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Created April 16, 2018 17:09
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Programming Challenge: Comment in the async or sync version of each function so the output spells "EVIL" then try again to get it to spell "VILE"
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsyncChallenge
internal class Program
// Comment in the async or sync version to try to get the program to print out:
public static Task DoSomethingAsync()
var task = new Task(() => Thread.Sleep(100));
Thread.Sleep(20); // Giving the thread time to start
return task;
// private static Task Four()
// {
// var task = DoSomethingAsync();
// Console.Write("I");
// return task;
// }
// ========== or ==========
// private static async Task Four()
// {
// await DoSomethingAsync();
// Console.Write("I");
// }
// private static Task Three()
// {
// var task = Four();
// Console.Write("L");
// return task;
// }
// ========== or ==========
// private static async Task Three()
// {
// await Four();
// Console.Write("L");
// }
// private static Task Two()
// {
// var task = Three();
// Console.Write("E");
// return task;
// }
// ========== or ==========
// private static async Task Two()
// {
// await Three();
// Console.Write("E");
// }
// private static Task One()
// {
// var task = Two();
// Console.Write("V");
// return task;
// }
// ========== or ==========
// private static async Task One()
// {
// await Two();
// Console.Write("V");
// }
private static void Main()
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(1, 0);
ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(1, 0);
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