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Created March 27, 2010 22:53
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$stdin.each_line do |prism_line|
# cflewis | 2010-03-27 | Regular expressions to use
# cflewis | 2010-03-27 | eg. x[3] : [0..2] init blank
array_declaration = /(\s*)(\w+)\[(\d+)\]\s+:\s+(\[.*\]\s+init\s+(\w+)\;)/
# cflewis | 2010-03-27 | eg. x[1]
array_usage = /(\w+)\[(\d+)\]/
separator = "__"
# cflewis | 2010-03-27 | For each line, check for array declarations
# and substitute with individual variables
if (prism_line =~ array_declaration)
leading_whitespace = $1
array_name = $2
array_length = $3
tailing_data = $4
array_substitution = ""
for i in (0..Integer(array_length) - 1)
array_substitution = array_substitution +
"#{leading_whitespace}#{array_name}#{separator}#{i} " +
": #{tailing_data} //Substitution by Spectrum\n"
prism_line.gsub!(array_declaration, array_substitution)
# cflewis | 2010-03-27 | Replace all array usages with their
# corresponding expanded variables
prism_line.gsub!(array_usage, '\1' + separator + '\2')
puts prism_line
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