid < 9) { |
uint16_t solved = get_grid_solved_bitmask(grid); |
int first_row = (grid / 3) * 3; |
int first_col = (grid % 3) * 3; |
int row = first_row; |
while (row < (first_row + 3)) { |
int col = first_col; |
while (col < (first_col + 3)) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
/* subtract the solved bits from this box. */ |
uint16_t box = g_board[row][col]; |
box &= ~(solved); |
g_board[row][col] = box; |
} |
col++; |
continue; |
} |
row++; |
continue; |
} |
grid++; |
continue; |
} |
} |
/* iterate over the board, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_board() { |
iterate_rows(); |
iterate_columns(); |
iterate_grids(); |
} |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { |
load_board(argv[1]); |
int before_pcount = possibilities_count(); |
while (!board_is_solved()) { |
iterate_board(); |
int after_pcount = possibilities_count(); |
if (after_pcount == before_pcount) { |
fprintf(stderr, "Error: don't know how to solve this board.\n"); |
exit(3); |
} else { |
before_pcount = after_pcount; |
continue; |
} |
} |
print_board(); |
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} |
@btpnlsl oh wow! Thanks so much for spotting the bug! Sure I think it would be great if you posted your code here!