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Last active March 14, 2017 21:56
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  • Save cezary/332b9739a94abff7244a33cea5601fba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const animationFrame = () => new Promise(window.requestAnimationFrame);
const load = (el=window) => new Promise(resolve => el.onload = resolve);
const timeout = (time) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time))
const animationFrame = () => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
const loop = async (draw=function(){}) => {
let lastTimestamp = 0;
let playing = true;
setTimeout(() => playing = false, 20);
while (playing) {
let timestamp = await animationFrame();
let delta = lastTimestamp ? timestamp - lastTimestamp : 0;
draw({ delta, timestamp });
lastTimestamp = timestamp;
let count = 0;
loop(({ delta, timestamp }) => {
console.log('delta', delta);
console.log('ts', timestamp);
console.log('count', count++);
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