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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Gantry Vision Code
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
void setTo(Mat &img, char from, char to){
int n = img.rows * img.cols;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
char &curr =<char>(i);
if(curr == from) curr = to;
void setForeground(Mat &img, char fgId, char fgVal, char bgVal){
int n = img.rows * img.cols;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
char &curr =<char>(i);
curr = (curr == fgId) ? fgVal : bgVal;
void doKMeans(Mat &img, int k){
TermCriteria tc(TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 10, 1.0);
int flags = KMEANS_PP_CENTERS;
Mat kmeansIn = img.reshape(1, img.rows*img.cols);
Mat colVecD, bestLabels, centers, clustered;
kmeansIn.convertTo(colVecD, CV_32FC3, 1.0/255.0);
double compactness = kmeans(colVecD, k, bestLabels, tc, 1, flags, centers);
bestLabels = bestLabels.reshape(1, img.rows);
bestLabels.convertTo(bestLabels, CV_8U);
img = bestLabels;
float maxVal = -1; int foreground = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < centers.rows; i++){
float center =<float>(i);
if(center > maxVal){
maxVal = center;
foreground = i;
setForeground(img, foreground, 1, 0);
void doDilate(Mat &img, int size){
Size s(size, size);
Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, s);
dilate(img, img,element);
vector<vector<Point>> getContours(Mat &img, float sizeMin, float sizeMax){
float pixels = img.rows * img.cols;
vector<vector<Point>> contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
findContours(img.clone(), contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
vector<vector<Point>> passContours;
for(int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++){
float size = contourArea(contours[i]) / pixels;
RotatedRect rr = minAreaRect(contours[i]);
float ar = float(rr.size.width) / rr.size.height;
if( (size > sizeMin && size < sizeMax) && (ar > 0.9 && ar < 1.1) ){
return passContours;
Point2f getFiducial(Mat &img, int dilateSize, float sizeMin, float sizeMax,
float shrinkFactor, int colorGroups){
int rows = img.rows / shrinkFactor;
int cols = img.cols / shrinkFactor;
int pixels = rows * cols;
Size s(cols, rows);
resize(img, img, s);
doKMeans(img, colorGroups);
doDilate(img, dilateSize);
vector<vector<Point>> contours = getContours(img, sizeMin, sizeMax);
cout << "Found " << contours.size() << " Contours of proper size." << endl;
setTo(img, 1, 128);
namedWindow("MyWindow", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //create a window with the name "MyWindow"
imshow("MyWindow", img); //display the image which is stored in the 'img' in the "MyWindow" window
waitKey(0); //wait infinite time for a keypress
destroyWindow("MyWindow"); //destroy the window with the name, "MyWindow"
for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++){
drawContours(img, contours, i, Scalar(255) );
if (contours.size() != 1) {
cout << "ERROR: ERROR: ERROR" << endl;
return Point(-1,-1);
vector<Point> fidContour = contours[0];
Moments mu = moments(fidContour, false);
Point2f centroid( mu.m10/mu.m00 , mu.m01/mu.m00 );
circle(img, centroid, 3, Scalar(255), -1);
namedWindow("MyWindow", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //create a window with the name "MyWindow"
imshow("MyWindow", img); //display the image which is stored in the 'img' in the "MyWindow" window
waitKey(0); //wait infinite time for a keypress
destroyWindow("MyWindow"); //destroy the window with the name, "MyWindow"
centroid.x /= cols;
centroid.y /= rows;
return centroid;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
if( argc != 3) return 0;
string fileName(argv[1]);
cout << "Finding Fiducial in image: " << fileName << endl;
Mat img = imread(fileName, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (img.empty()){
cout << "Error : Image cannot be loaded..!!" << endl;
return -1;
int dilateSize;
float shrinkFactor;
float sizeMin, sizeMax;
int colorGroups;
string fidType(argv[2]);
if(fidType == "HDI"){
sizeMin = 0.23;
sizeMax = 0.27;
colorGroups = 2;
dilateSize = 3;
shrinkFactor = 8.;
} else if(fidType == "BBM"){
sizeMin = 0.01;
sizeMax = 0.02;
colorGroups = 3;
dilateSize = 3;
shrinkFactor = 8.;
} else {
cout << "Unrecognized Fiducial Type \"" << fidType << "\" Quitting" << endl;
return 0;
Point2f fid = getFiducial(img,dilateSize,sizeMin,sizeMax,shrinkFactor,colorGroups);
cout << "Found fiducial at (" << fid.x << ", " << fid.y << ")" << endl;
return 0;
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <set>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
/** getFocus
* Uses 'LAPV' algorithm (Pech2000)
* As found here:
double getFocus(Mat &img){
int kernelSize = 5;
Mat lap;
Laplacian(img, lap, CV_64F);
Scalar mu, sigma;
meanStdDev(lap, mu, sigma);
double focusMeasure = sigma.val[0]*sigma.val[0];
return focusMeasure;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
if( argc != 2) return 0;
string fileName(argv[1]);
cout << "Finding Focus in image: " << fileName << endl;
Mat img = imread(fileName, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (img.empty()){
cout << "Error : Image cannot be loaded..!!" << endl;
return -1;
double focus = getFocus(img);
cout << "The image focus is: " << focus << endl;
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