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Created March 15, 2010 07:33
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Save cflewis/332607 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
% A script to show using lparse with optimize statements. Pipe into clasp for nicer output.
#hide cost(_,_).
#hide star(_,_).
#hide main_street(_).
% For some reason, lparse chokes on hotel(1..5). Enumerating them all works.
1 { hotel(1), hotel(2), hotel(3), hotel(4), hotel(5) } 1.
star(1,5). star(2,4). star(3,3). star(4,3). star(5,2).
cost(1,170). cost(2,140). cost(3,90). cost(4,75). cost(5,60).
noisy :- hotel(X), main_street(X).
maximize [ hotel(X) : star(X,Y) = Y ].
minimize [ hotel(X) : cost(X,Y) : star(X,Z) = Y/Z ].
minimize { noisy }.
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