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Created February 27, 2012 18:49
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Potential Solution for testing with CSRF enabled
#In looking into the issue with being able to test with CSRF enabled,
#I've come up with a way to mock this out and wanted to see what you
#guys think before I move on. Here is a sample test of what this
#would look like:
@mock.patch.object(SessionStore, 'get_secure_cookie')
def test_can_add_order(self, mock_session):
mock_session.return_value = {'csrf_token': str(uuid4())}
self.login('[email protected]', admin = True)
response ='order_add'))
form = response.form
form.set('customer', self.test_customer.key.urlsafe())
form.set('origin', self.fake_location.key.urlsafe())
form.set('destination', self.fake_location.key.urlsafe())
form.set('scheduled_pickup_time', '02/15/2012 00:00:00')
form.set('scheduled_delivery_time', '02/15/2012 00:00:00')
form.set('product', self.fake_product.key.urlsafe())
submit_response = form.submit().follow()
submit_response.mustcontain(,, '02/15/2012 00:00:00')
#Essentially what is going on is we are patching the get_secure_cookie function
#on the SessionStore object to return a value that we expect. The code would function
#exactly like it normally would, we are just stubbing out one function. Then inside our test
#we set the return value for the patched function. Running this test in it's current form
#will pass as long as the form has the CSRF hidden filed in the template, if not, this fails
#as expected.
#I'll have to go though each test case and apply the patch to the test cases that needs it,
#and going forward as you write your test, you'll need to apply the patch if applicable.
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