By default Progressbar95 has broken sound due to game reading mp3 files as raw format (wav) This script converts all .mp3 files to .wav and renames converted .wav to .mp3
How to use
bash ./ <path_to_game>
Using these can make videos be able to be played natively within whatsapp. Also very helpful to make videos to be a small file size that is still decent quality. For example: to fit as an email attachment to to share with persons who have limted internet bandwidth).
Really long videos may not work or need to be further compressed or split into multiple files (possible to write/find a script to control for this). Size restrictions might change over time currently they are ________?
let cache; webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([["wp_isdev_patch"], {}, r => cache=r.c]); | |
var UserStore = Object.values(cache).find(m => m?.exports?.default?.getUser).exports.default; | |
var actions = Object.values(UserStore._dispatcher._actionHandlers._dependencyGraph.nodes); | |
var user = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); | |
actions.find(n => === "ExperimentStore").actionHandler.CONNECTION_OPEN({ | |
type: "CONNECTION_OPEN", user: {flags: user.flags |= 1}, experiments: [], | |
}); | |
actions.find(n => === "DeveloperExperimentStore").actionHandler.CONNECTION_OPEN(); | |
webpackChunkdiscord_app.pop(); user.flags &= ~1; "done"; |
# Collection of one line text art (◕‿◕✿) | |
Collection of emojis and one line text art like (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 🤗 | |
ּבּ_בּ | |
טּ_טּ | |
כּ‗כּ | |
לּ_לּ | |
מּ_מּ | |
סּ_סּ |
This is a tutorial show how to version your saves using Git.
Q: Why would anyone go through this process?
A: Because if you do, you can undo an otherwise un-undoable action, such as swimming in a pit of lava and accidentally dropping your Notch armpit forged special edition diamond pickaxe and your 35 stacks of cobblestone.