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Last active September 12, 2021 22:30
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K-D Tree
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ull = unsigned long long;
struct point {
int x, y;
point operator-(point v) const { return { x - v.x, y - v.y }; }
ll operator~() const { return ll(x) * x + ll(y) * y; }
template<int LeafSize = 1>
struct kd_tree : vector<point> {
#define A (*this)
point p;
ull dist;
kd_tree(vector<point> const& _): vector(_) {
if(size() > LeafSize) qry<0, 1>(0, size());
template<bool coord = 0, bool is_build = 0>
void qry(int s, int e) {
if(s >= e) return;
if(e - s <= LeafSize) {
for(int i = s; i < e; i++)
dist = min(dist, ull(~(A[i] - p) - 1));
int m = (s + e) >> 1;
if constexpr(is_build) {
nth_element(begin() + s, begin() + m, begin() + e, [](point l, point r) { return coord ? l.x < r.x : l.y < r.y; });
if(m - s > LeafSize) qry<!coord, 1>(s, m);
if(e - m - 1 > LeafSize) qry<!coord, 1>(m + 1, e);
} else {
dist = min(dist, ull(~(A[m] - p) - 1));
int c = (coord ? p.x - A[m].x : p.y - A[m].y);
if(c < 0) {
qry<!coord>(s, m);
if(ll(c) * c < dist + 1) qry<!coord>(m + 1, e);
} else {
qry<!coord>(m + 1, e);
if(ll(c) * c < dist + 1) qry<!coord>(s, m);
auto qry(point q) {
p = q;
dist = ULLONG_MAX;
qry(0, size());
return dist + 1;
#undef A
int main() {
int TC;
cin >> TC;
while(TC--) {
int N;
cin >> N;
vector<point> A(N);
for(auto& [ x, y ] : A)
cin >> x >> y;
kd_tree T(A);
for(auto p : A)
cout << T.qry(p) << '\n';
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC target("avx2")
#define __SSE4_1__
#define __AVX2__
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <experimental/simd>
using namespace std;
using namespace experimental;
using ll = long long;
using ull = unsigned long long;
template<typename T> using sv = native_simd<T>;
struct point { int x, y; };
int N;
point A[100000], B[100000], p;
alignas(memory_alignment_v<sv<int>>) int X[100000], Y[100000];
ull dist;
void upd(int i) {
dist = min(dist, ull((X[i] - p.x)*ll(X[i] - p.x) + (Y[i] - p.y)*ll(Y[i] - p.y) - 1));
constexpr int LeafSize = 172;
template<bool coord = 0, bool is_build = 0>
void qry(int s, int e) {
if(s >= e) return;
if(e - s <= LeafSize) {
int i = s;
sv<ull> d = dist;
for(; i & (d.size() * 2 - 1); i++) upd(i);
for(; i + d.size() * 2 <= e; i += d.size() * 2) {
auto xl = bit_cast<sv<ull>>(sv<int>(X + i, vector_aligned) - p.x);
auto yl = bit_cast<sv<ull>>(sv<int>(Y + i, vector_aligned) - p.y);
auto xh = xl >> 32;
auto yh = yl >> 32;
asm("vpmuldq %1, %2, %0" : "=x"(xl) : "x"(xl), "x"(xl));
asm("vpmuldq %1, %2, %0" : "=x"(yl) : "x"(yl), "x"(yl));
asm("vpmuldq %1, %2, %0" : "=x"(xh) : "x"(xh), "x"(xh));
asm("vpmuldq %1, %2, %0" : "=x"(yh) : "x"(yh), "x"(yh));
d = min(d, min(xl + yl - 1, xh + yh - 1));
dist = min(dist, hmin(d));
for(; i < e; i++) upd(i);
int m = (s + e) >> 1;
if constexpr(is_build) {
nth_element(A + s, A + m, A + e, [](point l, point r) { return coord ? l.x < r.x : l.y < r.y; });
if(m - s > LeafSize) qry<!coord, 1>(s, m);
if(e - m - 1 > LeafSize) qry<!coord, 1>(m + 1, e);
} else {
int c = (coord ? p.x - A[m].x : p.y - A[m].y);
if(c < 0) {
qry<!coord>(s, m);
if(ll(c) * c < dist + 1) qry<!coord>(m + 1, e);
} else {
qry<!coord>(m + 1, e);
if(ll(c) * c < dist + 1) qry<!coord>(s, m);
auto qry(point q) {
p = q;
dist = ULLONG_MAX;
qry(0, N);
return dist + 1;
int main() {
int TC;
cin >> TC;
while(TC--) {
cin >> N;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
cin >> A[i].x >> A[i].y;
copy(A, A + N, B);
if(N > LeafSize) qry<0, 1>(0, N);
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
X[i] = A[i].x, Y[i] = A[i].y;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
cout << qry(B[i]) << '\n';
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