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Forked from TheSeamau5/autosuggest.elm
Last active March 24, 2017 23:56
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Autosuggest with caching in Elm
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (Html, div, text, input, ul, li)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Task exposing (Task)
import String
main =
{ init = init
, view = view viewSuggestion
, update = update getSuggestions
, subscriptions = subscriptions
data : List String
data =
[ "Arizona"
, "Arkansas"
, "California"
, "Colorado"
, "Delaware"
, "Florida"
, "New York"
, "New Jersey"
, "Pennsylvania"
, "Texas" ]
attemptedSuggestions : String -> Result String (List suggestion) -> Msg suggestion
attemptedSuggestions query result =
case result of
Ok suggestions ->
AddSuggestions query suggestions
Err _ ->
getSuggestions : String -> Task String (List String)
getSuggestions query =
if String.trim query == ""
then "No Query"
|> List.filter (String.startsWith query)
|> Task.succeed)
type alias Model suggestion =
{ cache : Dict String (List suggestion)
, query : String
type Msg suggestion
= Query String
| AddSuggestions String (List suggestion)
| NoOp
init : (Model suggestion, Cmd (Msg suggestion))
init =
( { cache = Dict.empty
, query = ""
, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model suggestion -> Sub (Msg suggestion)
subscriptions model =
update : (String -> Task String (List suggestion))
-> Msg suggestion
-> Model suggestion
-> (Model suggestion, Cmd (Msg suggestion))
update getSuggestions msg model =
case msg of
Query query ->
let cmd =
Task.attempt (attemptedSuggestions query) (getSuggestions query)
( { model | query = query }
, cmd )
AddSuggestions query suggestions ->
( { model | cache = Dict.insert query suggestions model.cache }
, Cmd.none )
NoOp ->
( model
, Cmd.none )
view : (suggestion -> Html (Msg suggestion)) -> Model suggestion -> Html (Msg suggestion)
view viewSuggestion model =
let suggestions =
case Dict.get model.query model.cache of
Nothing ->
Just results ->
[ input
[ onInput Query ]
[ ]
, div
( viewSuggestion suggestions ) ]
viewSuggestion : String -> Html a
viewSuggestion suggestion =
[ text suggestion ]
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