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fun fibobacciMemo(n: BigInteger): BigInteger {
var nMinus2 = BigInteger.ZERO
var nMinus1 = BigInteger.ONE
if (n <= BigInteger.ONE) {
return n
var i = BigInteger.ZERO
while (i < n) {
i += BigInteger.ONE
nMinus1 += nMinus2
object Fibonacci {
private val companionMatrix = Matrix22(0, 1, 1, 1)
fun fibonacciFast(n: BigInteger): BigInteger {
val m = Matrix22.monoid().run {
combineTimes(companionMatrix, n)
return m.x01
interface Matrix22Monoid : Monoid<Matrix22> {
override fun empty(): Matrix22 = Matrix22.identity
override fun Matrix22.combine(b: Matrix22): Matrix22 {
val (l00, l01, l10, l11) = this
val (r00, r01, r10, r11) = b
return Matrix22(
l00 * r00 + l01 * r10,
l00 * r01 + l01 * r11,
l10 * r00 + l11 * r10,
l10 * r01 + l11 * r11
data class Matrix22(
val x00: BigInteger,
val x01: BigInteger,
val x10: BigInteger,
val x11: BigInteger
) {
companion object {
val identity = Matrix22(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ONE)
* Exponentiation by squaring
fun <T> Monoid<T>.combineTimes(m: T, k: BigInteger): T {
if (k == BigInteger.ZERO) {
return empty()
if (k == BigInteger.ONE) {
return m
public interface Monoid<A> : Semigroup<A>
public abstract fun empty(): A
class FooSemigroup : Semigroup<Foo>{
override fun Foo.combine(f: Foo): Foo{
return ...
public class Foo extends Semigroup<Foo>{
public Foo combine(Foo other){
return ...
interface HasBinaryOp<T>{
T combine(T other);
T empty();
public interface Semigroup<A> {
public abstract fun A.combine(b: A): A