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Created November 30, 2010 23:20
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An attempt at writing a JPF model for ZipFile in Java
package com.cflewis.jpfools.peers;
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.MJIEnv;
public class JPF_java_util_zip_ZipFile {
static ZipFile getZipFile(MJIEnv env, int zipObjectReference) throws IOException {
// You get this from the source itself, it's a private constructor
// that JPF can read
String fileName = env.getStringField(zipObjectReference, "name");
return new ZipFile(fileName);
public static void $clinit (MJIEnv env, int rcls) {
// Don't do this!
public static void $init__Ljava_io_File_2I__V(MJIEnv env, int objectReference, int file, int mode) {
// Do nothing
System.err.println("Something tried to init");
public static long open__Ljava_lang_String_2IJ__J(MJIEnv env, int objectReference, int nameString, int mode, long lastModified) {
System.err.println("Something tried to open");
return 0;
public static void close____V(MJIEnv env, int objectReference) {
// Do nothing
public static int getEntry__Ljava_lang_String_2__Ljava_util_zip_ZipEntry_2(MJIEnv env, int objectReference, int nameString) {
return MJIEnv.NULL;
public static int getInputStream__Ljava_util_zip_ZipEntry_2__Ljava_io_InputStream_2(MJIEnv env, int objectReference, int entryZipEntry) {
return MJIEnv.NULL;
public static int getName____Ljava_lang_String_2(MJIEnv env, int objectReference) throws IOException {
return env.newString(getZipFile(env, objectReference).getName());
public static int size____I(MJIEnv env, int objectReference) throws IOException {
return getZipFile(env,objectReference).size();
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