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Created July 27, 2011 19:30
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Save cfg/1110171 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate a SecurID token and automatically connect to a Cisco VPN
-- See:
-- Automated token generation and VPN logins
-- Copyright 2010, Corey Gilmore
-- Last Modified: 2010-02-04
set theConnection to "My VPN" -- the name of your VPN connection
set thePin to "" -- set to "" to prompt every time (recommended)
set theApp to "UserNotificationCenter" -- shouldn't have to change this
set theText to "VPN Connection" -- static text to search for in the VPN dialog, likely locale specific
set tokenAppName to "SecurID" -- The name (sans .app) of the SecurID application, possibly locale specific
-- Generate your passcode and open the VPN connection
vpn_connect(thePin, theConnection, theApp, theText, tokenAppName)
-- Helper functions below
-- the actual connection - retrieve the token, initiate the connection and enter the password
on vpn_connect(thePin, theConnection, theApp, theText, tokenAppName)
set thePin to get_user_pin(thePin)
if thePin is false then
display alert "Invalid PIN."
end if
--display alert "PIN: " & thePin
set theToken to get_token(thePin, tokenAppName)
log "gettoken returned: " & theToken
if theToken is not null then
open_vpn_connection(theConnection, theToken, theApp, theText)
display alert "Could not retrieve token, please try again."
end if
end vpn_connect
-- helper method to retrieve the user's PIN if it's not stored
on get_user_pin(thePin)
if thePin is not null and thePin is not "" then return thePin
set dialogResult to display dialog "Enter your PIN:" default answer "" with title "PIN" with hidden answer
if button returned of dialogResult is "OK" then
set thePin to text returned of dialogResult
if thePin is null or thePin = "" then
return false
end if
end if
return thePin
end get_user_pin
-- launch the SecurID application and retrieve the current token
on get_token(userPin, tokenAppName)
set theToken to null
-- quit the app if it's running
tell application "System Events" to set allApps to (get name of every application process)
if allApps contains tokenAppName then
tell application tokenAppName to quit
log "telling " & tokenAppName & " to quit"
delay 0.5 -- arbitrary delay, give the app time to exit
end if
tell application tokenAppName
copy (get the clipboard) to origClip
tell application "System Events"
delay 0.2
keystroke userPin
key code 36
repeat with x from 1 to 20
delay 0.1
keystroke "c" using command down
keystroke "c" using command down -- copy twice because it didn't always work the first time
copy (get the clipboard as string) to theToken
if theToken is origClip then -- if the clipboard hasn't changed, the token hasn't been generated (edge case: clipboard at launch matches the generated token)
-- do nothing
log "Token is: " & theToken
--keystroke "q" using command down
set the clipboard to origClip -- reset the clipboard to what it was before
--return (theToken as string) -- return the token we retrieved
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
log "tell quit"
tell application tokenAppName to quit
log "after quit"
return (theToken as string) -- return the token we retrieved
end get_token
-- Find a window containing specific static text, in a given application
on find_window_by_static_text(appname, staticText)
log "Searching " & appname & " for " & staticText
tell application "System Events"
set allApps to (get name of every application process) -- get all apps
if allApps contains appname then -- find the app if it's running
set allWin to (get every window of application process appname) -- get all the windows for our app
set numWin to count allWin -- count the number of windows
repeat with winNum from 1 to numWin
set aWin to window winNum of application process appname
set allText to (get value of every static text of aWin)
if allText contains staticText then
log "fwbst winnum: " & winNum
return winNum
end if
end repeat
end if
end tell
return null
end find_window_by_static_text
-- Open a given VPN connection and enter the password
on open_vpn_connection(theService, thePassword, theApp, theText)
tell application "System Events"
tell network preferences
connect service theService
end tell
end tell
--delay 2
repeat with x from 1 to 20
log "vc loop " & x
delay 0.1
set winNum to find_window_by_static_text(theApp, theText)
log "winNum is: " & winNum
if winNum is not null then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if winNum is null then
log "Could not find the VPN Connection window"
return null
end if
tell application theApp to activate
tell application "System Events"
perform action "AXRaise" of item winNum of (get every window of application process theApp)
keystroke thePassword
key code 36
end tell
end open_vpn_connection
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