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Created October 7, 2015 15:36
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<cffunction name="testCidrRange" output="false" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="CIDR" required="true" type="string">
<cfargument name="TestIP" required="true" type="string">
<cfset var CIDRParts = ListToArray(arguments.CIDR, "/")>
<cfset var CIDRAddress = ListToArray(CIDRParts[1], ".")>
<cfset var CIDRMask = CIDRParts[2]>
<cfset var TestIPAddress = ListToArray(arguments.TestIP, ".")>
<cfset var CIDRRealAddress = 0>
<cfset var CIDRRealMask = 0>
<cfset var TestRealAddress = 0>
<cfset var TestIPA = 0>
<cfset var TestIPB = 0>
<cfset var CidrA = 0>
<cfset var CidrB = 0>
<cfset var MaskA = 0>
<cfset var MaskB = 0>
<cfset var x = "">
<!--- Get the integer the CIDR core address represents --->
<cfset CIDRRealAddress = CIDRAddress[4]>
<cfset CIDRRealAddress = CIDRRealAddress
+ CIDRAddress[3] * 256> <!--- 2^8 --->
<cfset CIDRRealAddress = CIDRRealAddress
+ CIDRAddress[2] * 65536> <!--- 2^16 --->
<cfset CIDRRealAddress = CIDRRealAddress
+ CIDRAddress[1] * 16777216> <!--- 2^24 --->
<!--- Get the integer representation of the test IP address --->
<cfset TestRealAddress = TestIPAddress[4]>
<cfset TestRealAddress = TestRealAddress
+ TestIPAddress[3] * 256> <!--- 2^8 --->
<cfset TestRealAddress = TestRealAddress
+ TestIPAddress[2] * 65536> <!--- 2^16 --->
<cfset TestRealAddress = TestRealAddress
+ TestIPAddress[1] * 16777216> <!--- 2^24 --->
<!--- Get the integer representation of the CIDR mask --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#CIDRMask#" index="x">
<cfset CIDRRealMask = CIDRRealMask + 2^(32-x) >
CF's BitAnd() cannot handle 32-bit unsigned integers, we will
break these addresses into numbers denoting their left and right
half bits
<!--- Just the left 16 bits --->
<cfset CidrA = int(CIDRRealAddress / 65536)>
<cfset TestIPA = int(TestRealAddress / 65536)>
<cfset MaskA = int(CIDRRealMask / 65536)>
<!--- Just the right 16 bits --->
<!--- Much more efficient would be to use "mod 65536" but even
this does not support unsigned integers --->
<cfset CidrB = CIDRRealAddress - (CidrA * 65536)>
<cfset TestIPB = TestRealAddress - (TestIPA * 65536)>
<cfset MaskB = CIDRRealMask - (MaskA * 65536)>
<cfif BitAnd(CidrA, MaskA) eq BitAnd(TestIPA, MaskA)
AND BitAnd(CidrB, MaskB) eq BitAnd(TestIPB, MaskB)>
<cfreturn true>
<cfreturn false>
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