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Corey Garst cgarst

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Script:
# Author: Corey Garst
# Description: This script downloads the NIST NVD feed and extracts a list of Android & iOS app CVEs into an HTML report.
import datetime
import io
import json
import sys
import urllib.request
# Create a "castdevices.txt" file in the same dir as this script, where it's a list of cast device IP addresses.
while read p; do
echo Rebooting $p
curl -Lv -H Content-Type:application/json \
--data-raw '{"params":"now"}' \
done <castdevices.txt
# This script will return the Android Security Patch Level from a system.img image
# Requires android-simg2img from
simg2img system.img system.raw.img
mount -o ro system.raw.img /mnt
grep security_patch /mnt/build.prop
umount /mnt
Total CVE/SVE Patched per Samsung Security Bulletin:
2016-03 16
2016-04 41
2016-05 36
2016-06 37
2016-07 50
Galaxy S6 US Carrier Marshmallow Patches:
T-Mobile SM-G920T:
04/02/16: G920TUVU3EPD1 6.0.1, Security 2016-04-11
06/27/16: G920TUVU4EPF1 6.0.1, Security 2016-06-01
Verizon SM-G920V
04/03/16: G920VVRU4CPC2 6.0.1, Security 2016-04-01
05/27/16: G920VVRU4CPD2 6.0.1, Security 2016-05-01
07/06/16: G920VVRU4CPF2 6.0.1, Security 2016-06-01

Guitar Pro HiDPI Fix for Windows 10

Guitar Pro 6 scales like crap on Windows 10 with HiDPI. This is how it looks on a 13" screen at 3200x1800.

I discovered a possibility of forcing blurry "zoom-scaling" for apps that render weird via an article at PocketNow, however GuitarPro 6 doesn't work at all with the manifest file there. I took a look at the manifest embedded within GuitarPro.exe and found a few differences and was able to create a working file.

Afterwards it looks like this, still at 3200x1800: