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Last active June 24, 2022 14:45
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Helper for creating custom resources in Godot in C# until bug #38191 is fixed
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Godot.Collections;
using Array = Godot.Collections.Array;
/* Example Usage:
// Declare a class with the attribute
public class CustomResource : Resource { ... }
// Later, create new resources with
// Report issues to the gist at:
namespace Godot
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false )]
public sealed class CSharpScriptAttribute : Attribute
public CSharpScriptAttribute( [CallerFilePath] string path = "" )
FilePath = path;
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public static class CSharpScript<T>
where T : class
// TODO: Edit this string to be the project-path of THIS file (backlashes and no '.' prefixes)
private const string __THIS_FILE_PROJ_PATH = "path/to/this/CSharpScript.cs";
private static string __projectPath = null;
private static string __ProjectPath => __projectPath ??= __InitProjectPath();
private static string __InitProjectPath( [CallerFilePath] string callerPath = "" )
callerPath = callerPath.Replace( System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/' );
if (!callerPath.EndsWith( "/" + __THIS_FILE_PROJ_PATH ))
GD.PushError( "Failed to get project path. Project-path of this file may have changed." );
throw new Exception("Failed to get project path. Project-path of this file may have changed.");
return callerPath.Remove( callerPath.Length - __THIS_FILE_PROJ_PATH.Length );
public static string FilePath;
public static string Filename;
public static string ResourcePath => FilePath;
static CSharpScript()
if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( typeof( T ), typeof( CSharpScriptAttribute ) ) is CSharpScriptAttribute attr)
var tmpFilePath = attr.FilePath.Replace( System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/' );
if (!tmpFilePath.BeginsWith( __ProjectPath ))
GD.PushError( $"Can't get script 'res' path: Raw path didn't start with project path" );
FilePath = Filename = "";
if (!tmpFilePath.EndsWith( ".cs" ))
GD.PushError( $"Can't get scritp 'res' path: Raw path didn't end with '.cs'" );
FilePath = Filename = "";
FilePath = "res://" + tmpFilePath.Substring( __ProjectPath.Length );
Filename = FilePath.GetFile();
if (Filename.BaseName() != typeof( T ).Name)
GD.PushError( $"Class name '{ typeof( T ).Name }' doesn't match filename '{ Filename }'" );
FilePath = Filename = typeof(T).Name;
GD.PushError( $"'{nameof( CSharpScriptAttribute )}' missing from the class '{typeof( T ).Name}'." );
private static WeakRef __csharpScript = null; //<CSharpScript>
/// Get the CSharpScript Godot Resource
public static CSharpScript GetCSharpScript()
if (__csharpScript?.GetRef() is CSharpScript scr) { return scr; }
scr = GD.Load<CSharpScript>( ResourcePath );
if (scr != null) { __csharpScript = Godot.Object.WeakRef( scr ); }
else { throw new Exception( "Can't load CSharp Script" ); }
return scr;
/// Returns a new instance of the script.
public static T New()
var script = GetCSharpScript();
var o = script.New();
var t = (T) o;
return t;
catch (Exception e)
GD.PrintErr( "Exception in New(): " + e.ToString() );
return null!;
/// Returns the default value of the specified property.
public static object GetPropertyDefaultValue( string property )
var script = GetCSharpScript();
return script.GetPropertyDefaultValue( property );
/// Returns a dictionary containing constant names and their values.
public static Dictionary GetScriptConstantMap()
var script = GetCSharpScript();
return script.GetScriptConstantMap();
/// Returns the list of methods in this Godot.Script.
public static Array GetScriptMethodList()
var script = GetCSharpScript();
return script.GetScriptMethodList();
/// Returns the list of properties in this Godot.Script.
public static Array GetScriptPropertyList()
var script = GetCSharpScript();
return script.GetScriptPropertyList();
/// Returns the list of user signals defined in this Godot.Script.
public static Array GetScriptSignalList()
var script = GetCSharpScript();
return script.GetScriptSignalList();
/// Returns true if the script, or a base class, defines a signal with the given
/// name.
public static bool HasScriptSignal( string signalName )
var script = GetCSharpScript();
return script?.HasScriptSignal( signalName ) ?? false;
/// Returns true if the script is a tool script. A tool script can run in the editor.
public static bool IsTool()
var script = GetCSharpScript();
return script?.IsTool() ?? false;
public static class CSharpScriptExt
public static string ResourcePath( this Type t )
var sourceInfo = (CSharpScriptAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( t, typeof( CSharpScriptAttribute ) );
if (sourceInfo == null)
GD.PushError( $"Could not file script info. Did you add '{nameof( CSharpScriptAttribute )}' to the class '{t.Name}'?" );
return "";
if (sourceInfo?.FilePath.GetFile().BaseName() != t.Name)
GD.PushError( $"Class and script name mismatch. Class name is '{ t.Name }' for script '{ sourceInfo?.FilePath }'" );
return "";
return sourceInfo?.FilePath ?? "";
public static CSharpScript AsCSharpScript( this Type t )
var scriptPath = ResourcePath( t );
if (scriptPath.Empty()) { throw new Exception( "Can't load CSharp Script" ); }
// Don't worry, it will usually be a cached load
// Also, in tool mode it can get scrapped randomly, so we kinda need to use load each time
return GD.Load<CSharpScript>( scriptPath );
/// Returns a new instance of the script.
public static object New( this Type t )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
// if ( Engine.EditorHint && ! script.IsTool() )
// { GD.PushWarning($"Script is not in tool mode: '{ typeof( T ).Name }'"); }
return script.New();
/// Returns the default value of the specified property.
public static object GetPropertyDefaultValue( this Type t, string property )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
return script.GetPropertyDefaultValue( property );
/// Returns a dictionary containing constant names and their values.
public static Dictionary GetScriptConstantMap( this Type t )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
return script.GetScriptConstantMap();
/// Returns the list of methods in this Godot.Script.
public static Array GetScriptMethodList( this Type t )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
return script.GetScriptMethodList();
/// Returns the list of properties in this Godot.Script.
public static Array GetScriptPropertyList( this Type t )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
return script.GetScriptPropertyList();
/// Returns the list of user signals defined in this Godot.Script.
public static Array GetScriptSignalList( this Type t )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
return script.GetScriptSignalList();
/// Returns true if the script, or a base class, defines a signal with the given
/// name.
public static bool HasScriptSignal( this Type t, string signalName )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
return script?.HasScriptSignal( signalName ) ?? false;
/// Returns true if the script is a tool script. A tool script can run in the editor.
public static bool IsTool( this Type t )
var script = AsCSharpScript( t );
return script?.IsTool() ?? false;
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If folks are interested, I could wrap this and my IO stuff together into an addon. Then the relative path should always be fixed in "addons/..." and wouldn't need this special treatment.

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derkork commented Oct 27, 2021

Nice, I'll give this a spin in my project. The hack isn't super nice, but it's pretty clever and it's the sort of hack you can set and forget, so I can live with that. Now I just need to remember to use the New function for every custom C# script i use instead of just doing new MyClass. Thanks a lot!

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cgbeutler commented Oct 28, 2021

Ok, I wrapped up this attribute and my relative-path file IO stuff into one addon. For those interested, you can try it out or steal whatever code you want from it here:

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