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Christoph Grothaus cgrothaus

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cgrothaus / eBay_Kleinanzeigen_Anzeige_duplizieren.js
Created December 2, 2024 17:02 — forked from J05HI/eBay_Kleinanzeigen_Anzeige_duplizieren.js
Add "reinstate" functionality, refactoring
// ==UserScript==
// @name eBay Kleinanzeigen - Anzeige duplizieren / neu einstellen
// @namespace
// @description Bietet eine "Anzeige duplizieren / neu einstellen" Funktion beim Bearbeiten einer vorhandenen Anzeige in eBay Kleinanzeigen.
// @icon
// @copyright 2024, J05HI (
// @license MIT
// @version 1.4.0
// @match*
// @grant none
cgrothaus / replicated_con_cache.ex
Last active December 13, 2023 09:22
A replicated cache in 60 lines using ConCache and Phoenix PubSub
defmodule MyApp.ReplicatedConCache do
@moduledoc """
Utility to replicate local ConCache operations via Phoenix.PubSub.
Only those ConCache functions that we need are replicated.
- for all relevant cache ids, there is a ConCache instance running on
each node connected to the PubSub system
- these ConCache instances are all configured same (TTL etc.)
cgrothaus / .gitignore
Last active March 18, 2022 15:57
SAP OData metadata documentation generator
# Local environment variables like secrets
# Bundler directory
# Cached rubocop files
# Intermediate output file
KEEP_FORMULAS=(asdf bat fd fzf git htop httpie hub iftop jq ncdu neovim p7zip ruby-build the_silver_searcher tig tmux watch yq z zsh)
declare -A visited_formulas
for formula ($KEEP_FORMULAS); do
echo "Keeping $formula"
cgrothaus / set_game_kata.rb
Created August 25, 2018 14:39
SET game kata
require 'set'
# One solution for the set game kata. It is all about "SET", a card game.
# For details on task to solve and the rules of the game, see
module SetGame
ATTRIBUTES = %i[color shape number shading].freeze
COLORS = %i[red green blue].freeze
cgrothaus / namespace-issue-swagger-spec.yaml
Last active June 5, 2018 14:51
Swagger specification showing a name shadowing issue when generating ruby code with swagger-codegen 2.3.1, see
swagger: "2.0"
version: "1.0"
title: "Namespace issue demo swagger spec"
- application/json
require 'digest'
require 'io/console'
require 'net/http'
# Proxy setup here
http = Net::HTTP # use this for no proxy or if you are fine with ENV var http_proxy
# http = Net::HTTP::Proxy('myproxy.local', '8080') # use this for explicit configuration of proxy within this ruby script
puts '+++++ PASSWORD CHECKER +++++'
print 'Please enter password: '