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Last active October 17, 2019 01:08
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Baby steps towards structured editing. Progress as of 2019/2/26.

Blog 2019/2/26

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Baby steps towards a structured JSON editor (part 3)

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Progress report for 2019/2/26

Here's a visual treatment for dictionaries (key/value pairs).

["hello", ["world", ["these", "are"]], {"a": 1, "b": 2}, "words", "in", "boxes"]

screen shot 2019-02-27 at 12 45 40 am

#!/usr/bin/env python
# a pyqt script which draws words inside of rounded rectangles.
# see
# see
import sys
import time
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
json_root = ["hello", ["world", ["these", "are"]], {"a": 1, "b": 2}, "words", "in", "boxes"]
# given an rgb triple, return s QColor
def qcolor(rgb):
(r,g,b) = rgb
return QColor(r,g,b,255)
# return a lighter version of a color
def lighter(rgb):
(r,g,b) = rgb
return (
min(255, int(r + ((255-r)/1.15))),
min(255, int(g + ((255-g)/1.15))),
min(255, int(b + ((255-b)/1.15))),
colors = {
"bg": (255,255,255),
"word_border": (0,0,0),
"word": (255,255,255),
"array_border": (0,0,255),
"array": lighter((0,0,255)),
"dict_border": (255,0,0),
"dict": lighter((255,0,0))
# this function will be called on every paint event.
def on_paint(event, painter):
# fill the canvas with white
painter.fillRect(event.rect(), QBrush(qcolor(colors["bg"])))
# paint the words
(x, y) = (20, 20)
paint_json(json_root, painter, x, y)
# recursively paint a json structure, starting at (x,y).
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the json structure.
def paint_json(js, painter, x, y, pad=5):
if isinstance(js, list):
return paint_array(js, painter, x, y, pad)
elif isinstance(js, dict):
return paint_dictionary(js, painter, x, y, pad)
return paint_word_in_box(
"%s" % js, painter, x, y, colors["word"], colors["word_border"], pad
# paint the items of the array in a container box.
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the array.
def paint_array(arr, painter, x, y, pad=5):
# first, paint the container box
(w, h) = size_of_json(arr, painter, pad)
paint_box(painter, x, y, w, h, colors["array"], colors["array_border"])
# now paint the elements inside of the box
y += pad
for j in arr:
x += pad
(jw, jh) = size_of_json(j, painter, pad)
# paint_json(j, painter, x, y + ((h-jh)/2.0), pad)
paint_json(j, painter, x, y, pad)
x += jw
return (w, h)
# paint the key-value pairs of the dictionary in a container box.
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the dictionary.
def paint_dictionary(d, painter, x, y, pad=5):
# first, paint the container box
(w, h) = size_of_json(d, painter, pad)
paint_box(painter, x, y, w, h, colors["dict"], colors["dict_border"])
# now paint the key-value pairs inside the box
y += pad
for k in sorted(d.keys()):
v = d[k]
x += pad
(iw, ih) = size_of_kv_pair((k,v), painter, pad)
paint_kv_pair((k,v), painter, x, y, colors["word_border"], pad)
x += iw
return (w, h)
# paint a linked key-value pair inside a linked pair of boxes.
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the pair.
def paint_kv_pair((k,v), painter, x, y, link_rgb, pad=5):
(kw, kh) = size_of_json(k, painter, pad)
(vw, vh) = size_of_json(v, painter, pad)
paint_json(k, painter, x, y, pad)
paint_json(v, painter, x + kw + pad, y, pad)
# paint the link between the two boxes
# configure the box stroke
pen = QPen()
x + kw, y + (kh/2.0),
x + kw + pad, y + (kh/2.0)
# paint a word inside of a box, starting at (x, y).
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the word.
def paint_word_in_box(text, painter, x, y, rgb, border_rgb, pad=5):
# calculate the size of the text
text_bounds = QFontMetrics(painter.font()).boundingRect(text)
w = pad + text_bounds.width() + pad
h = pad + text_bounds.height() + pad
paint_box(painter, x, y, w, h, rgb, border_rgb)
# configure the text stroke
pen = QPen() # defaults to black
# draw the text
text_top_fudge = -2 # qt text seems to have extra padding on top.
baseline = y + text_bounds.height() + pad + text_top_fudge
pad + x,
return (w, h)
# paint a box (with a border stroke and rounded corners)
def paint_box(painter, x, y, w, h, rgb, border_rgb):
corner_radius = 4
# configure the box stroke
pen = QPen()
# configure the box fill
# draw the box
# note: the rounded corners come out a bit odd.
# see
x, y, w, h,
# calculate the bounding box size of a json structure
def size_of_json(js, painter, pad=5):
if isinstance(js, list):
total_w = pad
total_h = 0
for j in js:
(w, h) = size_of_json(j, painter, pad)
total_w += (w + pad)
total_h = max(total_h, h)
return (total_w, pad + total_h + pad)
elif isinstance(js, dict):
total_w = pad
total_h = 0
for k in sorted(js.keys()):
v = js[k]
(w, h) = size_of_kv_pair((k,v), painter, pad)
total_w += (w + pad)
total_h = max(total_h, h)
return (total_w, pad + total_h + pad)
return size_of_word_in_box("%s" % js, painter, pad)
# calculate the bounding box size of one key-value pair
def size_of_kv_pair((k,v), painter, pad=5):
(kw, kh) = size_of_json(k, painter, pad)
(vw, vh) = size_of_json(v, painter, pad)
return (
kw + pad + vw,
max(kh, vh)
# calculate the bounding box size of a word in a box
def size_of_word_in_box(text, painter, pad=5):
text_bounds = QFontMetrics(painter.font()).boundingRect(text)
w = pad + text_bounds.width() + pad
h = pad + text_bounds.height() + pad
return (w, h)
# a widget which paints words inside of boxes
class WordPainter(QWidget):
def __init__(self, on_paint_fn):
self.on_paint_fn = on_paint_fn
# this gets called every time the widget needs to repaint (e.g. window resize)
def paintEvent(self, event):
then = time.time()
painter = QPainter()
# hmm, these don't seem to do anything?
# painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.TextAntialiasing, True)
# painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
self.on_paint_fn(event, painter)
now = time.time()
elapsed = now - then
print "elapsed: %s" % elapsed
print "fps: %s" % (1.0/elapsed)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = WordPainter(on_paint)
# todo:
# look into painting to a QImage, and then painting that with QPainter.
# perhaps that can be a higher-performance "compositing" option?
# (tradeoff less cpu for more memory usage?)
# todo:
# cache all of the calculated sizes of objects
# note: this could be simpler/faster with monospaced fonts
# todo:
# line-wrapping?
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